Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 153 Exam

On this day, the sky was dim.

Colin walked out of the hotel early.

I don’t know if it’s due to witchcraft. There are a lot of steam engines in this world, burning a lot of coal every day, but the sky is still blue, with no sign of pollution.

The orange sun gradually rises, and the beautiful clouds are brilliant.

With anticipation and joy, he quickly arrived at the gate of the Xisheng School's residence in a public carriage.

He thought he had arrived very early, but when he arrived at the school, he found that the open space outside the door was already surrounded by many wizards.

At a rough count, there are about twenty or thirty.

After getting off the carriage, Colin came to the edge of the crowd, kept a certain distance, and waited silently like the other wizards.

The door of the school had not yet opened, and Matthew did not give him a specific time at that time... Now it seems that it is still too early.

After waiting for a while, when the morning glow on the horizon gradually dissipated and the white clouds spread across the sky, the door of Xisheng School slowly opened.


Colin took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was exactly eight o'clock in the morning.

Tap tap tap tap——

At this moment, the regular sound of hoofbeats from a group of horses suddenly came from the road nearby.

Looking back, I saw about thirty or forty large carriages speeding toward the door one after another, almost occupying the entire road.

The decorations on the large carriages vary, and most of them have unique coats of arms...

‘It should be the carriage of the Wizarding School. ’ Colin secretly speculated in his heart.

As for what school they belong to, it is obviously the members of the small school who participated in the exam with them today.

So many carriages came together with such extraordinary momentum that the wild wizard who was standing at the door subconsciously moved away.

Colin was standing on the side, but now he followed the crowd and took a few steps back, even further to the side. His view was soon blocked by carriages one after another.

The carriage stopped, and the wizards of the school stepped out. Wearing uniform uniforms, they gathered into small circles.

Colin made a rough count and found that a large carriage could carry about eight wizards. The number would increase or decrease depending on the carriage... In this case, there would probably be about three hundred primary school wizards taking the exam today.

Then he turned around and scanned the wild wizards around him... about forty or so.

As soon as the elementary school wizards arrived, noisy chatter could be heard faintly as they chatted with each other.

Colin raised his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the school. Unfortunately, the carriage blocked his sight and he couldn't see clearly what was going on now.

Fortunately, those carriages left quickly after putting down the wizards of the school.

After the carriage left, Colin discovered that there was a long queue of wizards from the school at the door.

Subconsciously walked towards the end of the line.

"You shouldn't be waiting in line here." A cold voice came.

It was a short-haired wizard at the end of the line who was talking to another wild wizard who had already reached the end of the line and was about to line up.

" like this." The wild wizard with triangular eyes not far ahead smiled awkwardly.

"Go to the right." The cold wizard said calmly, then turned around and continued queuing.

The triangular-eyed wild wizard paused on the spot, then slowly turned around and prepared to walk to the right as the cold wizard said.

With his keen eyesight, Colin could clearly see the anger flashing in the eyes of the triangular-eyed wizard when he turned back.

Colin calmly distanced himself from the triangular-eyed wild wizard, then raised his head and looked to the right.

In fact, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the cold wizard. After all, the cold wizard's words were cold.

But it's not an arrogant attitude. If you ignore his tone, it's more like a friendly reminder.

That wild wizard with triangular eyes... is too narrow-minded to have a close relationship with him.

Just as the cold school wizard said, there was a separate queue on the right side of the door, and several wild wizards were already queuing up.

At the front of the team was a wizard wearing a gray witch robe with silver feather patterns.

Colin lined up with the crowd and moved forward slowly.

Since there were not many of them wild wizards, it was his turn soon.

"Certificate." The silver-feathered gray-robed wizard said.

"Okay." Colin took out the round coin with the feather pattern engraved on it.

"Inspire with magic."

Colin did as he was told.


