Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 156 Exposed

Colin turned to look around.

Light red, silver, and gold, the three colors complement each other indoors.

Most of them are light red, with only a few silvers and the only two golds.

Colin looked towards the two wizards with golden counterparts.

It happens to be a boy and a girl.

The man's face was calm, and he had a natural air of dignity when he stood. He seemed to have an extraordinary background... I just didn't know why he ended up in this situation.

The female is ordinary. Perhaps the only thing worth noting is her dark skin and exotic facial features. She seems to be of mixed race.

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin silently remembered the two of them.

The theoretical test has been passed, and then the practical his strength.

If nothing else happens, joining the Xisheng School is already a sure thing.

Although there are many benefits to joining a school of thought, there are inevitably disadvantages... For him, perhaps the biggest disadvantage——

It is necessary to deal with these human relations, or factional struggles.

Thinking of the conversation between Yaerlin and Becky that he overheard before... the environment within the Xisheng School may be far more complicated than he imagined.

However, this is normal.

Wherever there are people, there are factions, and wherever there are interests, there are struggles.

In the past, this was the same in the Lapp School, a small school on a remote island. Now, in the Xisheng School, there are more people and more interests. Naturally, there are more factions and the struggle is more intense.

Colin let out a soft breath.

If it weren't for the future, for the advancement of an official wizard... he would never want to step into this vortex.

But there is no way. Once it comes, let's make peace with it... At least he has gold paper to rely on.

Maybe it was Becky's previous show of force and Yaerlin's move to scare the monkeys that paid off.

Although the apprentices present looked gloomy and even collapsed and squatted on the spot, no one had any objections to this and they all left one after another.

In the end, only these apprentices who passed were left.

A rough count shows that there are less than ten, only nine.

Four of them are senior apprentices or below and are registering in front of them. It is worth mentioning that the two apprentices with golden assessment results are both senior wizard apprentices.

The assessment standards for wizard apprentices below the advanced level are different from them, and only basic knowledge is tested.

They also have a basic knowledge test, but it doesn’t seem to account for much of the total score, and the content of the test is also small.

After a while, Yaerlin finally completed the registration, and those intermediate wizard apprentices who passed the examination were put on feather badges.

The badge is entirely white, with a total of seven feathers on the left and right sides. The first two feathers on the intermediate apprentice's body are silver, and the rest are white.

It was precisely because of the need to bind these school badges that Yaerlin needed to register for so long.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the training ground...the intermediate apprentices will follow. After they finish the test, we will assign you a place together." Yaerlin stood up and led the way out.

Under his leadership, the group walked through the corridor and came to an indoor training ground of about four to five hundred square meters.

At this time, there are already many wizard apprentices in the training ground here.

The keen-eyed Colin discovered that these wizard apprentices were the same elementary school wizards who had been lining up outside like them before.

After a rough sweep, there were at least two hundred.

The pass rate... is probably at least 75%.

Colin secretly lamented that these wandering wizards holding tokens were really just an addition.

Yaerlin took them to a testing site in the corner.

There are iron-clad wooden targets, standard crossbow arrows for testing defense, etc., and an open space for testing other witchcraft... it can be regarded as a very standard testing site.

Although it is a corner, there is still a long queue because there are so many wizards testing.

As they arrived, many wizards from the elementary school looked back. When they saw that they were a group of wandering wizards, they lost interest and turned back.

A senior wizard apprentice from the primary school in front was testing, and his freckled face was very serious at this time.

Next to him, the intermediate wizard apprentice from the same school who did not need to take the test was watching attentively.

"According to the content of your theory test, use the corresponding witchcraft, at least two kinds."

A silver-feathered gray-robed wizard in charge of the exam said.

"Okay, sir." The Freckles Apprentice nodded slowly.

He exhaled softly and raised his arms.


An orange ray shot out from his fingertips and quickly hit the iron-clad target not far ahead.

A burning pit about the thickness of a thumb and two to three centimeters deep appeared on the iron-clad target.

