After making the statue and washing his hands, Zhang Xuan picked up the carving knife in the expectant eyes of the little girl and began to carve black and white impermanence.

The little girl stopped talking at this time, but quietly watched the carving knife in Zhang Xuan's hand fly up and down.

Liu Meng looked at it for a while, he couldn't help it, and suddenly asked: "Xiao Xuan, the statue you carved for me yesterday is amazing; That armor is too powerful, and I have never seen the weapon in the hands of the gods! How did you come up with the idea of carving it like that?

Zhang Xuan didn't look up, and subconsciously replied: "Oh, people are carved according to your uncle, and I carved armor and weapons according to Qin Qiong's image!" "

Because I told the story of the door god just now, both of them know who Qin Qiong is.

"That weapon is called the Tile Face Golden Gong, and it is Qin Qiong's weapon. It is two feet two inches long and weighs about 20 pounds. This weapon is not simple, it can be smashed or stabbed, and if it really hits a person's body, it must be crushed and broken.

"That... Xiao Xuan, does the door god you just talked about really exist? Liu Meng said cautiously.

"How is it possible!" Zhang Xuan turned his head to look at Liu Meng, and was just about to deny it, but he was suddenly stunned.

The land lord and the land lady are both legendary gods in previous lives, and they actually harvested that warm current in this world.

And yesterday when the statue of the door god was carved, there was also a warm current.

It seems that in this world, some statues of gods and gods from previous lives will appear warm currents!

"Uncle Meng, there should be no gods! If there is a god, how can there be so much weirdness! Zhang Xuan replied less firmly.

"Uncle Meng, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly ask this question? Zhang Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, just a little curious!" Liu Meng shook his head.

After a moment of silence, Liu Meng couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Xuan, you have been talking about God just now. So, what is God? This

question stumped Zhang Xuan for a while, because the concept of God is really not easy to say.

"Uncle Meng, God is not easy to say! He must be considered a high-level life with duty, right? Zhang Xuan considered the words, but he felt that the expression was not right.

"I can't say that, Uncle Meng, this is really difficult to explain. Take the door god as an example, the door god is a god who guards the safety of the family home, and his priesthood includes driving away evil spirits and avoiding ghosts, guarding the family house, keeping peace, helping utilitarianism, and lowering auspiciousness, etc., and is one of the main house gods! Zhang Xuan was afraid that Liu Meng would misunderstand, but he added a few explanations.

"Regarding the door god, in addition to what I just said about Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong, there is another saying. It is said that there is a sacred mountain "Dushuo Mountain" in the East China Sea, and there is a particularly large peach tree on this Dushuo Mountain. This large peach tree winds for 3,000 miles, and in the northeasternmost part of the branch, there is a "ghost gate", which is the gateway for all ghosts to enter and exit. And the two god generals guarding the ghost gate, one named Shen Dao and the other named Yu Lei, prevent harmful ghosts from entering people's homes.

"Then, Xiao Xuan, the door god has a main duty to drive away ghosts and ward off evil spirits and protect the safety of the family home, right?" Liu Meng's eyes lit up frighteningly.

Zhang Xuan was startled by Liu Meng's eyes and said, "Uncle Meng, what are you doing!"

"It's okay, Xiaoxuan, do you know how to become a god!" Liu Meng stood up from the stool at once and said excitedly.

After Zhang Xuan pondered for a moment, he said, "Uncle Meng, the imperial court should be able to seal gods!"

As Zhang Xuan spoke, he carved the five big characters "Black Impermanent God Position" on the back of the black impermanent god statue that had just been completed, and casually handed them to Liu Han'er next to him.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the void, Zhang Xuan subconsciously looked up at the sky, and the sky was bright and sunny.

In the sky, the Xuanhuang Qi rolled endlessly, and then poured down.

Zhang Xuan felt wrapped in a huge warm current again.

"Sure enough!" Zhang Xuan's heart was clear.

The little girl took it in her hand and began to look left and right, and then placed the black impermanence statue on the table next to it, and continued the carving at hand.

Zhang Xuan casually picked up another piece of wood and began to carve white impermanence.

"Can the imperial court be consecrated as a god?" Liu Meng's eyes became brighter, but they also revealed doubts.

Get! Zhang Xuan felt that he had dug a big hole for himself, to know the myths and legends of his previous life, it was a huge system, involving the whole body, and it was not at all clear that you could say in a few words.

When you say something, there are bound to be more questions.

But looking at the looks of the two, if he wants to stop talking now, he is estimated to be beaten, right?

"Uncle Meng, what I said is the story I saw, don't take it seriously!" Zhang Xuan felt that it was necessary to get vaccinated first, and besides, Zhang Xuan did not think that the owner of a paper shop in a remote town like Liu Meng could contact the imperial court to study the matter of Fengsheng.

Since it must be said, then let go and say, anyway, I talk nonsense, you just listen nonsense, don't take it seriously.

Zhang Xuan suddenly remembered a certain pit king surnamed Guo, and his heart flashed a little bad taste, and it should be quite cool to experience the feeling of digging a pit. Otherwise, Lao Guo will not be nicknamed the king of pits kings by netizens, and he will be happy with it! Anyway, I thought many times about finding Lao Guo desperately and asking him to fill in all the holes dug.

"If you want to say, Feng Shen, it will be a long story.

Let's first talk about which gods can the imperial court confine? Not all gods and imperial courts can be sealed.

