"Inside... What's your name?

Xiao Nan's hands were cramped, and he didn't know where to put it better, and he looked like he was afraid of society.

Liang Qu's eyes narrowed, not that she had any thoughts of "great disobedience",

but shouted in her heart:

"Is this one of the secrets of Lord Immortal Venerable cultivating to such a terrifying strength?!"

Is it true to achieve the 'return to the basics' to achieve the degree of 'unity of knowledge and action', is the true meaning of cultivation?!

Liang Qu, I felt that I had realized.

It turns out that only in daily cultivation, from the inside out, as an "ordinary person" who matches his appearance, is the highest realm of a practitioner!

Yes? What do you think of the "little cuties" behind Master Immortal Venerable who are wrapped in a shrinking planet and want to offer offerings to him?


can be blind?!

Therefore, Liang Qu ignored the "big guys" who constantly longed to become part of his "neon clothes".

With the information she gained from that "strange knowledge" and the information she

integrated from that new gadget called "Internet".

In Xiao Nan's somewhat unclear eyes, she slightly raised two hands about the same size as Xiao Nan

, slightly made an empty fist

, and then, like a lucky cat in a shop to greet guests

, gently put her palm, pressed down, raised, and at the same time imitated, which was called "two-dimensional

", in fact, said in a tone that attached a cute code name to the paper man:

"Meow, master, My name is Liang Qu and I am happy to serve you, so, what are we going to do now?

Xiao Nan looked at the cat-eared maid in front of him, which was enough to satisfy more than 99% of the two-dimensional lovers' super invincible cute feeling

, and the words that were very suitable for the image of the other party

, Xiao Nan felt that he suddenly understood the classic "philosophy of life": "

Wash and sleep, everything in your dreams."

Indeed, there is really everything in the dream, Xiao Nan feels that he really shouldn't have used this sentence as a mockery before

, no, the cat-eared lady has it.

So, like a child meeting a peer who saw the same,

Xiao Nan took Liang Qu's hand and said excitedly:

"Go!" I'll take you to the movies!!!!

Therefore, Xiao Nan did not consider at all whether his "movie" in the "dream" could add an additional "audience" in addition to himself

, so he hurriedly selected a screenshot from the "list" that looked like an endless starry sky, and pressed his hand up.

In an instant, Liang Qu only felt that those who were looking towards the backs of himself and Immortal Venerable, constantly seeking opportunities to offer their diligent existence,

suddenly stood still as if they had been used with a body-fixing technique.

Then, the huge suction and tearing sensation suddenly came from her head to her toes

, and before her consciousness understood [Is she going to die], when this crisis signaled

, her eyeballs instantly burst open, the magic clothes on her body turned into undetectable powder, and the aura in the meridians suddenly disappeared..................

[Am I just "seeking my own death"........ I miss the happy time when I was a "clam" for Zhao Yun to tease children..................

It's still a child to serve!!!!!! 】


"Hey, Liang Qu, are you okay?"

When Liang Qu regained consciousness, Lord Immortal Venerable was pinching his cheeks with both hands and looking at himself with a concerned expression.

Liang Qu blinked, and after feeling that her consciousness had returned to herself

, she looked around, and seemed to use those strange words in knowledge to describe it, which should be the most consistent with the "sense of high technology".

So she asked

, "Master, where is this?" And also......... What is it?

Liang Qu touched the "golden bubble" surrounding himself and Lord Immortal Venerable with his hand

, and found that the bubble that seemed to break with a poke, even if he tried hard, there was no way to break it.

Xiao Nan, on the other hand, was like a tsundere child in kindergarten who "monopolized all toys, but because there were no children to share them with

", with a proud smile on his face, turned his head to the side, and raised his head slightly, and


"Hmph, as your master, I can 'traverse' the great existence of thousands of worlds!"

[Although it's all in a dream (Xiao Nan added in his heart)]

"And these bubbles............. Anyway, except that you can't eat it, it doesn't have much effect!

And Liang Qu naturally ignored Xiao Nan's second half

of the sentence, and revealed a look of "sure enough

", after all, she can clearly perceive

that although this is not an environment similar to her original cultivation

, but the special substance that symbolizes the perception of the real world and the special substance that can be felt between her breath

, which is called "chemical element" by those strange knowledge, are all illustrating

This is indeed somewhere in the real world, not some illusion or a dream.

[It turns out that Lord Immortal Venerable

seems to be following the natural law of normal people "sunrise and sunrise and rest

" at night, but I didn't expect it to be the legendary "iQue Bafang" technique! ] Thinking

of this, Liang Qu not only increased his respect for Lord Immortal Venerable in his heart, but also couldn't help but think of an adjective that was not very appropriate in his heart:

Scroll King (God) ———— good guy, is this the daily practice of Immortal Venerable?

Do you even have to use great god powers to cultivate when you sleep?!

Roll can't roll, roll can't, slip, slip.

And looking at the somewhat dumbfounded contrast of the cat-eared maid who called herself Liang Qu, Xiao

Nan felt that he must have confused the other party.

So he said

, "Let's go, let's just walk around, to be honest, it's the first time I've entered this kind of place like an alien spaceship."


"Oh, don't be so restrained, let's just be friends~!"

As they spoke, they were like ghosts, leaving the cabin slightly on tiptoe

, wandering around, of course, they also saw the equipment that "froze" the human body at first.

However, as Xiao Nan, who has "received the full baptism of Miyazaki's old thief soul series of games"

, she knows that if she still adheres to the style and attitude of "being a full collector (garbage guy) and slapping even the passing dogs" in the game, then it is likely to trigger some unexpected troublesome tasks, right?

[Although it will not affect himself, for Xiao Nan, an obsessive-compulsive patient who plays games and has "I take this task, I must

finish it", if you don't finish the "side quest", you will feel very uncomfortable. ]

"Although I don't mind being treated as an extraterrestrial god for the ceremony or something, it's better to do something less for the poor natives, right?"

"Master, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing, I just don't want to do anything like helping the ancients with a Gundam to fight the barbarians, of course, I can also be a joke when I said last time."


Liang Qu touched her ears, feeling that she might be a little stupid, and she couldn't keep up with Lord Immortal Venerable's train of thought

, and even, Liang Qu still began to search in her brain for what "Gundam" was, but before she could figure it out, a cute exclamation made her quickly say: "

Master, what's wrong?!"

But when Liang Qu looked at Lord Immortal Venerable's expression, especially the expression that looked like "happy", she didn't know what to say.

"There is actually an à la carte restaurant in science fiction movies! Walk! Let's go rub it!

Xiao Nan looked at the wrap-around large screen standing in the cabin, especially the food GIFs that were scrolling, she turned her head to look at Liang Qu and said:

"Let me tell you, what do you want to eat, what you want to drink, you are free, master, I am chartered today!"

Then, Liang Qu began to follow Xiao Nan's pace and small hands to "eat buffet", of course, if you look at it from the perspective of a third party, it is like a worried old mother with her silly girl running and eating in the cafeteria.

Then, in order not to let the food litter, the "old mother" Liang Qucai used the suggested method to let Lord Xianzun obediently wait on the side and accept his services.

However, perhaps the two were too "serious"

, or perhaps they were so strong that they were not at all the same strength as the humans on the ship and even the high-tech equipment, and they

did not notice the shadow that was close to them.

Only when Xiao Nan looked at the "two breads and cheese" in his hand, thinking about what to put to raise the taste, and Liang Qu thinking about how to serve Lord Immortal Zun

in the future, a seemingly polite, but mixed with some tentative words, sounded in the ears of the two:

"You guys, did you wake up early?" What a good appetite............


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