"Strange, why did Big Brother go for so long

? After such a long day, you haven't found the ground?


The young soldier felt a little strange to find that his predecessors had not returned and did not send a predetermined signal.

But considering that if one of the two people acting together

disappears without a reasonable reason

, then the other person will not be scolded by his superiors after returning

, just according to military law,

he has the felony of "assisting others to escape"!

But thinking of the fierce fact that the commander did not leave any room in the morning

, he felt that he was still affected, and it was better to go to the "bear" companion

, "Hey, what about Ben Xiaoye, he is affected

, go to find you this brat, hey, I still feel a little uncomfortable." "

Holding the windproof lamp in his hand, and at the same time putting away the weapon that had just been wiped, he

lazily used the barrel of the long gun in his hand, as if it were a walking stick, paced

leisurely, and leisurely touched into the woods ahead.


a second before !!!!!the young soldier was about to actually step into

the forest, a loud cry suddenly came from the forest in front of him.

The sudden shouting sound in the silent environment not only frightened the young soldiers' hearts a few beats slower,

but also made the soldiers who were guarding other positions in the distance also frightened.

What is the situation here!" Several

dim lights came around the young soldiers along with the voice of inquiry

, after all, they were also afraid, in case it was really an enemy attack or some kind of vicious beast

, just a few of them, they were not opponents at all,

and if they wanted to call for help by setting off fireworks signals?

When the comrades who rushed to the rapid arrival of their comrades dressed indiscriminately as quickly as possible

, they estimated that they should have cooled down————

which was the established fate of most remote posts.

What about your loud brother?" some

clever men familiar with the young soldier were the first to spot the "problem."

The young soldier, who was holding his heart and constantly relieving his discomfort, heard this

, and his face showed a smile, wanting to tell some lies

, on the one hand, to cover up the illegal behavior that he and his partner were separated in private, and on the other hand, he

also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to let these comrades help together and

find his big brother.

But before he could open his mouth

, the sound of thousands of sharp swords intertwined, cutting fallen leaves and branches

, and with a sense of oppression that made people so nervous that they couldn't breathe

, from the deep forest in front of them, they rushed towards them at a very fast speed.

"What is the situation?! Enemy attack?! Quickly release the signal!" After

the experienced veteran found that something was wrong

, he immediately reminded his comrades around him, and at the same time the work under his feet did not fall:

after the accident, as long as the signal is sent, even if you escape, it is not a critical mistake

, after all, the people above will not care about your two little shrimp

Moreover, even worse, the sentries who fled for their lives will be imprisoned

, and if the battle is won, they will make up for the merits, and nothing will be light; if

the battle is lost, they will be executed on the spot, and the responsibility will be fully beared.

[It is all because of the lax sentry that causes the delay of the fighter, so it is not the full responsibility of the commander. ]

Moreover, if you have one more cushion, the probability of escaping is greater, after all

, whether it is from the enemy's "picking up military merits" or the "open meal" of the beast

, as long as there is a fall first, then those who flee far have more hope to survive.

But this time, the actual situation does not seem to be in line with the "empiricism" of these old fritters in the army.

Large insects the size of round shields suddenly appeared in front of these soldiers in the metal-like sound of self-rubbing at the more than ten arthropods on their abdomen.

The familiar but unfamiliar evil appearance makes them seem even more at a loss.


, the huge bug at the head of the giant bug, the two wings made a sound like a bow full of strings, which kicked off the battle encountered.

"Shoot!" I

don't know who suddenly shouted, everyone subconsciously raised the gun and shot the bullet out indiscriminately

, but after the bullet hit the dark gold shell

, there was no explosion,

as if those bullets were just snow blocks that came out of a child's snowball fight.

Only then did they realize that these terrifying creatures seemed to be extremely similar to those ghosts that had been thrown into the sea by order of the commander.

They were panicked, desperate emotions began to appear in

their hearts, but before they could turn these emotions into mournful screams with their speeding hearts, sharp

tentacles pierced their heads like the sharpest spears.

The signal flares in the air had not completely dissipated, and the

assembly order in the distant military camp had just spread.

But these poor guys have collapsed straight to the ground.

As the zergs holding their heads buried their eggs in their hearts and the tentacles that controlled nerves into the cortex of their brains,

they slowly rose from the ground like walking corpses.

"Go.................. Base camp........ Their..........."The

leader of the Zerg sent orders in the less proficient human language to these fellow tribesmen who temporarily controlled the human body.

They quickly searched the memories of these humans, and soon

, parasitic beings, they all stretched out their arms in one direction.

Many Zergs flew frantically

in the direction pointed by the arm like self-driving travelers who got a map,

but they hovered sharply in place like a stop-motion animation, they

looked up, looked up at the sky, the pillar of light that could not be captured with a telescope, they

knew that the omnipotent it seemed to be leaving this world.


"Well, great feel, anyway, thank you for the hospitality." Xiao

Nan thanked the polar bear who looked like a blue star giant panda on the ground with all four feet facing the sky

and lent his belly to himself as a pillow.

Looking at the cute appearance of the polar giant panda "moved" with teary eyes, she smiled and rubbed the other party's ears

, and then said to herself:

"I am very satisfied with watching the movie, I hope that when I look through the 'video list' again, I can turn to your 'dream' again."

After speaking, her body began to slowly rise with the golden foam, drifting towards the sky

, and finally, dissipating like morning dew.

The Zerg also completed their gaze salute, began to transform their respect for it into a more powerful fighting intent, and

launched an attack on the noisy human voices in the distance.


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