Lenari woke up slowly in the ruins of a building that looked like the ancient Roman Colosseum.

She subconsciously tried to sit up, and the next second——

Huh? Where's my body?

Lenari was "completely" confused.

While checking her own condition and searching her memory, Lenari soon understood the current situation.

In short, she was too excited and used too much force, and the dark power she mobilized far exceeded the level that she could control with her consciousness, causing the accuracy of her power operation to break through the lower limit and she couldn't change back...

Lenari was silent and began to self-examine.

Three seconds later, Lenari finished the self-examination and looked around curiously from the perspective of the familiar dark field.

As the "black" attached to the surface of the damaged building materials was removed, the ruined version of the scarlet arena was completely presented in front of Lenari's "eyes".

The broken walls and ruins on the ground vaguely showed the glory of the past, and under the dark red light that came from nowhere, it presented a kind of doomsday-like empty beauty.

The originally empty arena, even though it was covered with large and small rubble, still looked empty, only a little more desolate.

Suddenly, Lenari remembered that there seemed to be another person in the arena...

I hope he is still alive.

Praying to the void without sincerity, Lenari turned his mind and found the Dark Lord who was almost buried alive by the rubble in the dimly lit arena without much effort.

At this time, the Dark Lord was lying on the ground on his side, his hands protecting his head, his body curled up as much as possible, motionless as a dead object, the blood flowing from his seven orifices had long dried up and turned black, and no one knew how long he had been lying here.

Although he looked like he was dead, Lenari knew that the Dark Lord was still alive and had not suffered much damage, far less serious than it looked on the surface.

Well, at least in terms of the body.

Before, out of courtesy, Lenari had never checked the hidden true face of the Dark Lord from a distance. Now he was a little surprised to find that the Dark Lord was actually an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman.

This is not the point. The point is that she is 1.6 meters tall and wears a pair of 30-centimeter-high height-increasing shoes...

Looking at the exaggerated soles like stilts, Lenari understood why the Dark Lord said before that he "carried the name".

It seems that the name of "Dark Lord" is a heavy burden for her, so much so that she has to rely on this primitive disguise to increase the surface "power".

Of course, as a super-class purifier, the strength of the Dark Lord is unquestionable, at least stronger than that "Thunder Emperor".

Lenari did not try to wake up the Dark Lord who completely closed his perception.

- With her current highly conceptual state, if the Dark Lord was lucky enough not to be contaminated by the previous war, but was contaminated by her "wake-up service", it would be a joke in hell...

After the consciousness was completely reduced to her from the weird scarlet arena, Lenari studied for a moment and decisively ordered the arena to kick the Dark Lord out and go back to where he came from.

Next, the most urgent task is to determine the time.

Having made up his mind, Lenari turned his consciousness to the dark realm, the "compartment" where Kampers was, which was getting bigger and bigger and almost becoming a factory.

"..." The moment he saw the scene in the compartment clearly, Lenari suspected that he had not woken up yet.

In the compartment, there were many things, from RVs to pins, with extra limbs of different shapes and materials, jumping around happily, and the scene was like a group of demons dancing wildly.

When a piece of tissue paper that can be found everywhere folded itself into a dragonfly and flapped its paper tentacles to take off, Lenari finally asked in a lost voice: "What happened?!"

Kampus, who was suspended in the air and spinning vertically at high speed with no change in appearance, heard Lenari's drastically changed, layered and terrifying "voice", and suddenly stopped spinning, shouting excitedly and fanatically: "The greatest master, your incomparable and vast power has given us real life, we..."

"Okay, okay, I got it!" Lenari interrupted Kampers' meaningless flattery with a little irritation. He had a "headache" and subconsciously wanted to rub it, but then he realized that, oh, I have no hands and no head now.

In short, all the supplies in the dark realm, including those treasured delicacies, figurines, pillows, etc., are basically equivalent to being reimbursed...

- Because of the frequent moves recently, it is rumored that a company has a lot of daily and not-so-daily things stored in Lenari's dark realm. Now...

Thinking of Lucia, who loves home and nostalgia, pretending to be strong and crying secretly when she learned the bad news...


Lenari felt even more "headache".

Now that things have come to this, it is useless to think too much.

Lenari sighed silently, andAbstract irregular shadow tentacles stretched out from the background, grabbed several cameras that were grouped to imitate the geese flying in a line, and returned to the Scarlet Arena, ordering them to take appropriate photos and videos according to the theme given by themselves.

Then, Lenari found the dark web notebook that was tap dancing, ordered it to turn on, and logged into the dark web with the "Son of Darkness" account.

The good news is that the basic functions of the notebook that was "contaminated" into a strange thing have not changed, and it even runs more smoothly...

The bad news is that the moment the notebook that has become a strange thing is used to log into the dark web normally, the dark web's eye-catching warning "Stop the invasion immediately" suddenly popped up...

Lenari dictated to let the notebook type by itself, and roughly explained the situation on his side to the "customer service" that came with the warning page, and sincerely stated that he really had no intention of invading.

The customer service did not reply.

A few minutes later, the warning of the locked page disappeared by itself, and everything returned to normal.

Seeing this, Lenari was thoughtful.

——There is something behind this dark web...

It is now the night of September 6, 2038, and more than 20 days have passed since Lenari entered the Scarlet Arena.

Lenari asked his notebook to open the post "The Strongest in the Dark System, Come Fight Me if You Don't Accept!", ready to see what the outside world thinks of his disappearance for more than 20 days after receiving the Scarlet Challenge.

Unfortunately, the rule prohibiting anonymity means that in a place like the dark web, there will not be many people who dare to speak in this post.

Below the post, there are basically discussions like "This battle lasted too long."

Lenari quickly browsed all the newly added reply floors and floors within floors, and it happened that the highly efficient all-in-one cameras had taken almost the same photos.

After taking back all the all-in-one cameras and browsing their "works" one by one, Lenari selected a small number of the ones he was more satisfied with and asked the notebook to reply directly in the post:

[Son of Darkness: Thanks to the Dark Lord, now the Scarlet Arena is mine.

Attached picture 1, attached picture 2, attached picture 3...

Short video 1, short video 2, short video 3...】

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