Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 316 Factions within Schools

On the second floor of Black Castle, Colin walked through the long and narrow corridor and came to the registration office.


He knocked on the door gently, and soon a crisp female voice came from inside:

"Please come in."

There are no big changes in the registration office from the last time I came here. It is still the same as before, just a small small room.

Sunlight poured in from the glass window on the right, fell on the only brown desk, and then spread to the gray-haired old wizard sitting behind the desk.

Apart from the table, chairs and the old wizard, there was nothing else in the room.

Although there are thousands of wizards of all sizes in the Xisheng School, even so, only one person can handle the advanced registration matter.

This job is probably one of the most leisurely jobs in Black Castle.

Of course, if he remembered correctly, the wizard he saw in charge of registration when he came last time was not this old man, but a wizard with thick brown-rimmed glasses.

"To register for strength improvement, please take out the school badge to verify your identity first..." Jonah adjusted his silver glasses and slowly raised his head.

But the next second, when he saw Colin's appearance clearly, his face showed a trace of confusion.

This wizard seemed familiar in appearance.

With the existence of a super brain, Colin remembered the identity of the other party before he did——

This wizard seems to be the boss of the registered wizard last time, and he seems to be also a mentor.

Without paying attention, Colin stepped forward, placed his school badge on the scale-shaped witchcraft tool on the table with ease, and at the same time put his hand on the other side.

As for Jonah on the side, perhaps it was because Colin's temperament and appearance had changed somewhat after he advanced to become a first-level knight.

So he didn't remember where he met Colin for a while.

However, Jonah didn't care and followed the procedure to verify Colin's identity and update his strength.

Although he was only helping his favorite student temporarily take over the class for a while, he was very familiar with the relevant procedures.

When he was still a first-level wizard, this was exactly what he did.

After a moment, the scale emitted a dense white light. Jonah looked at the pointer in the middle carefully, and then took off the badge.

"Promoted from a first-level intermediate wizard to a first-level advanced wizard...Colin Leonard?" He muttered silently. After seeing the name, he slowly raised his head, his silver glasses full of surprise.

"Colin Leonard?" Jonah repeated subconsciously.

"It's me, Lord Jonah." Colin nodded calmly.

Although he had some unpleasant experiences with Jonah's female student last time, it obviously had nothing to do with Jonah, and he had no ill feelings toward the old wizard.

Of course, there is no good impression.

After seeing Colin's confirmation, Jonah adjusted his silver glasses subconsciously, his expression a little messy.

He looked at Colin several times, and then said dryly: "Compared to last time, you are much more handsome."

Colin didn't answer.

Jonah smiled, finally coming back to his senses, and his tone became smoother and warmer.

"Are you already strengthening the foundation of your body?" he continued to ask.

The wizard in front of me was a first-level intermediate a month ago, and now he is a first-level advanced. It didn't take long to go from the first-level beginner to the first-level intermediate.

Such a rapid advancement speed... Colin is already considered to be the top genius wizard of the Xisheng School!

After this registration, you will definitely get the Golden Feather nameplate, which can be said to be a promising future!

If he didn’t die along the way, he would at least be a third-level wizard!

"Well, it's ongoing." Colin smiled and responded vaguely.

But in fact, he is just waiting for the wizard level to progress further, and then obtains the relevant knowledge to advance to the second-level wizard, and then he can start to advance to the second-level wizard!

"It's really amazing!" Jonah sighed with emotion. "People often say that the gap between mortals and wizards is like a chasm. In my opinion, the gap between wizards is probably not much different."

"I wonder if Mr. Colin has the idea of ​​changing factions now? With your talent, it will only be a matter of time before you advance to the second level.

If the original faction is not strong enough, then it is time to make plans for the future. "

"The wizard's road is rugged and difficult. It would be much easier if there was a guide to stop the dangerous wind and falling rocks."

Jonah seemed to have psychologically placed the talented first-level wizard in front of him in the same position as himself.

The words are sincere and much more genuine than the superficial politeness before.

"Thanks for the reminder." Colin nodded lightly. He was always willing to repay kindness.

However, although what Jonah said was a sincere warning from someone who had experienced it, his situation was very different from the other wizards.

The specific plans after that will have to be carefully weighed.

Jonah put Colin's badge into the special witchcraft tool and continued to add:

"You don't have to feel the psychological burden of leaving your original faction. If nothing else, the new faction you join will generally compensate your original faction with a large amount of resources - this is an unspoken rule that has always existed in the school."

Jonah paused, adjusted his glasses, and saw that the badge had not been modified yet, so he continued:

"In fact, the entire Xisheng School is full of similar exchanges of interests. This is true regardless of whether there are grudges between the two factions."

