【Nuclear Explosion: Low magic, technological side, star-level civilization.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Star-level?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of which, if the Green Star people leave Green Star and enter the universe...

Nuclear Explosion: Basically, they can't come back.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see... The Green Star Federation plans to secede?

Nuclear Explosion: There is no way, the cosmological constant changes every once in a while, and the mother star only has outflows but no inflows... It is really not suitable for the development of civilization.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Will Green Star allow it?

Nuclear Explosion: Why not? He is a strange story.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see... So Green Star has sent out many predecessor civilizations?

Nuclear Explosion: According to the clues that have been discovered, this is the case.

Forever Gothic Lolita:?

Nuclear Explosion: Every time a civilization is sent out, Green Star will blur all the information left by this civilization.

Nuclear Explosion: For example, in the 1000th year of the Green Star Calendar, Xia Country, with "cultivators" as the cornerstone, carried out a national "ascension", and the entire evolutionary route was "out of print"...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Xia Country?

Nuclear Explosion: "Xia Country" is a code name, and the specific name is no longer traceable, but from the remaining traces alone, it can be seen that it is a very magical country... Of course, it should be a powerful alien civilization now.

Nuclear Explosion: Even if it has been blurred, the remaining traces of this country are still affecting all aspects of Green Star's contemporary civilization.

Not a Natural Fool: For example, chopsticks, and many delicious dishes.

Nuclear Explosion: ...Why are you so obsessed with food? Even constantly brushing "food" on the extremely precious tickets.

Not a Natural Fool: People live by food.

Nuclear Explosion: ...Conceptual level does not need to eat, bastard!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Food is indispensable!

Not a Natural Fool: That's right! [Handshake.gif]

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Handshake.gif]

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Nuclear Explosion: Okay, although I don't have much hope... The Green Star Federation will buy all the blank tickets with a lot of money, just name the price.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Sorry.

Nuclear Explosion: Forget it, I'm used to it.

Nuclear Explosion: Compared to this, how did you directly draw the conclusion that "Green Star is weird" from the "Midnight Bell" legend of Carmenante?

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's just an irresponsible guess.

Nuclear Explosion: So why do you have such a guess? I have also been to the "Brave Trial" and didn't find anything?

Forever Gothic Lolita: How should I put it... Well, that "Trial World" is too "vast" and the cosmological constant is different. From here, it is easy to associate it with a "real different world".

Not a natural fool: In addition, the "Midnight Bell" legend is so well hidden that there is no trace of it when it is not activated.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Not only did the "midnight bell" leave no trace, but the "fake people" all over the city also made people unable to detect any abnormality...

Not a natural fool: From here, we can boldly guess that "something is helping to cover up Carmenante's abnormality."

Forever Gothic Lolita: With these two pre-conjectures, plus a little bit of fate attainment and a little confidence in one's own perception ability, it is not difficult to guess that "there is a shadow of Green Star behind the Hero Trial."

Nuclear Explosion: This jump is too big! There is no connection between the past and the present! ?

Not a natural fool: So, it is not good to be partial to one subject.

Forever Gothic Lolita:?

Not a natural fool: Generally speaking, when a psychic grows to the conceptual level, no matter how simple the psychic effect as the cornerstone is, he will naturally become a generalist...but this guy is an exception.

Nuclear Explosion: Where does the "general" and "exceptional" come from!

Nuclear Explosion: Counting from your birth, including the other 5 evolutionary routes, there are only 5 concept-level records on Green Star!

Nuclear Explosion: Even if we only consider the number, you two are the "exceptions"!

Not a Natural Fool: You are wrong. The other two, a magician and a demonizer, are not in the same system as the psychics and have no reference value.

Not a Natural Fool: Besides, let alone the concept-level, how many of those S-level psychics are not all-rounders?

Not a Natural Fool: Admit it, you are the "minority".

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: So, what is Uncle Nuclear Explosion's ability?

Nuclear Explosion: Uncle? ? ?

Not a Natural Fool: Super~cool!

Not a Natural Fool: Fission and fusion.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Is that it?

Not a Natural Fool: That's it.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Awesome! The security level around Uncle Nuclear Explosion must be very high.

Not a fool: Even the president can't catch up.

NuclearExplosion: Why does it have to do with security level? I'm a super fighter, okay? I don't need protection at all!

Forever Gothic Lolita: No one will doubt the combat effectiveness of a nuclear warhead.

Not a natural fool: Just like no one will doubt the security level of a nuclear warhead.

Nuclear explosion: ...

Nuclear explosion: I'm not a nuclear warhead that can only explode once and explode as many times as the equivalent!

Not a natural fool: Then why are you kept in an uninhabited area deep in the desert for many years, and even important projects of major academies of science have to fight among themselves before they want special fusion and fission materials?

Nuclear explosion: ...

Not a natural fool: In short, this guy is very biased. When he says fusion and fission, it's just fusion and fission, without any extension.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see.

Nuclear explosion: Damn, I'm biased, so what!

Nuclear explosion: So, how did you associate "Green Star is weird"!

Not a natural fool: Hmm...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Words are too pale to describe that feeling.

Not a natural fool: If I have to say it... "He is there".

Forever Gothic Lolita: Like air, ordinary people can't feel it, but it does exist and is very active.

Not a natural fool: As long as you have some experience in the fate system and stand high enough, you can naturally perceive that huge presence.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Under this premise, He will be very "conspicuous" if he moves casually... Of course, if there is a lack of information, it is impossible to directly equate Him with the green star.

Not a natural fool: But "guessing" is still okay. After all, there are only so many possibilities for the existence of this size.

Nuclear explosion: I see... No wonder the above has a completely "too lazy to keep secrets" attitude towards the concept-level strong... I was wondering before.

Not a natural fool: Because it is meaningless.

Not a natural fool: It's conceptual. Except for the "few" like you who are seriously biased in one subject, if you really want to know what "He" represents, there are always various ways.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of which, how is this "world mission" distributed? 】

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