Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 163 Half-Elf (4k)

More than half an hour later.

The familiar bustling street scene of Tongqiangwei District gradually came into view of Colin in the carriage.

Neatly arranged different shops, wide gray stone roads, and an endless stream of people coming and going...

In the past ten days, it was not the first time that he had come here to solve the problem of meditation.

After getting off the carriage, Colin walked towards the shops next to the road with ease.

Not long after, he browsed all the shops on this street one by one.

After visiting this street, Colin did not stop and continued to the next street, repeating the same move.

that's all.

Perhaps because he had been here many times before, although there were many shops in the Tongqiangwei District, it took him more than two hours to visit the remaining shops one by one...

But he still found nothing, and he didn't find what he wanted.

After gathering his mood, Colin was not discouraged and walked towards the next place without changing his expression...

The highlight of today is not these shops.

Not long after.

A magnificent building appeared in front of him.

Slowly raised his head and looked upward.

The wooden plaque above is clearly engraved with the words "Jinbei Auction House".

On the right side of the door, another translucent white crystal projects two lines of large blue characters -

"Treasures of all nations, rare treasures of thousands of seas."

"Jinbei Auction House's once-a-month large-scale auction will be held on Thursday."

In fact, today is Thursday, so it seems that this slogan has not been updated yet.

Colin let out a soft breath and walked towards the door with some expectation in his heart, holding the golden invitation in his hand.

The invitation was something he got after he came to Jinbei Auction House a few days ago to show off his savings of nearly 10,000 magic stones. He must have it to be eligible to participate in Jinbei Auction House's monthly auction. .

Entering the auction house and sitting in the separate seats in the auction hall, Colin rubbed the bidding crystal on his right, his heartbeat inexplicably faster.

Over the past few days, he has consulted a large amount of information, trying to figure out what caused the decline in qualifications... and hope to find a solution.

The logic behind the decline in qualifications is simple.

In fact, it is because most of the physical and mental changes caused by the original meditation method are irreversible.

This irreversibility will continue to produce the magic power originally cultivated through meditation, thus causing the magic power of the newly practiced meditation method to be contaminated.

In turn, the contamination of magic power will also cause irreversible changes, or deterioration, in the mind and body.

Irreversible deterioration is the most direct cause of negative impacts such as reduced qualifications.

Of course, situations like his are a little more complicated.

The spirit and the body are an intricate whole that complement each other, affecting the whole body. His situation also involves his own humanity and intellectual aura.


The main stage of the auction hall gradually lit up with soft white light, illuminating the main stage and leaving a circular bright spot in his eyes.

The auction is about to begin.

Colin sat up slightly and stared at the main auction stage.

In fact, his idea is very simple.

Since the changes in the original meditation method are irreversible, we simply no longer consider whether they are reversible.

Instead, through gold paper, the Tin Sage meditation method is integrated with the original circle meditation method, thereby including the original changes and solving the pollution problem from the root.

But there is an unavoidable problem with this approach.

Fusion requires that both the Tin Sage Meditation Method and the Circle Meditation Method be broken to gold in advance.

But if you practice the Tin Sage Meditation Method, it will inevitably lead to the contamination of magic power, which will then lead to changes in the mind and body...

Everything seems to be in an endless loop.

But in fact, predecessors have already explored this aspect one after another in an attempt to find a solution.

Of course, the final least judging from the information he has access to now——

This is still an unsolvable problem.

However, after looking through relevant information, he found a glimmer of light.

He does not need to solve the pollution once and for all, he just needs to prevent the pollution from happening before the Tin Saint Meditation Method reaches golden level.

And there are indeed ways to temporarily avoid pollution...

"The following is the first item of auction, an unnamed witchcraft crystal. After testing, it is found to be a fire element witchcraft. Its power is equivalent to the first-level mid-range witchcraft, which is an excellent level."

On the high platform, the kind-faced auctioneer took out the first lot.

Colin waited quietly.

Most of the auction items will be printed on the list in advance, but there are still some auction items that will only reveal a few words in order to maintain a sense of mystery.

