Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 311 Third Party Visitor (5.4k)

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

Lilian's body was covered with a translucent golden shield, and her medium-length blond hair fluttered, revealing her jade-like soft pointed ears and slender neck.

The black mist surged and gathered, like a sharp sword, stabbing straight at her.

Colin and Aki had expressions of surprise on their faces at the same time.


At the critical moment, Colin subconsciously pulled Lillian aside to dodge.

However, everything was too unexpected, and the sword-like black mist still hit Lilian's abdomen.


The Ancient Tree Spring necklace flashed with light green, and a drop of clear spring water was sent into Lilian's mouth by Colin.

After doing this, Colin suddenly discovered that Lilian's injury was much more minor than he thought.

Although it was considered a serious injury, the body was not cracked and there was no direct death, there was just a penetrating wound.


The black fog dissipated, but Aki, who was wearing a suit of pitch-black armor, did not pursue the victory. He stared at Lilian and murmured.

"What happened to your pointed ears?" he demanded.

Lillian looked pale and did not answer.

Only then did Colin notice that there was a new change in her current appearance.

Perhaps because her bloodline was fully stimulated, Lilian's current appearance looks no different from that of a high elf.

His graceful pointed ears, pale but breakable skin, and delicate facial features are among the best even among the high elves.

If he remembered correctly, he had only seen Lilian in this girlish state a few times, and this was the first time he had looked at her so closely.

‘Senior Lilian…seems to be more beautiful again? ’

The change in appearance is just the appearance, and the change in the bloodline in the body is the essence. Colin knows that this is the elf bloodline in Lilian's body that has been improved again.

On the other side, Yaxi naturally thought of this.

Seeing that Lilian didn't answer, he suddenly became disinterested and lost interest in talking.

He turned to look at Colin, but did not choose to take the opportunity to attack Colin, who seemed to be at the end of his strength.

Instead, it attacked the twisted trees again.

He has not forgotten his purpose. As long as he can interrupt Atbold's recovery, he will have plenty of time to deal with Colin and others.

At this time, the green light of the twisted trees had almost enveloped the entire tree.

Aki couldn't help but feel a little more nervous.


The next moment, Colin, who put down Lilian, blocked him again.

"Go away!" Yaxi was extremely angry.


The black mist was like a cone, shooting towards Colin!

The steel temperature-resistant force field persisted for a moment before breaking again, as did the knight's armor.

While Colin was flying upside down, the black mist cone drove straight in and struck another penetrating wound in his abdomen.

Fortunately, thanks to his super brain talent and strong physical control ability, Colin was able to survive without suffering fatal injuries.

The talent of strengthening life is playing its role as usual, desperately repairing the wounds of the body.

It's just that the wounds caused by the black mist often have residual corrosive energy, which makes the healing slower every time when the injuries are not fully recovered.

However, Aki was already heading towards the twisted tree again.

Colin took a breath.

The cold air of the snowy night was refreshing, his heart was beating violently due to the battle, and his blood was still hot.

He stared at Aki's flying figure and rushed forward again!


The next second, Colin flew back at an even faster speed.

At this time, the open space covered by the black mist barrier seemed to have been plowed by artillery, with holes one after another.

These are all marks left by his body.

The falling snow falls calmly, and they treat it equally. Except for the latest potholes, the rest of the potholes are more or less stained with white traces.


Colin stood up unsteadily and coughed a few times. Through the wound on his abdomen, he could clearly see the white snow falling behind him.

"Give up, you have no way to take my attacks anymore." Yaxi said calmly, "As long as you are willing to cooperate, wait until I get the black mist certificate from Atbold, and then sign a contract with me. I am willing to spare your life."

Aki was not completely exhausted. The black mist armor on his body was visibly thinner, and his voice was breathless.

Although the Black Mist Armor was good, his own physical strength was somewhat lagging behind.

Colin covered his mouth and coughed a few more times.

Ash waited patiently.

However, a few seconds later, Colin was still coughing lowly.

