"It seems that everyone is immersed in the food, and there is no way to deal with us."

Xiao Nan looked at the moving heads and the laughter that came out of everyone's mouths from time to time, and felt that

it was time to say goodbye to the blonde woman.

She turned to look at the cat-eared lady whose body was shaking so that she could not stand, and

said with a smile:

"Liang Qu, is it so cold?"

Let's go, we should go say goodbye to that captain. "


Several tentacles as thick as an adult's arm that grew like a new bamboo shoot accelerated through the ground

, pierced the abdomen of those humans

, and the strange faces like dead babies born from carrion flesh, with

a smile like a kindergarten child who had been rewarded, happily

peeked into this new world.

The tentacles extend out, protruding the body

of the "baby", but it is just a head without shoulders

, but this does not mean the end of their "new life

", the tentacles are stretched back, the upper part of the spine cone is broken abruptly, and

the newborn blood baby in the abdomen is facing up and supporting the limbs on all fours,

as if the top ballet dancers make "lower back movements".

The strange posture like a "four-legged spider" became

their last appearance.

The dense fangs, intertwined

, made the sound of scrapers rubbing

, adding to the already weird laughter

, which made Liang Qu, a holy beast who became a god halfway,

just want to use his claws to grab his head to relieve the pain of drilling the bones.

"Ah! Good! Master! Let's go!!!! Go anywhere! Liang

Qu forcibly suppressed the tears that he was about to shed

, as described in the New Testament

, the "Magdalan Mary", who was originally defined as sinful, washed

the other person's feet with his own tears after hearing God's declaration that "you are not guilty"


Wipe the other person's ankle with hair;

Expressed with a kiss

.............................. Looking at the cat-eared lady who was holding her waist and was about to cry,

the corners of Xiao Nan's mouth turned up slightly, and

said with a smile:

"What a clingy child............

"What?! You repeat!

Susan growled, telling the men who had gone to the kitchen to check on the return to repeat the report he had just described.

"Newspaper ... Report, Captain! I'm not lying, there are no poisoned corpses in that kitchen............"

"Waste! I don't care about you!

Susan pulled away the men in front of her and snatched the protective mask used to isolate the poisonous gases from his hand.

In fact, Susan was not a fool, and

when she saw a big hole in the closed door of the kitchen, she knew that

the situation might change, but

she couldn't believe it, to believe the worst possibility that loomed in her heart.

However, when she saw that the kitchen was so neat as if someone had deliberately cleaned

it, [Before Xiao Nan left, she deliberately ordered Liang Qu to clean it

, the reason was:

"Lili, so young, knows that I have to help others do a good job of cleaning after being a guest,

how can I be compared to a child?"

"Even if you really have something different from ordinary people, I don't believe it

, this is enough to poison the poison of a planet's natives, and

it can still make you have no effect at all?!"

Susan walked back and forth in the kitchen no less than ten times

, and finally, she accepted reality and walked out of the kitchen.

Looking at the group of guys who defected with herself

, some people already had a slightly skeptical look on their faces

, Susan knew that if she didn't handle it well, it would be detrimental to the next action

, so although she maintained an angry look, she still ordered:

"Don't care, just prepare to land!"

Transfer all supplies to airships and amphibious armored vehicles!

Explore the planet now!

At the same time, all people must strictly follow the serial number on the arm to board the warehouse

, everyone after the warehouse, immediately start the battleship's self-detonation setting

, in the above process, if any abnormalities are found..................."

Susan said, and found that the eyes of her subordinates became extremely strange

, she seemed to notice something, and quickly turned her head to look

I saw that the two girls were standing behind them one after the other, and

the loli at the head

was blinking her eyes and looking at herself with a curious look

, seeing that she turned back,

the white-haired girl asked in a cute voice:

"Why did you blow up such a good spaceship?"

Did some alien creatures appear on the ship?

Xiao Nan asked curiously, after all, in her mind,

similar plots have only been seen in the "Outer Space Alien" series of movies.

"Could it be that there is that mutated alien on this spaceship?!

Oops, think about it, and feel......

I'm so excited! In

line with the "fun person" mentality that she will not have anything anyway

, Xiao Nan very much wants to get an affirmative answer from this blonde beauty, and

she is very interested in participating in "alien parkour" from the first perspective


"I'm still very confident about running away (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧!

After all, I used a caterpillar 7

times to stain the clothes of the female classmates at the front table, and 6 times I was not discovered!

Well? The seventh time, you ask?

All I can say is that her dad's 'seven dogs' are fake

, and it broke off after two strokes of pumping my ass, and

I also earned a sum of medical bills,

(ˉ▽ ̄~) cut ~~"


...... .......................

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