A translucent blue projection appears above the round coin——

[Name: Colin. 】

[Level: Senior Wizard Apprentice. 】

"Go forward, then turn right and walk all the way to the end." The Silver Feather Wizard lowered his head to record the information while motioning for Colin to go in.

Colin nodded, put away the coins and walked inside. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at the wizard of the school on the left.

Sure enough... the wizards of the school went in a completely different direction from them, turning to the left.

Colin withdrew his gaze and silently walked to the right...with a faint layer of worry in his heart.

Such blatant differential treatment made him worried about his future situation in the school...

When he reached the end, under the instructions of another silver-feathered gray-robed wizard, he entered the room.

The room looked a bit like a classroom in a school a lifetime ago, with dozens of wooden tables spaced apart.

The difference is that the wooden desk here is not very large, about half the size of an ordinary desk in the previous life, and there is no matching chair.

Judging from the height, it should be used standing.

At this moment, a transparent crystal ball is placed on each table.

There was no specific location, Colin randomly picked a wooden table by the window and stood quietly.

Not long after, when everyone arrived, the silver-feathered gray-robed wizard also walked in.

At some point, a brown-black wooden box the size of a football suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Ahem -" He solemnly placed the wooden box on the front desk, then turned around and coughed a few times to attract attention and then began to talk,

"Everyone, please pay attention. I will briefly introduce to you the specific procedures and precautions for this exam."

All the apprentices cast their gazes over.

"The operation process of this exam is very simple. Place your voucher in the corresponding groove in front of the crystal ball on the table, then reach out and touch the crystal ball to take the exam."

"This is a specific operation. Let me talk about the precautions."

The silver-feathered gray-robed wizard raised his head, glanced at the apprentices and said in a deep voice:

"There is only one thing to note, that is, you are not allowed to use any witchcraft or any witchcraft tools including storage rings."

After saying this, he paused, turned around and opened the brown-black wooden box next to him and said:

"Of course, generally speaking, under the influence of the forbidden magic ring, you can't use witchcraft or witchcraft tools."

He took out a black glass-like ring from the wooden box, about the size of a football, with a square base.

"Tip: Don't try to use witchcraft or witchcraft tools, otherwise, if the magic-forbidden ring is damaged...that's all I have to say. If you find something unacceptable, return the voucher to me now and you can leave on your own."

The silver-feathered gray-robed wizard placed the forbidden magic ring on the base and stood it aside.

He looked serious.

Recruiting new members is a major matter for the school, regardless of other aspects, but there is no room for sloppiness here.

Of course, even though he said this, he was not as serious in his heart as he looked.

After all, even if these wild wizards passed the exam, most of them would be peripheral members of the school at best.

The real highlight of the exam lies with the elementary school wizard on the other side.

Wild wizards...especially those who are not promoted to senior wizard apprentices in an environment like the city, generally speaking, do not have much development potential.

"If there is no one who wants to leave -" the silver-feathered gray-robed wizard looked around and said in a deep voice, "Then let's start the exam now."

After saying that, he opened the black magic-forbidden ring.

It seems that nothing has changed, and it seems that everything has changed.

Colin secretly felt carefully——

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the air seems to have become thicker and thicker…

He subconsciously wanted to mobilize his magic power.

But the next second, he quickly suppressed this thought.

The words that the silver-feathered gray-robed wizard just warned them have not been forgotten.

If this forbidden magic ring could be damaged by the witchcraft he used out of curiosity...

But...thinking about it this way, I am afraid that the effect of this forbidden magic ring is not very powerful, or is it a consumable and relatively fragile?

But regardless, the value doesn't look low.

Just in case... I'd better suppress my curiosity.

Raise your hand and place the round coin certificate into the corresponding steel groove connecting the tabletop and the crystal ball base.

A white mist suddenly appeared in the transparent crystal ball.

Just as Colin was about to put his hand on the translucent crystal ball in front of him.


The sound of neat and loud footsteps suddenly came from outside the room, and there was also the faint sound of metal friction and buckles mixed in.

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