"I'll give you three more seconds to think!" Axi's eyes flashed coldly. "!"

But what answered him was a flickering fire.

The orange fireball elongated and instantly formed a figure of the fire element.

"Shameless!" Yaxi snorted coldly.

The black stream of light headed towards the twisted trees.

Colin subconsciously wanted to step forward to intercept again. At the same time, he did not forget to summon a fire elemental again in his hand.

However, this time, Aki waved his hand and threw a cloud of black mist at him.

Colin quickly avoided it, but the black mist caught up with him again as if it was conscious.

If it were a time when the injury was not so serious, this black mist would not be able to interfere with him at all.

However, now, Colin clearly felt that his steps were being slowed down by the black mist.

Aki was getting closer to the twisted trees.

Colin also felt that his heart was being squeezed tighter and tighter by invisible hands, making it almost difficult to breathe.

After all, he is only a first-level person. Although he can tangle with Aki who is a second-level person with his outstanding strength, when he has to resist his attack head-on, defeat is only a matter of time.

"Damn it!" He gritted his teeth and tried his best to catch up while summoning another fire elemental.

The two fire elements, under his control, went together to resist the black mist.

He was finally liberated, but it was too late.

The black figure was almost close to the twisted trees.

Aki stopped not far from the twisted tree, holding his right hand in a hollow hand.

The black mist condensed into a bunch, and finally turned into a lightning-shaped spear.

He raised his right hand as if throwing a javelin.


The black spear drew a fatal arc!

"It's too late..." Colin looked ugly and stopped decisively.

He looked at the summoned fire element that had reached 99/100 on the gold paper, and waved his hand to actively disperse the summoned fire element.


Just when Colin was about to summon a fire elemental again, he was suddenly stunned.

The black spear drew a fatal arc, but its final landing point did not reach the twisted tree where Atbold was.

Instead it fell to Marjorie.


Marjorie didn't know when she quietly touched the side of the twisted tree, and stepped forward at this most critical moment to block Axi's blow.


The new element of fire took shape before Colin.

The heat emitted by the orange flame melted the surrounding snow in an instant, forming a dense mist.

The hazy white mist brought by the evaporation of water vapor covered Colin's expression and half of his figure.


The fire element shot towards Aki, who looked bored and was re-concentrating his attack.

"You are the weakest second-level wizard I have ever seen." At the same time, Colin said hoarsely in the white mist, "You can't even kill me, a first-level wizard, can you?"

"Why don't you try to come over here and kill me?"

"Words that provoke me are useless." Aki said coldly, "After Attbald is dealt with, I will have plenty of time to prepare you!"

"Now, don't even think about stalling!"

Colin smiled, and as long as Aki answered, he was already delayed.

Although it's not much, it's enough for him...

Feeling the new knowledge falling like snow in his mind, the curvature of the corners of Colin's mouth gradually widened.

But soon he looked at Marjorie slumped beside the twisted tree.

The joy in my heart at summoning the fire element to break through the limit gradually disappeared, and then a deep anger slowly emerged quietly.


An orange fireball almost as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I told you that these fire elements... are of no use to me at all." Axi glanced back and mocked.

Then he turned around, holding his right hand empty, ready to attack the twisted tree again.

But the next moment.

A hot and burning breath swept over like a volcanic eruption,

"Is this?!" Yaxi's expression changed and he turned around again.

A huge fire element almost three meters high was striding towards him!

Affected by its astonishing heat, the snowflakes in the black fog barrier melted one after another, and the falling snow turned into a pattering winter rain in an instant!

"An almost white flaming head, a body over three meters tall, this is...a second-order fire element?!"

Aki looked at this scene in disbelief.

In the rain curtain turned into white snow, the flame giant flew towards me covered in steaming white mist.

Colin promptly increased the intensity of the knight's halo, raising it to the highest level.

"No, is this possible?!"

"How can you, a first-level wizard, cast spells across a higher level!"

