Birds whistling and invading the peeping cornice.

As the sunlight slowly returned, those shadowy creatures that seemed to have fallen into a state of "carnival" in the room

had long disappeared without a trace as if the tide had faded.

"Woo~~~~~~Yaha!" The

lazy petite body seemed to feel the warmth from the sun or the soul standing in the void returning to its place on time, and the little loli on the bed stretched her slender arms like lotus joints, doing lazy stretching exercises.

"I always feel that every time I finish sleeping, I feel tired of doing a lot of things in my dreams......... Obviously I just remember that I seem to have watched a lot of movies.............

"The white-haired loli rubbed her long hair with some fried hair [although I tried to cut it short, but I don't know how, every time I woke up the next day, my hair would grow back to its original length, so I gave up], while beating her shoulder with a small fist, and said to herself:

"But it is very fulfilling, and I have to say, the quality of sleep is indeed very high." STEPPING



She buys wheat bread and whole milk for breakfast from her shelves for nothing, while simply cleaning the house with a broom that is almost her height.

"Strange, obviously said on the Internet, 'If there are girls at home, there will be long hair flowing all over the floor', how come I have become like this so far, I have not seen myself shedding hair at all?

What she didn't know was that with her slightly curious self-talk, some presence in the shadows in the corner, suddenly realized that although his hair was comparable to the purest star core, if he was always cleaning up for him, it might cause his dissatisfaction


She simply swept the nearly dusty floor, pressed the remote control button to open the roller shutter, sat on her "seat", and began this morning's meal.

"I'll open the group first and see what benefits those astringent movers have made~

" Although it has become one of the endorsements of welfare, Xiao Nan will only say to this:

"People who will have feelings for themselves, really don't need to go to the hospital to see a doctor?!"

She had a strong desire for knowledge at the first time of transformation, and after "watching" the "Shuangfeng Stream" without any weeds, she felt that it was just that.

In the end, she found that it was more suitable for her appetite to look at the pictures carried by netizens in the group who "only dared to engage in shivering on the Internet, but in reality saw girls blushing more than strangling their necks with ropes".

"Today's welfare theme is ————Beast-eared Lady Giveaway!" "

Oh oh oh oh ?!!!!!

" After seeing the two-dimensional and three-dimensional beast-eared girl beauty pictures and COS diagrams that only dazzled in the chat records

, Xiao Nan only felt that his heart or, more precisely, his XP appeal, had been greatly satisfied.

【~o(* ̄) ̄*)o~】

"Ah......... Sure enough, it's still a beautiful girl or something, which can best make the body and mind that has just woken up get the greatest comfort~

" Just as Xiao Nan was tasting the excellent matching taste produced by bread and milk, a crisp and raw voice that was even younger than Xiao Nan's voice came from the door of the store:

"Little sister, I'm here to help Ma Ma buy something......."

A little girl who looked to be only a drooping age, holding the door frame in the doorway with both hands, probing her little head with her hair tied into a double ponytail, slightly nervously casting her gaze at Xiao Nan, who was looking at Meitu in the store with a strange smile.

"Oh, it's Lily! Come on, come on, come in.

Looking at the owner of the fast food restaurant next door who specializes in takeaway business, Xiao Nan quickly put down the bread and milk in his hand and greeted him warmly.

Not to mention that the little loli is well-behaved and sensible, and looks sweet and cute, just by occasionally helping the aunt next door to watch the child, she can get a free "buffet" from time to time, Xiao Nan feels that she earns blood.

When Lili heard this, she jumped to Xiao Nan's table, she looked at the table curiously, and found that the other party did not play the game of playing mahjong with many cute characters this time, and felt a little lost - after all, watching Xiao Nan's sister make a big fuss like a child after losing points is much more fun than watching Peppa Pig cartoons.

"Lili came this time to help Ma Ma buy something?"

asked Xiao Nan gently while touching Lili's head.

Although the reason of "she is her own sister" was used to let the Lily mother and daughter next door explain their identity, the

habit of rubbing Lily's soft little head could not be changed because of the change of identity.

As for the feet, it doesn't mean that Xiao Nan is shorter than Lili [Xiao Nan said: I'm obviously half a head taller than Lili!! Half a head !! (super loud)]

"Ma Ma asked me to buy a plate of tape, plus two No. 5 batteries.............""

Okay, oh, let's go, a total of 12 yuan."

Saying that, Xiao Nan handed over the goods Lili asked for from the cabinet behind her, and Lili took out a ten-dollar bill with a tangled face, and said a little embarrassed:

"Sister, Ma Ma only gave me ten yuan... I..."

Looking at Lili's cute little appearance, Xiao Nan waved her big hand, received the money into the cash register, and at the same time handed over the things, pinched Lili's little face and said:

"The fraction is free, just let you numb and bring me some cold skin to eat~

" "Well, thank you sister!" Lili

jumped and left the store with her things.

Xiao Nan looked at Lili's cute back, and then looked at the cat-eared lady Lolitu that was clicked on the mobile phone, and said with some disappointment:

"Ah, I really want a cat-eared girl Loli as a maid to summon ah........ Forget it, I can't go to the side of the road to find a cat and say to the picture 'Change me!' such a outrageous thing.........." After

that, Xiao Nan sat back in front of the computer, ready to start today's mahjong scoring journey————I must play big cards today!

What she didn't know was that in the shadows she couldn't see, countless fine pupils seemed to be interacting frequently, and then they felt that tonight's trading partners should be "screened" to a certain extent..........


"Mama, this is what Sister Xiao Nan sold me

, and it's discounted!" Lili obediently handed the purchased items to the beautiful young woman who was busy in the kitchen

, and when the latter heard this, she casually touched Lili's head with her hand and said:

"Got it, you go watch Peppa Pig's cartoon, the phone is on the side of the socket."


happily went to get her phone and was about to watch cartoons, but she looked at her mother who was busy in the kitchen, and said to herself with some doubt:

"Why does Sister Xiaonan's hair move like a little snake?

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