The ancient city of Feffer is built on the mountain. The highest point of the mountain is the Cathedral of Light where the Pope of the Church of Light sits.

Below the cathedral, various religious buildings are arranged in a circular staircase, staggered and orderly. Looking down from the sky, one can vaguely see some mysterious rules.

Almost one-third of the entire ancient city are religious buildings, and nearly half of them are not open to the public.

As the most capable executor of the Tribunal, Frederick should and does have a residence of his own in the non-open area.

However, for some reason, he never lives there, even when he is the busiest.

A relatively bad unit in the most "low-key" residential area of ​​the ancient city.

The thick curtains were drawn tightly, making the indoor environment extremely dark and stuffy, the plain furniture too monotonous, and the electrical appliances so scarce and old that it made people wonder if they had traveled back to decades ago...

The shadow shuttled here, Lenari looked around, and said to the "boy" sitting on the low-quality wooden bench, looking at him expressionlessly: "I think you need a psychiatrist."

The boy said indifferently: "The psychiatrists who treated me either changed their careers or entered a sanatorium."

"..." After a moment of silence, Lenari decisively skipped the topic, "Do you know 'Iris Thornes'?"

The sky-blue eyes of the boy with short golden hair faded from emptiness and narrowed slightly, with something cold and sticky brewing in them.

Instead of answering, he asked: "'Son of Darkness'?"

Lenari raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Why is there such a 'guess'?"

The blond boy-Frederick pulled his mouth stiffly, revealing a smile that looked extremely bad acting and failed plastic surgery: "I have been observing it for a long time... Ever since I used the Scarlet War Book that I accidentally got to execute its 'lover' Juliet, Iris Thornes has been desperately collecting the Scarlet War Book."

Lenari frowned: "Anyway, it's too rude to use 'it'..."

"In my opinion, all alien bloods are 'it'." Frederick said lightly.

"Including yourself?" Lenari asked.

"Including myself." Frederick said lightly with a "smile".

"..." Lenari was speechless and silently changed the subject, "Although the Scarlet War Letter is rare, it is not rare. Why did you guess that it was the Dark Son? In my case, I would usually guess that it was a relative of Iris, right?"

"You are not a different blood." Frederick said with a "smile", "The Thornes family is a very stubborn old family. All family members are pure different blood-bloods, without "mixed blood"."

"As for the Dark Son..." At this point, Frederick paused, and the "smile" on his face that was very suitable for acting in horror movies Converging, eyes darkened, "I've been observing it for a long time..."

"At first, every time Iris Thornes received the Scarlet Challenge, she would eagerly look for the so-called 'scum who deserved to die' and send them the Challenge... Over the past decade, its standards for 'scum' have gradually relaxed until it began to use 'innocents'." Frederick said indifferently, "I should have executed it long ago... Unfortunately, it knows me too well and has been hiding well."

"...What does this have to do with the Son of Darkness?" Lenari asked puzzled.

"It hid so well that I had to ask for help off-site." Frederick said, "It just so happened that an acquaintance from Team 7 was transferred to the ancient city of Fever. I gave him all the information I collected about Iris and asked him to pass it on to the intelligence department of Team 7 for analysis."

"As a result, I only got a bunch of psychological assessments that were not helpful for the execution, including the conclusion that 'Iris has a strong tendency to self-destruct.'"

"Last month, Iris received another scarlet letter of war and was 'confirmed dead' soon after."

"According to the psychological assessment reports given by Team 7, it is very likely that it will find the 'Son of Darkness' who was in the limelight at the time, and then die in the Scarlet Arena."

"After all, it is also a dark system."

After waiting for a while, seeing that Frederick had no intention of continuing, Lenari was somewhat speechless: "That's all?"

"Of course not only that." Frederick said with a smile.

This time, the blond boy's smile was normal. Not only that, his whole temperament suddenly changed, and he looked gentle and harmless, like a high school student who was ignorant of the world.

"Your way of appearing... you didn't intend to hide it at all, did you?" Frederick said confidently and slightly self-deprecatingly.

Lenari nodded: "Because I am curious about something... Although the method of 'showing strength' is primitive, it is useful enough."

"It is indeed useful." Frederick nodded in agreement."That 'Juliet', why did you kill her?" Lenari asked.

"It was just a normal execution of a criminal." Frederick said calmly, "Only in the inner world, the Green Star Federation has given many forces of varying sizes autonomy... The autonomous region of the Church of Light includes the ancient city of Fever and several surrounding cities."

"That Juliet was dumped by her boyfriend and attempted suicide. She was rescued by Iris and transformed into a vampire, and then began to slaughter the so-called 'scumbag'... We all know that ordinary philandering and breaking up with girlfriends do not constitute crimes."

Lenari nodded. What Frederick said was similar to the content of the file she secretly... cough, read.

"One last question." Lenari asked curiously, "I'm S-level, and you're also S-level. Are you too cooperative? After all, this is just an avatar."

"I'm not a fool like 'Thunder Emperor'..." Frederick laughed self-deprecatingly, "The biggest advantage of living a long life is that you will unknowingly learn some secrets, such as above S-level."

"I see." Lenari nodded and threw a business card over casually, "This is my office business card. You can come to me if you have anything."

Frederick took the card casually, subconsciously brought it in front of him, and looked down.

On the front of the business card with a good material, a cartoon, round black-eyed black cat head was printed on the left side, and the seven words "Rumor has it that there is an office" were printed in two lines on the right side, and the bottom line was a line of BB numbers, without even an address; the back was even more blank.

From the design point of view alone, this business card really lacks sincerity and is very sorry for the good material.

Despite this, Frederick still carefully put the overly simple business card into his storage bracelet.

He knew very well the importance of something above S-level.

While Frederick was checking the business card, Lenari "left without saying goodbye" and withdrew his consciousness from "Furdily" and said to Kampers beside him: "Put Iris's inherited blood crystal up for auction on the dark web, and by the way, evaluate the amount needed to bid for it, and I'll try to get it together."

"Okay." Although Kampers didn't understand, he still started working as he was told.

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