Dark territory.

Lenari looked at the laptop screen and "gnashed his teeth".

—— A dark fish dream, right? I'll let you know what the real dark is!


Simulating a deep breath, Lenari calmed down and let the laptop open the private chat interface with Wang Bao.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: How did you know about the "fish dream"?

Wang Bao: Woof! The master who named me encountered it...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Is there a way to crack it?

Wang Bao: Woof... No...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Sorry.

Wang Bao: Woof! Wang Bao, it's okay! Dear master~

Wang Bao: That master died of natural old age. It is said that he had many children and grandchildren when he died. He was so happy! Woof!

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Wang Bao: Woof! Wang Bao transferred the fish dream that the master encountered to himself and became a fish and swam for a long time. Woof! By the time he came out, the master's great-grandson had great-grandsons woof!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Do you know how to replace fate?

Wang Bao: Yes, woof! When the master encountered the Dream of Fish, Wang Bao ran to the Tower Academy to learn it secretly woof!

Forever Gothic Lolita: What is the way to escape from the Dream of Fish?

Wang Bao: woof! In fact, just install a drain woof! Wang Bao was stupid at the time, and it took him a long time to think of it woof...】

Looking at this sentence, Lenari secretly complained: Rather than saying "thinking of it", it's better to say that it "evolved" after being trapped for a long time...

[Forever Gothic Lolita: In the Dream of Fish, have you ever met other "fish"?

Wang Bao: No woof... It's pitch black inside, there's nothing, it's boring woof...

Forever Gothic Lolita: If I ask you to replace Lucia's fate of "encountering the Dream of Fish" with yourself now...

Wang Bao: No problem woof! Leave it to Wang Bao woof!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Do you need any materials?

Wang Bao: I have all the materials, Wang Bao! Inexhaustible Wang! 】

"Creating something out of nothing"? It's really convenient to use it on a disposable magic circle like this...

Lenari thought with some surprise, and transmitted a message to the notebook to type.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Very good, from today on, you will also have a share of the income of the agency!

Wang Bao: Wang!!! Thank you, Master Wang! Master is the best Wang! 】


On the other side, in the "Rumored Agency" chat room.

After a long silence, Wang Bao took the lead in sending a message with Lenari's permission.

[Husky: Wang! Little Master, you encountered the ghost story "Dream of Fish" Wang!

Cat Lady: I'm not small! I'm already 16 years old! Older than Lenari!

Husky: Wang?

Forever Gothic Lolita: That's right! Lucia is the older sister! She is the boss of the firm!

Lady Cat: Eh? She is the elder sister, but she is not the boss!

Forever Gothic Lolita: That’s right, you are the boss and I am the second boss!

Lady Cat: But!

Forever Gothic Lolita: I am off topic! Wang Bao, please continue.

Husky: Wang! Yes, second boss! Wang!

Husky: The strange story you encountered, Boss, is called “Dream of Fish”. It is…

(Wang Bao briefly introduced the strange story “Dream of Fish”.)

Husky: So Wang! Wang Bao will go over immediately and replace the boss as a fish!

Lady Cat: In this case, Wang Bao will not be…

Husky: After Wang Bao becomes a fish, a drain can be installed inside and he can come out Wang! After coming out, he will automatically change back to Wang!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Don’t worry, Wang Bao is very powerful! Look at that ghost annex, what a majestic strange story it was.

Lady Cat: I understand. I'll trouble you, Wang Bao.

Husky: Leave it to Wang Bao, Wang! 】

Looking at the chat room interface where no more messages are displayed, Lenari heaved a sigh of relief.

This time, it's really thanks to Wang Bao... Maybe, I should be nicer to him...

Lenari thought, and entered a meditative state again.


It is rumored that there is an office, on the sofa seat.

Donahue silently looked at the chat room interface of the office, confirmed that there would be no new messages for a while, and silently chatted with Miles.

[Runner: Brother, Mr. Wang Bao looks so powerful, can I know where he comes from?

Passerby: Don't be fooled by Wang Bao's cute puppy appearance, he is also a strange story, called "house destroyer dog".

Passerby: [File-house destroyer dog.txt]

Runner: ...

Passerby: With the boss suppressing him, Wang Bao is not dangerous now, just get along with him normally.

Errand boy: I understand, thank you, big brother!

Passerby: You’re welcome. 】

Donahue put down his phone with mixed feelings and completely dispelled the idea.The idea of ​​asking Wang Bao to rescue Eda.

——Donahue heard from Nicole that Eda and her boyfriend were still alive, but they were sleeping almost all day and night, and they were almost completely turned into fish...

He originally thought that Wang Bao was a supernatural animal similar to the black cat Lucia, but he didn't expect...

With a sigh, Donahue calmed down and continued to practice.

As October came, Lenari still failed to completely contain the pollution.

As a last resort, Lenari entrusted the logistics team to trade with the "Tower Mentor" on her behalf, and at the same time, temporarily stored the "Small Free Space Mage Tower" in the hands of Team 7 in Inisel City.

The next morning, Lucia woke up and hurriedly used her cat paw to click into the chat room of "Rumored to Have a Family Office" and turned on voice input.

[Cat Lady: Oh no! I dreamed that dream again! That dream of fish!

Forever Gothic Loli: …

Husky: Woof? [Confused dog face.jpg]

Forever Gothic Lolita: Wang Bao, can similar fates be transferred repeatedly?

Husky: No, Wang Bao... Unless Wang Bao immediately turns into a fish and then back into a Wang...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I know.

Forever Gothic Lolita: @Cat Lady, don't worry, it's okay, I'll go and take down that fish dream right now.

Cat Lady: Too dangerous! Team Seven should be able to find a way to deal with it after spending some money...

Forever Gothic Lolita: It seems that this fish dream is entangled with you. Maybe Team Seven just transferred it, and it comes back again... It's better to take it down directly to save trouble.

Cat Lady: But...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Don't worry, this so-called "fish dream" brings "pitch black", which is naturally easier for me to deal with than the original scarlet arena.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I am the strongest in the dark system, not weaker than Fitz, it will be okay.

Forever Gothic Lolita: At most, the state of semi-out-of-control supernatural power can last a little longer.

Lady Cat: Ok, ok... Be safe!

Forever Gothic Lolita: I will.

Forever Gothic Lolita: During this time, you should practice well in the headquarters of the Church of Light.

Lady Cat: Yes, I will! 】

Closing the chat room interface, Lenari's gloomy face suddenly bloomed with a sweet smile.

——Fuck the return to the present world! I quit! I want to kill people!

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