‘The zero-level high-level witchcraft—scorching ray. ’ Colin secretly thought.

He had seen Berkeley use the same witchcraft on Blackstone Island when he was still a junior wizard apprentice.

But this power... Colin frowned.

I'm afraid the iron-clad man used for testing is not an ordinary target.

"Passed." The silver-feathered gray-robed wizard who took the assessment said calmly after observing carefully.

Then the Freckles Wizard performed two more witchcrafts, one was qualified and the other was excellent, successfully passing the assessment.

Seeing this, Colin felt a little more confident.

The assessment of practical application is not difficult, as long as the witchcraft performed can show the advanced knowledge assessed in the previous written examination, and the effect reaches a certain standard, you can pass.

After all the primary school wizard apprentices have completed their assessments, it will be their turn.

Yaerlin stepped forward and motioned for them to start the assessment.

The noble male apprentice stepped forward first.

Perhaps because of his unusual demeanor, the elementary school wizards nearby who had not yet left seemed to be interested and stopped to watch.

The male apprentice began the test and soon passed the examination without any surprise.

However... the result is only passing. There are three witchcrafts performed in total, one is passing, one is good, and the remaining one is unsatisfactory.

There was a chuckle from the elementary school wizard next to him.

After letting out a soft breath, Colin no longer hesitated, nor did he care about the elementary school wizards watching beside him.

The assessment begins immediately afterwards.

The natural choice is the advanced fireball technique and steel defensive force field.


The fireball technique that broke the limit for the second time flew fiercely towards the Ironwood target!

The heat spreads in all directions with an astonishing momentum.

Colin didn't use all his strength and saved one hand, but not too much.

This blow has reached 90% of the power of his normal state without the Scepter of Deception!


The fireball hit the iron-clad man hard, causing a huge noise. Ya'erlin, who was in charge of the assessment, couldn't help but change his expression.

Although this kind of power is not the strongest among the senior apprentices he has seen, it is at least among the top!

The elementary school wizards next to them even exclaimed. Among the more than two hundred wizards who passed the written examination, the number of them who can use such powerful witchcraft... I'm afraid they can be counted on both hands.

Everyone's eyes were directed towards him, but Colin's expression remained unchanged.

The results of the current test are not only related to future distribution, but also related to the first impression you give to everyone...

There is no harm in being as powerful as possible while retaining some necessary trump cards and making it reasonable.

Then he continued to perform the next witchcraft, breaking the limit into golden steel armor.

Since his own defensive witchcraft has now been upgraded to a steel temperature-resistant force field...the golden steel armor is just the previous version, so he did not only use 90% of it like the fireball spell, but went all out.

This naturally shocked the people around him.

From the perspective of physical defense alone, the steel armor used by Colin could probably be ranked among the top five among them.

"Sir, I have finished using it."

After using the steel armor, Colin said to Yaerlin.

The practical application assessment only required the use of at least two witchcrafts. The purpose of showing strength had been achieved, and he did not intend to use a third one.

The surrounding Primary School disciples were inexplicably relieved when they saw this, and small conversations appeared.

"This wandering wizard is so strong!"

"Is that a fireball technique? The power is really amazing..."

"Fortunately, I didn't use any other witchcraft... otherwise it would be too exaggerated."

"Maybe it's just because I know these two witchcrafts that I'm so strong..."

"That makes sense..."

Colin listened to the whispers around him, his expression unchanged.

Yaerlin, who was in front, first found Colin's name on the list.

Then he raised his head and said to Colin: "Colin, congratulations, your witchcraft application test result is extremely excellent."

He had a smile on his face and a gentle tone, completely different from the way he treated the male apprentice just now, not even bothering to call him by his name.

"Thank you." Colin smiled, then walked aside and waited quietly.

The first male wizard who passed the examination was also waiting quietly aside. When he saw him coming, his expression was cold, as if he was rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Seeing his appearance, Colin also stopped talking.

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