In the publicity list for this auction, a keyword was mentioned for the hidden items - "Eliminating the Magic."

Yes, remove the magic.

As long as all the magic power is eliminated, and as long as no new magic power is generated, there will be no danger of mixed magic power contamination.

This is not of much use to other wizards. On the one hand, it is difficult to accurately eliminate only the original magic power.

On the other hand, even if the magic is eliminated, it will only be a temporary delay, and there will always be consequences later.

After all, eliminating the magic only removes the surface. The real root cause - the irreversible changes in the mind and body, cannot be restored.

But for him, as long as he can show procrastination, that's enough.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that it is true that the magic power can be completely consumed by itself, but once you meditate, the magic power will be generated.

Since the effects of previous meditation methods are mostly irreversible, the previous magic power will more or less be produced during meditation...

This road obviously doesn't work.

The auction continues.

Bidding for machinery started one after another.

On several occasions, Colin saw auction items that interested him.

But after hesitating for a moment, he still chose to put down the hand that was touching the bidding crystal.

The most important thing now is to solve the problem of meditation.

The auction item that can eliminate magic... I don't know the price yet.

I really don’t dare to spend money randomly...

After an unknown amount of time, Colin's expectant voice finally sounded in the auction hall.

"Next is auction item No. 32 -" the auctioneer paused, then deliberately lowered his voice and said slowly: "The Fruit of the Absolute Demon!"

As soon as the name came out, Colin suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

The thing he needed to remove the magic obviously had to be temporary, and preferably have no sequelae.

This "evil fruit"... doesn't sound like a mild potion.

Sure enough, the auctioneer's next words also proved his conjecture.

"The fruit of exterminating demons has only one effect, which is to cut off the wizard's qualifications, eliminate the magic power, and make him a mortal from now on.

Of course, it is limited to formal wizards and below, and the smell of the Jue Demon Fruit is strong and unique..."

The auctioneer's voice continued, clearly and unmistakably transmitted to every corner of the auction hall through the amplification wizard array.

But to Colin, the sound seemed to be getting farther and farther away, as if there was an invisible barrier between him and he couldn't hear it clearly.

"3000 magic stones!"

Not long after, the bidding sound suddenly sounded.


With his eyes fixed, Colin was pulled back by the sound of bidding, and the sounds around him became clear again.

After glancing around, Colin let out a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and walked out of the auction hall.

‘The feeling of failed expectations is uncomfortable, but you can’t just give up. ’

Colin walked out of the auction hall along the passage.

It was dusk at this time, and the rich orange light filled the earth.

He looked at the dazzling pink-orange embers left by burning white clouds in the distance.

My heart suddenly felt relaxed and a little relieved, and I added something secretly in my heart.

'But you can't be blind... give it half a year. If you still can't find a solution after half a year, you can only change to meditation. ’

After stopping a public carriage, he returned home.

The swift wind rolled up the thick curtains of the car window, and as the light and shadow swayed, he soon returned to the door of his home.

But as soon as he got out of the car, an unexpected figure appeared in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Senior Marjorie, are you here?"

Marjorie walked towards him slowly, smiled and said:

"Didn't you ask me before if there is any kind of thing or potion that can temporarily eliminate the magic power in the body?"

“I looked through the information and found a few species, but those were either extinct and difficult to find.

Either it will permanently eliminate the magic power, or it will cause great harm to the body... The effect does not meet the requirements you described. "

At this point, Marjorie paused and a smile appeared on her face.

"But I came here to tell you some good news."

Colin was startled, and an uncontrollable joy suddenly surged in his heart.

"Senior Marjorie, you mean you found it?"

Marjorie shook her head.

The joy rising in Colin's heart suddenly stopped, but before the disappointment could be reflected on his face, he heard Marjorie continue:

"Although I didn't find it, I asked Senior Lilian for help."

‘Senior Lillian? ’ Colin frowned slightly.

‘Could it be Lillian Rudolph whom I met in the tutor’s study before? ’

But it didn't matter. He stared at Marjorie, waiting for his next words.