Under various influences, Aki's panic expression was still clearly visible even if it was covered by the dark visor.

Performing spells across major levels is not something that any wizard can do!


The second-level fire element threw a punch.

The billowing white mist exploded like a fairyland. Yaxi crossed his arms subconsciously. After a moment of stalemate, Duryodhana was finally scorched by the flames and flew backwards.

The roles of offense and defense changed in an instant!

The original first-level low-level summoning fire element turned into a second-level low-level witchcraft after breaking the limit, and the summoned fire element has also entered the second level of strength!

Although he has only entered the second level for the first time, after a long battle, Aki's condition is far less powerful than it was at the beginning.

Coupled with the shadowy influence of the knight's halo, the second-level fire element is enough to give Aki a headache.

Even... even under Colin's meticulous operation, Axi's current situation has become more dangerous!


The fire element's huge body appears particularly flexible under the auxiliary control of Colin's super brain.

Fireballs, fire waves, punches, kicks... Unconsciously, Aki found that he could only passively defend himself!


Suddenly, after the second-level fire element punched, a corner of the black mist armor on his body shattered!

Axi's expression changed, and he quickly controlled the surge of black mist to repair the broken spots on his shoulders.

However, the cost of doing this is that the overall thickness of the black mist armor on the body becomes thinner again.

"You're just a first-level wizard, but I want to see how much magic power you have to maintain your second-level witchcraft!" Yaxi said fiercely.

However, the cruel words could not change the embarrassing reality at all.

Under the attack of the second-level fire element, he could only continue to struggle to resist, maintaining a fragile balance, hoping that Colin would consume all his magic power as soon as possible.


At this moment, a brilliant golden light suddenly flew over.

As before, Aki subconsciously ignored it.

However, the next moment, he suddenly realized that the black mist armor on his body was no longer as strong as before.

But at this time it was too late to react.

The fragile balance of combat changes in an instant.

The fire element giant seized the opportunity and opened his arms to hug Axi, tightly restraining him in his arms like the closest lover.

"No!" Yaxi struggled in fear, but it was in vain. The fire element held him firmly in his arms.

The black mist and the white flames annihilated each other, and Aki could feel the extremely high temperature of the fire element even through the black mist armor.

The battle seems to have been settled.

Lilian sat up holding her belly, with complex expressions on her face, including joy, sadness, and disbelief.

Colin did not relax. He controlled the fire element and continued his efforts to completely eliminate Axi.


At this time, the hemispherical black fog barrier that had always enveloped them suddenly disappeared, and Aki screamed in horror.

Immediately afterwards, a figure exuding a powerful aura instantly appeared in mid-air.

"How is this going?"

After seeing clearly the situation at the hit scene, Field was obviously stunned for a moment.

But soon, he reacted and planned to rescue Aki.

Seeing Field's figure appear, Axi's expression became surprised, while Colin and Lillian's expressions suddenly changed.

The good situation disappeared in the blink of an eye like a dream.

Colin remained silent and tried his best to mobilize the energy of the fire element.

The originally ordered energy gradually became violent, like a powder keg about to explode.

"I advise you not to do that." Field said coldly, quickly approaching Colin.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. As long as Colin is eliminated, the summoned fire element will naturally dissipate!

He was like a ferocious great white shark, approaching quickly with its mouth wide open.

Colin raised his head and glanced at Field, and the super brain instantly assessed the possibility of escape - zero.

In order to maintain the existence of the second-level fire element, he almost canceled all the witchcraft on his body, not even the steel temperature-resistant force field was left.

Without the blessing of witchcraft such as agility and flying and diving, with just the power of a first-level knight, there is no way he could deal with a second-level wizard like he just did!

Field looked gloomy. He didn't want to get involved in this matter, but Axi's uncle was kind to him. If Axi died here tonight, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

"I only plan to save Aki, and other things can be treated as if nothing happened." He said again.

However, Colin on the other side has already made up his mind.

He didn't make a sound, didn't say any harsh words, he just looked at Field indifferently.

