Just like after riding on a pirate ship in an amusement park, he went non-stop to play

a series of projects such as roller coaster + pendulum that made people's internal organs temporarily greet each other

, Luo Yu felt that if he could do it again, he would never choose Li Bai........... See!

That's right, he was originally a street-level editor

, because of the hard salary that was infinitely close to three figures after deducting various projects

, he decided to use the pitiful small money that he just paid that people can't bear to look at directly (small, very cute (; ́༎ຶД༎ຶ

')), go to a certain blockage website to give it a shot, see if you can turn a bicycle into a motorcycle

, but I didn't think about

it, just at the beginning of a shallow victory, earning nearly a week's salary

, he felt that he could do it, the ability was great,


so he directly stud,

and finally ............

He himself was stud.

【_( ́ཀ'" ∠)_] "

I........ I'm going to flip the plate! Just win a game........ I can get back in one game and earn more! Luo

Yu, who was like being possessed by the grievance embodied by obsession

, under the extremely uncomfortable light of those colorful but shaky eyes

, installed the mobile phone screen, those borrowing and lending apps

, "Yes, that's it

, as long as you can win, everything just now is just a small 'entertainment'

" The whisper that came from nowhere

, in a cheerful tone,

Like the luthier's smart fingers

, accurately and elegantly tugging at Luo Yu's heartstrings

, the balance in his account is also like the electrocardiogram of a heart patient

, rising rapidly and falling sharply

, but when he found that his identification information

was marked with a special mark, and more apps could not be installed in the mobile phone

, he suddenly felt, Everything became so quiet, so

quiet that when someone hit his neck with a heavy punch against the wall where the wood chips were croaked out

because it was ineffective to pull him up

, he shouted:

"I'm finished!"

After realizing that he was saddled with a debt as long as an office phone number

, he fled like a headless fly

, obviously a pleasant summer night after a salary, but

now because of his greed

... In a trance, Luo Yu, who was walking under the dim street lamp

, saw a tall bald man walking towards him

, his thick knuckles were like an old woman washing clothes

, constantly scratching his shiny brain

, as if he wanted to get rid of something dirty

, just when he met the officers and soldiers like a thief, and he

wanted to escape in a different direction

The strong man was like a shark smelling blood, and

he came to Luo Yu with one step:

"Hey, you're in trouble."

The sudden sound made Luo Yu turn around in fright and run away

, because he knew that he had just borrowed and borrowed because

of his identity information, so he secretly used his own authority to

take the identity information of some residents in the street for his own use

, I thought that this matter could be concealed for at least a while,

but I never thought that the East Window incident happened so soon?!

"Hey, what are you running."

The bald man

kicked straight on the wall with one leg, directly blocking Luo Yu's path

, and seeing that the other party kicked the wall brick into four petals, Luo Yu was directly frightened and stupid.

"Ah!! I admit it! I am guilty! I..............,"

Luo Yu, who was frightened, hurriedly explained, while

he kept emphasizing that it was the low but clear whisper that

constantly controlled him and made him sink deeper and deeper step by step.

Luo Yu, who left from the blocking factory

, somehow sobered up a little, and

realized that his words might make the other party feel that

he was talking nonsense,

[Where is the whisper of the devil?] It's all my own greed!

But he didn't think that the

other party listened to himself with a serious face

, and then stretched out his huge palm

, slapped it heavily on his shoulder a few times, and


"I understand your situation."

After speaking, the bald man picked up the mobile phone

, squeezed the hand that patted Luo Yu's shoulder

, covered his mouth, and whispered a call with a Bluetooth headset:

"......... Okay chief, I see, I'll take someone over in a moment, as for this guy ......... Good! I know, don't worry, I will definitely complete the target! "

[Director? Bring someone? Index? Am I making a big deal?!

Luo Yu felt that he was a wasted batch

, and the bald man in front of him obviously found Luo Yu's crampedness

, grinned, revealing teeth that were white enough to reflect:

"Luo Yu, right?"

"Ah, yes!"

"Ask you something, just answer me truthfully..." "

I swear to tell the truth!"

"Gee, boring........ Come, you look at this, can you see anything?

As he spoke, the bald man raised his clenched hand in front of Luo Yu.

Although Luo Yu was confused, he still put his face close to the opponent's fist.

After making sure that he didn't see anything

, Luo Yu said with some confusion:

"Leader, I..."

In his heart, based on the other party's words

, he assumed that the other party might be some big man holding a golden rice bowl

, and unconsciously wanted to use honorifics,

but the bald man smiled slightly

That clenched fist suddenly burst out with red-blue flames,

which made Luo Yu almost fall to the ground in fear.

"Now what? Don't just tell me about flames, show me carefully!

Luo Yu, who was shocked

by the other party's serious and serious words, felt that his heart was as if it had been cleansed by the sound of Buddha

, and he unconsciously focused his attention on the other party's hand

, and at this moment,

his eyes discovered the vision in the flame and

fell to the ground in shock.


In Luo Yu's eyes, a worm-shaped creature that seemed to be in the shape of a "human" and had only its own soft limbs was

being firmly held by the bald man

, and the incomparably hot Ifrit flame

not only burned its ugly and strange body

, but also the irregular crack like a fig that cracked after ripening, and

the pupils that could shake like enoki mushrooms

He was staring

at Luo Yu deadly, and it seemed that as long as he could rush to Luo Yu's side,

all the damage it had suffered

could be instantly eliminated.

Although Luo Yu wanted to say "this is all fake"

, but the blazing feeling of the light flame and the

night body that the strange creature kept dripping on the ground because of the roasting, and the brick and stone holes brought up by those night bodies,

Luo Yu knew very well that this was very true!

"Very good, no signs of madness

, heart rate is also in the normal range,

very talented."

When Luo Yu was so frightened

that he felt that his trouser leg had become cold due to some excrement, the

bald man clenched his fist and closed the flame of light as if it were Tilian, completely

burning the "creature" that was constantly twisting his body to ashes.

"This....... What is it?! "

Evil spirits, a kind of 'dander' that naturally falls off their bodies

, and it just so happens that you have a certain quality that they need, so you

will be targeted by this 'little cutie'."


you two choices, do you want to listen?"


"First, I will use some small means to send you home,

of course, I will help you settle all the troubles caused by this small thing."

"So good.....?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet, if you choose this situation

, then everything you experienced today

, you will forget everything

, for an ordinary person

, this is indeed a good thing

, but for you, a high SAN value..."

"Oh, it's nothing

, don't care, in short, although today's matter

, you will be lucky to meet me

, and solve everything

, but they, if you meet such a 'delicious' you again

, I don't know, at that time, can you be 'lucky' again.............""

Huh?! You mean, I still have the possibility to......?!

"yes, so, I have a second option here,

do you want to listen?"


"Take this, find a high-end hotel

, lock the door, and sleep."

"It's that simple?"

Luo Yu looked at the exquisite envelope that the other party took out from his arms, and looked

at the bald man with a "Senran" smile with some stunnedness.




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