Like a liquid cat, Liang Qu

quickly rushed towards the open kitchen.

At the same time, he silently said in his heart:

"Don't cook anything strange anymore!!!!

Lily is still a child!!!!!!! "


"Uh-huh~~~~~~~ Oh hey? Xiaobai, you actually took the initiative to run over?

Are you attracted to food? Xiao

Nan, who was standing in front of the pot, was using scissors to cut a hole in the packaging of quick-frozen dumplings

, and suddenly found Xiaobai staring at the big eyes

of the god, jumped on the lid of the pot, and looked at him.

Liang Qu nervously looked at Xiao Nan's body

, especially the position where his hands touched

, and suddenly found that the quick-frozen dumplings that the other party touched

did not give birth to any strange creatures that made them creepy,

which made it squint slightly and breathe a sigh of relief.

However, when it opened its eyes again

, the pair of jade hands that were no different from children were completely shrouded in front of it:

"This is what Lili and I want to eat

, in order to prevent Xiaobai from losing your hair, I still want to trouble you to wait obediently on the side."

Xiao Nan grabbed Liang Qu's stomach

, took it off the lid of the pot, and put it on the ground.

Feeling Xiaobai's meek state,

Xiao Nan scratched the other party's cat hair and showed a satisfied smile.

Then she turned around and continued to "cook

", and Liang Qu, who was put on the ground, found

that those "big guys" were not "absent",

but all hiding in corners that could not be reached by light.

The wriggling shadows like twigs, mixed

with countless brown-red spots-like strange eyes, stared

straight at themselves.

[Is it weird?]

It seems that some big guys can see

Liang Qu's doubtful look, and a harsh sound like broken glass rubbing against each other sounded in Liang Qu's mind.


Like the stitches sutured at the patient's wound

, forcibly stretched open by the diseased raised pieces of flesh,

the mouth and teeth similar to the sunflower-like distribution appear

in the shadow of the mire swirl.

With the tingling sensation that made Liang Qu can't help but want to get close to his eyes, countless

overlapping sounds, he said in a natural tone:

[He regards this place as the opposite of the other "real", so this should become "real".

Liang Qu only felt that his ears

were about to explode because of the chaotic sound of pain like a blade piercing his head, and the

owner of those sounds seemed to have discovered this situation.

They don't want to see their toys damaged,


to fade away from their current "illusions" and return to their true form.

So they choose to continue to be "witnesses".

But Liang Qu would not let go

of this opportunity, because it knew that

there was rarely a chance for this group of guys to talk to him together,

so it wanted to know what

this existence that he originally regarded as "Immortal Venerable"


"Please tell me! What exactly is it?!

Suddenly, Liang Qu felt that

his five senses had disappeared, and

it felt as if he had fallen into some dustless mirror.

The hazy white light seemed to be the whole of this dustless mirror.

However, just when she didn't know how much time had passed and whether she could still be considered a "living being

", the hazy white light was like an eggshell that shattered from the inside out, and

countless black mud mixed with golden spots smashed the "eggshell" that seemed to "protect" it from all directions.

A strange thing like the root whiskers of plants growing wantonly

, with an almost mad-like cheerfulness

, with consciousness that Liang Qu can understand, but cannot retell with his mouth

, transmits the message that bypasses "protection":

[Stupid little kitten,

don't use your narrow view of right and wrong to understand this great being

But since you yourself opened the "eggshell", then we will be happy to "help" you.


He is the 'bond' of everything, in the never-ending dance drama, composing a sentient being as actors......

..] The sound like thunder bursting suddenly resembles an old-fashioned gramophone,

forced into a "stagnant" silence after huge scratches on the film


All because Xiao Nan walked in front of Liang Qu with steps.

"Strange, where did 'that' thing go for me.............?"

Xiao Nan's slender fingers

were on his cherry-colored lips,

seriously thinking about this "sudden" problem.

And Liang Qu was like an ordinary cat escaping from the water, shaking

his body vigorously.

It looked blankly at Xiao Nan's back,

not knowing what it was thinking.


"Ba Bei!"


Lili inexplicably won the victory, causing Xiao Nan, who was passing by, to speak:

"Oh, Lili, you are actually the 'evil Hubei'!"

Looking at the extra point prompt on the settlement interface

, Lili couldn't help but spit out her little tongue when she heard this, and

then said with some happiness:

"I don't understand much, just see others so fooling me, I will imitate it............]

[The three people pull the North Hu, which is equivalent to "grabbing the bar" Hu card.

Xiao Nan said:

"It shows that Lili is smart, if you go back to school, it must be............. Ahem! Oh, a little sore throat..."

Xiao Nan noticed that Lili's expression darkened slightly when she heard the words "school".

She is just a child's confrontational nature for receiving discipline.

So he touched Lily's head

, picked up the plastic bag that was taken back from Ritas's hand, and


"Always play a game, you should be tired, right?" I'll show you cartoons, right? "

Huh? All right! Seeing

Lili change back to her energetic appearance

, Xiao Nan was very satisfied

, and at the same time couldn't help but say to herself in her heart:

"In other words, Lili should be happier if she can touch VR or something,


But I think, with my revenue from this two dates,

I'm afraid I can't afford that kind of high-end equipment..........

That's right!

If only there were guests like the second royal sister and the little actor

, hey, was I thinking about peaches? How can there be such a stupid person?

After that, she carried the plastic bag with the "secret dried fish" and

returned to the kitchen

, ready to share with Lili,

this snack with a somewhat unique taste should

also be a "small thank you" gift to Luo Qiuli.




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