Then, input all the magic power into the fire element.

If tonight is doomed to be a failure, then before he dies, he will have a backstop! !

Gradually, a palpitating feeling crept into everyone's hearts - this was the aura emitted by the unstable fire element.

"No! You can't do this!" Yaxi, who was the closest, felt the most profoundly.

He just felt like he was standing in the crater of a volcano that was about to erupt, and the fear in his heart was uncontrollable!

"Good boy!" Anger flashed across Field's brows, and he decisively turned around and flew towards the fire element.

Previously, he planned to directly deal with the source and end the entire incident, but he underestimated Colin's bloody nature.

He would rather choose to fight to the death!

But it doesn't matter, he just needs to take one more step. As a second-level senior wizard, he is confident that he can save Aki.

When Colin saw this, his expression changed. If Field were to save Axi, everything would be over. With the cooperation of two second-level wizards, they would all die!

All the magic power surged out, and there was even a drying pain in the magic sea in his chest.

The fire element stagnated in place at this moment, and the flames on the huge body surged and stirred.

Field snorted coldly, and the falling snowflakes around him seemed to have heard the order, and flew towards the fire element with crystal blue light.

These ice crystals filled with chill are the best substance to calm down the fire element.

As long as it hits successfully, no matter how much Colin controls it, it will be useless!


However, at this moment, when those ice crystals were about to touch the fire element.

A green curtain of light suddenly blocked the front.

Field's expression changed.

The next second.

The body of the fire element, which was more than three meters high, suddenly expanded, and then suddenly collapsed inward.

"No——!" Axi screamed miserably.

However, he was instantly swallowed up by the orange and white flames.

The extremely high temperature and pressure gave him no chance of survival.


Under the influence of extremely high heat, billowing white fog rose.

Colin suddenly discovered that at some point, the first snow in early winter had quietly stopped.

The emerald green light gradually brightened from the twisted ancient tree.

This light was filled with a thin layer of vitality, and even some green grass sprouts sprouted from the surrounding mud.

After a moment, a figure emerged from the light.

It was he who had just blocked the ice crystals shot by Field.

"Atbold, your injury is actually healed?!" Field looked uncertain, but he already had the intention to retreat.

After all, Aki is already dead, and there is no point in continuing to dwell on it.

And from the looks of Altbold, he has completely returned to normal and has even made some progress.

However, Atbold did not answer. He just walked to the twisted ancient tree with a cold face, gently bent down and picked up the tall bald figure.

Colin was silent, that was Marjorie's figure.

The mentor reacts like this now... He has understood everything.

How can an apprentice level resist the attack of a second-level wizard?

Marjorie... was dead, her blood staining the white snow.

At this time, under the influence of the teacher's inexplicable power, the grass gradually began to appear green, like a vibrant spring.

Lillian struggled to get up and leaned against the broken wall, her face full of sadness.

Field gradually backed away, planning to leave.

"Field, what happened tonight has nothing to do with you... You want to leave, have you ever asked me?" Atbold hugged Marjorie's body, turned around and said calmly.


Starting from his feet, green grass sprouted from the snow, rushing in all directions like a tide.

At the same time, in the flower garden not far away, a circle of tall trees on the periphery stretched their branches, the flowers swayed and bloomed, and the branches were once again covered with green leaves.

Almost in an instant, the entire Atbold's yard turned into a spring scene, without any sign of winter.

However, for Field, this spring scenery is just a terrifying cage!

The green grass is sharp, the flowers exude an intoxicating fragrance, and the tall trees on the periphery are like silent guards, watching eagerly.

"What on earth is going on here?"

Just when the atmosphere was tense, a voice came from high up.

Bulwer took his partner Keith and cautiously suspended in mid-air.

They looked at the target they were looking for - Colin, who looked pale at the moment, and then looked at the messy scene at their feet, filled with doubts in their hearts.

The two big ones are nearly 10,000 words. Can I give you a monthly pass?

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