The imperial court generally sealed the earth, which was relative to the heavenly gods. As for what is the earth and what is the heavenly god, this can not be clearly explained in three or two sentences, we will talk about it in detail later.

You can first simply understand that most of the gods on earth are the earth, and most of the gods in the sky are the gods of the heavens, of course, this is not absolute.

Generally, they are only some low-level gods, and the gods canonized by the human court are mostly gods closely related to the human world.

For example: land, city gods, mountain gods, river gods...

First of all, briefly talk about the land god, this should be the most common deity, the rank is relatively low, about from the ninth grade or the ninth grade, basically the lowest grade deity.

The land god is also known as: Fuzheng God. Don't look at him at a low level, but his position is very important.

Let's talk about his priesthood, he is arguably the most important house god and the most important guardian saint. First of all, he is the guardian saint of the family home, driving away evil spirits and avoiding disasters, protecting the peace of the family home.

Other land gods can ensure abundant grain and smooth weather. You can tell by looking at His name called "Land."

He also blesses many sons and blessings, and welcomes wealth and prosperity.

It can be said that every aspect of our ordinary people's lives is almost within the responsibility of the land god.

Land generally manages the land of a village or a township, so it is also called village land and township land, and the jurisdiction is different, the grade is different, and the divine power will be different.

As for the city above the county seat, the capital city, etc., it is the jurisdiction of the city god, and the city god is no longer alone, he has the Yin and Yang Division, the Rapid Reporting Department, the Picket Department and other levels of Yamen, and there are many gods under his jurisdiction to perform their duties, such as civil and military judges, day and night wandering gods, and so on.

The mountain god is the god of a mountain, and the river god is the god of a river. Of course, because the mountains and rivers are different, the grades and priesthoods of the mountain gods and river gods are also very different.

But to seal these gods, it is not that the imperial court can seal whoever it wants, there are conditions.

There must be merit and approval from the people.

If there is no merit in the body, it is not recognized by the people, that is, the virtue is not worthy of the position, and if you want to be a god, not only will you not succeed, but you may cause great disasters, so you must be very cautious.

Moreover, the consecration of the imperial court is not a matter of simple edicts. The imperial court also had to pay a price, at the expense of the national fortune. The greater the priesthood, the greater the national fortune to be paid.


Xuan completely let go, the carving in his hand did not stop, and his mouth did not stop, thinking of where to say. The content of the words has both ready-made content from the legend of the previous life, as well as some of his own understanding, added privately, anyway, no one can stand up and question him, is it not with what he says.

Liu Meng has been listening carefully, it doesn't look like he is listening to a story, but the more he listens, the more shocked he is, he understands many things, but the doubts are getting bigger and bigger.

When Bai Impermanence carved the big characters "White Impermanence God Position", the yellow qi tumbled in the sky and poured down.

Zhang Xuan felt trapped in a huge warm current again.

Zhang Xuan promised Liu Meng to carve a few more statues of the door gods in the morning, so he began carving.

Then, Zhang Xuan thought about carving a statue of the god for the little girl and aunt.


Zhang Xuan helped Liu Meng carve a statue of the door god again, this time with the image of Wei Chigong, of course, the face was still Liu Meng's.

After carving this statue, Zhang Xuan carved the four words "Door God Position" on the back of the statue, and did not engrave "Seal Liu Mengmen God Position" like yesterday.

Sure enough, there was a warm current again.

Zhang Xuan then carved two pairs of door god statues, after all, the door gods are two, of course, they were carved with reference to Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong.

In this way, counting the one carved yesterday, Zhang Xuan carved six statues of door gods for Liu Meng.

Then Zhang Xuan began to carve statues of gods for his aunt Liu Shi and the little girl.

It's just that Zhang Xuan didn't expect to meet the gods of these two people's previous lives for a while, so he gave up and thought about it later.

Zhang Xuan imagined the appearance of his childhood aunt when she was young, and also referred to the little girl's eyebrows, and began to carve a statue of the Liu family.

A moment later, the carving was completed, and this time there was no engraving on the back of the statue, Zhang Xuan casually handed it to the little girl, and then continued to carve the statue for the little girl.

The little girl took her mother's statue and said happily: "The statue that my brother carved for my mother is beautiful!" Then the little girl put down the carving knife in her hand and held her mother's statue tightly in her arms.

In a few moments, Zhang Xuan finished carving the statue of the little girl, and handed it to the little girl, who liked it more, hugged it tightly, and never let go again.

Zhang Xuan also confirmed one thing, if the god statue with the name of the god in the previous life is not carved, there will be no warm current. The statues of the gods that had just been carved for the aunt Liu and the little girl did not appear in the warm current.

After the carving, the sun was already tilting to the west and was about to set.

Zhang Xuan stood up and handed Liu Meng the five gate god statues and two black and white impermanent god statues.

Zhang Xuan sent away Liu Meng and the little girl who were holding the statue of the god, and then looked at the large handful of copper coins on the counter in a daze, much more than the amount in the morning.

This was grabbed from his arms when Liu Meng left just now, and he didn't count much, and all of them were placed on Zhang Xuan's counter.

Zhang Xuan felt so tired and tired today. However, thinking of Liu Meng's expression of doubts and wanted to ask at that time, but did not dare to continue to ask, his heart was dark.

Haha, the pit king feels very good!

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