"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, can you 'woof'?"

Lili sat on the little horse, swaying her body, wanting to shake

Liang Qu above her head into her arms, but Liang Qu was like a light assassin who would fly off the wall in a martial arts drama, slightly fiddling with her tail and claws, like a suction cup on her little belly, firmly fixed on Lili's head.

Lily is very curious about this strange cat, of course, in addition to the other party can be fixed on his head like a hat and not fall off

, but also has a greater curiosity about this matter from seeing himself until now, this matter has a greater curiosity

, Lily wants to know, so "high and cold" The cute cat cat, if it makes a sound, what it should be like, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, she could not make Xiaobai above her head make a trace of movement, so she doubted in her heart: Xiaobai

can't be a cat, right?

Liang Qu squinted his eyes and hugged his paws together, like the grandfather in the teahouse listened to Huangmei's play

, in fact, it did not react to Lili's shaking head in the "rocking chair" and the question that he didn't know where to complain.

Instead, its narrowed eyes kept replaying what the person who had just done when he returned from the door before.

"With just one blow, through the medium, the implicated immortal bodies were seriously injured, is this their real strength?" After

receiving that special "baptism", Xiaobai had a new understanding of the neighbors in those "shops".

But its inherent mode of thinking still allows it to habitually understand the truth in this abyss of fear from the perspective of the past cultivation of truth.

In its eyes, the two humans who came towards this side, although their strength was not strong, but the things on them were a little strange, if they had to say it, they were similar to the inner disciples of the Gate Sect, carrying the tokens of their ancestors and traveling.

It is very common and very nostalgic.

But the "big guy" who went and returned just now and made a move, just a blow, not only smashed the "token" that people carried, but also seriously injured the spokesperson of the final direction of the "token" by the way, what is this concept?

Although Liang Qu did not understand why the power of the big man was introduced into a strange space that he could not understand by some strange force, Liang Qu, who felt that his positioning had become clearer, said: I am just a cat, and I should not understand anything. Just

when it was thinking about whether the two humans would obediently learn to "shut up Zen" according to the intention of the big guy, in the stairwell behind him, there was a "click, click" sound that only a child's smooth little jio girl would have when stepping on slippers.

Lili, who was above the liangqu above, naturally also heard the footsteps behind her, and she turned her head and just saw Sister Xiao Nan with a slightly panicked face.

"Lili, quick, do me a favor!" Xiao

Nan didn't say a word, directly grabbed Lili, and walked quickly towards the gate of his shop.

Lili, who was on top of her head and folded back with "cat ears", was grabbed by Xiao Nan's hand with one hand, and the other hand was pointed at her mouth, and asked suspiciously

: "Sister Xiao Nan, what's wrong?"

Xiao Nan pulled Lili to walk quickly to the door of the store, while considering her own words, in case Lili didn't learn any bad words:

"Can be called " The troublesome person is on the street, and I want to quickly close the shop temporarily so that the trouble does not come to the door.

Lili scratched her ears, didn't understand, and asked:

"Sister Xiaonan, how troublesome is it?" "

It's similar to going to your restaurant every year to sell all kinds of insurance, for fear that your family can operate safely until the store closes." When

Lili heard this, the scene of an uncle with a belly bigger than a pregnant woman appeared in her mind, and she sold car insurance to her mother with a flattering face————

It's so troublesome!So

, after understanding Xiaonan's sister's feelings, Lili quickened her pace, and even puffed up a breath, and ran towards the door of the store with a little confused Xiaonan

, however, although Loli has "three good", but helplessly, short legs are the truth.


The petite back that flashed by, along with the sound of the window closing hurriedly, naturally attracted the attention of Li Xiaoming and Lin Xia.

"Is it a human trapped here

?" "Perhaps, if you want to investigate anyway, why not start there?"

The information was exchanged in the eyes and micro-expressions of the two, but Lin Xia looked at Li Xiaoming's expression and still revealed a deep sense of worry.

Li Xiaoming knew Lin Xia's cold nature on the outside and hot on the inside, but he also knew that if he kept being injured and maintained a dehumanized state, the situation would become even worse.

The hand behind his back quietly reached into his pocket and stuck the adrenaline-like emergency injection on the back of his hand in the dead corner of Lin Xia's line of sight.

Although it hurts, it is nothing compared to the pain I have suffered now.

Then the effect of the drug attacked, and Li Xiaoming straightened up again in a few breaths, showing Lin Xia a handsome smile that was as bad as before.

Lin Xia saw that Li Xiaoming's sweat and snow basically did not seep out, so she relaxed slightly and followed the other party and began to walk forward.

"It seems that knowing that we are coming, the fast food restaurants are actually closed."

Li Xiaoming described the truth of his guess in a cold joke

: Perhaps, the "merchants" here have encountered accidents.

When Lin Xia heard this, she naturally understood the meaning of Li Xiaoming's words, and couldn't help but hang her head, but then her eyes widened:

If the human beings here have long been imprisoned here, then how did this "prosperous fast food restaurant" with an excellent reputation get praise for takeaway?"


[They may be ignorant and allow free movement.] Hearing

Li Xiaoming's words, Lin Xia showed a helpless smile and indicated to her teammates that she was in good condition, but their hearts were not like on their faces, because they had received professional thinking training, naturally did not hint at the latter possibility:

[Perhaps, they are no longer people. ] But

now, that flashing figure has become the only direction for them to obtain information at the moment, after all, this "Xingwang Department Store" that seems to have a somewhat normal and overly normal style is so suspicious.

They walked to the door of the store, but at the same moment, two small figures happened to collide with them.

Seeing that he had stepped into the store, but he hadn't taken out the tick he used to close the door, Xiao Nan couldn't help but shout in his heart:

"Ya, are you poisonous?!"

[As an aside, if you are more satisfied with this

book, can you give the author a five-star book review and some small tips?

As a token of gratitude, Liang Qu will perform a 360-degree barrier-free backflip 100 companies!

(@_@;) Meow meow ???????].

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