"Meow..." The

lifeless cat bark

, along with the sound of debris falling in the corner I don't know which corner,

made the little figure in the supermarket climbing up and down and

looking a little busy stop.

"Xiaobai, why are you running around?

When you first arrived, it wasn't like that. Xiao

Nan stepped on cartoon slippers, her white toes were arranged like compact pearls

, she walked a few steps to the little white who put the furry head on the glass door

, I don't know why, Xiao Nan always felt that Xiao

Bai looked at his eyes, as if he had been bullied by his classmates for a long time, and

finally waited for his parents to support his child-like eyes.

[How can a cat have such complicated emotions?] I must have overthought it.

Xiao Nan shook his head, threw the strange thoughts in

his mind to the back of his mind, and at the same time, reached out from the back of Xiao Bai's neck and lifted it up.

"Sure enough, liquid is the true expression of cats."

Saying that, he used his cherry little mouth to gently kiss the back of Xiaobai's head

, hugged the furry Xiaobai, and returned to his bedroom.

"Good night, Xiaobai."

Saying that, Xiao Nan, who laid out the quilt, put Xiaobai like a doll

next to his pillow, and at the same time reached out

and turned off the bedside lamp at hand, and

in the blink

of an eye, the whole room was like a giant's eyelids tightly closed,

completely blocking all the light sources,

falling into an excellent environment that made people feel sleepy.


Feeling him, the gentle and powerful palm

, Liang Qu's eyes opened slightly, it could be sure that Xiao Nan behind him

, or in other words, let the deformed existence in the corner

, who did not dare to show his body

, should not have entered

, that thought it was a state of "sleep"

, in fact, Liang Qu's

current state, or mood, is very complicated.

After vaguely perceiving the true face of the tip of the iceberg

, and then thinking of the child who was somewhat similar to Zhao Yun's appearance

, Liang Qu felt that he still hadn't practiced home after all————

since he had already stepped into the path of immortality, why should he be entangled in the debate between right and wrong?

However, Liang Qu still felt that Lili, who was as simple and kind-hearted as a blank piece of paper

, should not step into this world, which was regarded as "weird" and "monster" by ordinary humans;

Even if she can, she can get more "benefits", "chances" and so on.

But......... I actually retreated at that moment!

That's right, Liang Qu still regrets it

, obviously at noon, he has the opportunity to

knock off the soul mass that exudes an endless negative aura with Lili's chopsticks.

However, he actually watched as

if he had survived the ultimate torture of the eighteenth layer of purgatory

, but still stubbornly retained the embodied mass with the greatest resentment against the entire world, which

was swallowed by Lily.

Are those onlookers imposing any means on themselves?

No, they all hide in the shadows out of sight;

Is it Xiao Nan who controls himself and makes himself immobile?

No, he did nothing, just as he never took the initiative to impose his will

on those beings who were like dirt,

he was only watching, observing.

So, why did you

choose to stand by at that moment?

Liang Qu felt that

it was his avoidance of facts and the wavering of his inner insistence

, just as he watched those human beings

, in front of him, turn into inhuman creatures like spiders,

offend its (even if only to vent their own fear) pitiful people,

and turn into golden bubbles.

However, after Liang Qu struggled repeatedly

, after Lili left the "supermarket" with her mother

, when she was not paying attention, under their cold gaze, she

chased the poor girl who had escaped the shackles of fate.

It desperately wants to do something to make up for its mistakes

, even if only in its own way, to express its apologies to the girl who has changed dramatically in an unknowing state


But Liang Qu didn't expect that it actually

saw the somewhat abrupt "invitation" in Lili's bedroom.

That's right, before

Luo Qiuli opened the letter, Liang Qu had already seen through the essence of the letter

, it was an existence similar to the secret realm key

, although it was a one-time one-time

, but Liang Qu felt that if his observations in the past few days were not wrong

, whether it was Luo Qiuli or Lili,

they might be more likely to stay in the "real"

Even in the bright sunshine, the essence is a phantom of nothingness,

we should not step into this muddy and cruel world———— the sad world where the law of the jungle is the core law.

However, it was too late to say anything

, the envelope had been opened, and the gear of fate that allowed Lili and Luo Qiuli

to draw a dividing line

between each other had begun to operate, but Liang Qu felt that he should do something

, at least, let the girl who had just embarked on this road walk

comfortably in the first "journey".

Thinking of this, it turned its head more than ninety degrees and

looked at the initiator who suddenly appeared and stirred everything as if in an ink painting.

The fog, which has never completely dissipated from its body, is

both fog and origin.

That gentle to the outside world, conveying to the outside world that it is about to "leave" for a short time

, not only makes the night of this heaven and earth become as quiet and comfortable as a beautiful girl,

but also makes the existence in those shadows begin to become faintly excited————

the moment of celebration to pay homage to it is coming!

The message that seduces the minds of believers is about to be conveyed through their mouths to distant worlds, and

the gap that is so chaotic that it will divide the world will once again become a fragment of its "movie".

However, their suppressed, restless emotions were instantly calmed down in an instant, like a rising flame meeting a pouring rain falling from the sky


But this is not to say that they are "fixed" as Buddhism puts it.

On the contrary, at this moment, the violent wind that suddenly blew outside the house made the

world that was like a quiet girl who was shocked by thunder and was extremely flustered and agitated for no reason,

truly reflecting their hearts!

[How dare you.....?!] They are

so angry that they want to devour the "mutiny" who has clearly been sheltered but chooses to be unruly!


The shallow cat bark, when it is about to "fall asleep"

, is like a mobile phone casually placed by the pillow of a migrant worker, suddenly emitting a tinkling sound

, and the fog symbolizing the origin is like a breeze blowing through a wheat field,

rippling a slight ripple.

"Hmm... Xiaobai......... Don't make trouble.......... Tomorrow again... Accompany you........ Hmm........"

The soft loli sound, like a marshmallow, is extremely warm

, so that those angry them temporarily shut their mouths

, and also let the thunder outside the house, which is completely out of the forecast range of the meteorological station, immediately shut down.

Xiao Nan only felt that her little head was a little groggy,

but she who was about to fall asleep would not be angry with Xiaobai because she

knew that it was not a "mistake".

Soon, she felt that she was going to "break the piece" to watch the "movie" again

, but at this moment

, she was in a trance, and seemed to hear the sound of the evening tide gently lapping on the coastline

with the moon force,

soft and soothing.




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