Marjorie didn't play it off, and said decisively and simply:

"Yes, you guessed it right. Senior Sister Lilian happens to know a magic potion that can meet your requirements...and it's in the city of Neustadt."

Colin was slightly startled. After confirming Marjorie's words, the joy in his heart became a little more complicated.

I didn't expect that I would get nothing at the store or auction, and when I even wanted to give up, I suddenly got such a surprise.

It's true... the east is not bright, the west is bright, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

After adjusting his emotions, Colin pondered for a moment and asked:

"So, Lilian... did senior sister say what I need to pay?"

"For what?" Marjorie shook her head, "I don't know that either. You have to ask her yourself."

After saying that, Marjorie paused and then added with a smile: "But as far as I know, we all have the same mentor. Senior Sister Lillian will not ask you for anything."

"Yes." Colin nodded, paused and said sincerely: "Thank you, Senior Marjorie, this news helps me a lot."

"But I'm in a hurry to find Senior Lillian. How about I invite you to have lunch at Mochizuki Restaurant another day?"

Mochizuki Restaurant is a mid-to-high-end restaurant nearby, and its monster ingredients are highly praised...of course it's not cheap either.

Normally, the two of them would probably spend at least two hundred magic stones.

"Wangyue Restaurant?" Marjorie hesitated and shook her head, "It's too expensive, Junior Colin.

If you really want to treat me to dinner, ask your maid to cook a good meal next time. Last time I came to your place to eat, that... spicy chicken? "

"Spicy chicken."

"Yes, yes, that's it...after eating it, I can't forget it." Marjorie smacked her lips and sighed:

"It's a pity that my cook doesn't have the same skills as your maid. I've described it several times, but what she made is still nothing like it."

"If senior is willing, you can ask my maid Renee to teach your cook the specific preparation method."

Marjorie looked happy. His biggest hobby is food.

I pride myself on not having any delicacies that I haven’t tried.

But one day when Colin invited him to eat, he discovered that he had never eaten the dinner served by his maid!

"Then it's settled, I'll ask the cook to come over tomorrow to study." He quickly said with a smile, then paused and added:

"Forget it about the Wangyue Restaurant. I'm just looking for information, so there's no need to spend so much money."

"...Then it's better to choose a different date, but I'm going to go find Senior Lillian today...let's do it tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll ask Renee to prepare a table of delicious food and wait for you, Senior."

Colin paused, no longer persisted, and turned to say with a smile.

"Okay." Marjorie agreed readily. As if thinking of something, he looked at Colin and suddenly said:

"I'm afraid you can't find Lillian now."

"Today is Thursday. I'm afraid Senior Sister Lilian is still in her tutor's study. She won't come out of her tutor's residence until twelve o'clock."

‘Still in the study? ’

Colin raised his eyes and glanced at the setting sun in the distance, and asked with some surprise:

"I remember that you, senior, once said that you cannot enter your tutor's study after twelve o'clock at noon..."

"Lillian is different from us." Marjorie shook her head, then paused and added: "In fact, Lillian is the granddaughter of her mentor."

"I see..." Colin nodded slowly.

The two had the same surname before, which led him to speculate in this regard...

As if thinking of something, Colin suddenly asked curiously:

"Senior Marjorie, I see you call Lillian senior. I'm a little curious about senior Lillian..."

"Senior Lillian should be almost seventy years old this year."

As if she guessed that Colin would ask such a question, Marjorie answered first.

‘Almost seventy? ! ’

Colin was shocked when he thought of Lilian's appearance, which looked like she was thirteen years old at most.

Marjorie looked at Colin's shocked look and laughed a few times and explained:

"Senior Lillian is a hybrid of high elves and humans. Her lifespan is at least six hundred years... seventy years, which is only equivalent to twelve or thirteen years of human life."

"Let's go. Since you can't find Senior Sister Lilian now, maybe you can keep me for dinner if you have time?"

Marjorie smacked her lips and added, "Of course, tomorrow's meal will be indispensable."

"...No problem." Colin came to his senses and led Marjorie into the yard.

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