"The most reliable relationship between wizards is always the exchange of interests. This is also the essence of the school's everlasting prosperity."

Colin nodded and said nothing. He and Jonah were not very familiar with each other, so it was not suitable for them to have a casual conversation.

He just warned himself silently:

"It is precisely because of the way Daliu is that those relationships that can completely disregard interests are even more rare and precious."

For him, the path of wizard cultivation may not be too difficult.

But the more this happened, the more wary he became of the changes in his mind.

Only by sticking to your heart can you go further.

If the more you practice, the more you become like a cold-blooded machine, then this is essentially contrary to the practice of a wizard.

However, although he did not completely agree with Jonah's words, the old wizard's words could be regarded as revealing more of the school of thought to him.

These schools of thought have been established for thousands of years, and the complexity of the various forces involved is probably beyond his imagination.

'It's better to develop silently and try not to get involved. ’ Colin thought silently.

"Okay, Sir Colin." Jonah took out the reshaped badge and handed it to Colin.

The new badge starts from the end, first there are three silver feathers, and then there is a gold feather that is completely dyed gold. When this gold feather is at the first-level intermediate level, only most of it is gold.

"Thank you." Colin took the badge and planned to leave.

"Wait, Sir Colin." However, as if he thought of something, Jonah stopped him again.

"According to past circumstances, with your current advancement speed, you will definitely be able to obtain a Golden Feather nameplate.

If you have time, why not drop by and pick up the nameplate now? "

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will have to go again next time - the awarding of the Gold Feather Nameplate is more complicated than the Silver Feather, and there are many processes that need to be completed."

Colin stopped, thought for a moment and asked, "How long will it take?"

"About three hours or so. To be honest, I happen to be in charge of this."

"More than three hours..." Colin looked at the sky outside the window, and it had become dark without realizing it.

The days in winter are not as long as before, and even the sunset is not as dazzling as before, but has a reddish appearance, revealing a complete circular outline.

Night is coming.

After pondering for a moment, Colin finally shook his head and refused, "Let's forget it. I have some things to do later."

Tonight is not only a gathering between him and his mentor, but also a memorial service to bid farewell to Senior Marjorie. It is not appropriate to spend too much time here.

"If something happens, there is really nothing we can do."

Jonah didn’t try to persuade him, he just paused and said:

"Sir Colin, if you intend to change factions at that time, you can contact me. My faction will definitely provide you with satisfactory treatment."

"I will think about it."

"Your Excellency Colin, please choose your faction carefully. A Golden Feather genius like you will definitely sign a contract with you unless your faction is really too weak."

For some reason, Jonah paused but then suddenly continued:

"In other words, you should carefully compare the differences between different factions when the time comes, and don't rush into signing a contract before the news of getting the Golden Feather Nameplate has spread."

"There is also the Golden Feather Nameplate. If you obtain it, you will have the opportunity to choose witchcraft of your own level and knowledge of corresponding value twice a year for free.

This is a precious privilege, but there is one thing to note -

That is to pay attention to the witchcraft or knowledge you choose, and do not overlap with the witchcraft or knowledge possessed by your own faction, otherwise it will be a wasted opportunity. "

"The witchcraft and knowledge possessed by the faction?" Colin asked doubtfully.

"In the Xisheng School, except for the unique witchcraft of some wizards, most of the other witchcraft can be found in the library, but this does not mean that all witchcraft or knowledge must be redeemed in the library using school contribution points." Jonah explained:

"Each faction has some witchcraft or knowledge that can be taught without contribution points. Most of this witchcraft knowledge is accidentally acquired or studied by members of the faction.

Therefore, when you hand it over to the school, you also retain the qualification to teach it. According to your talent, as long as you find a good faction and mentor, you can have a lot of witchcraft to learn without having to contribute points. "

"Although there is a high probability that it will not be completely free among the factions, your talent may be enough for all factions to open the back door for you.

To put it another way, even if it is not possible, it is at least much simpler than exchanging contribution points. "

"That's it." Colin nodded.

"In addition, the Golden Feather Nameplate has another big advantage, which is that you can refuse a mandatory task arranged by the school once a year." Jonah thought for a while and continued,

"This benefit was nothing in previous years. After all, the mandatory tasks in previous years were not difficult, and most of them were not life-threatening.

But now as the war progresses, the school's mandatory missions every year become more and more dangerous. "

Colin nodded. This benefit was undoubtedly the best for someone like him who wanted to stay in seclusion forever.

"Thank you for the reminder." Colin thanked him seriously.

Atebold had almost no presence in the Xisheng School before, perhaps because he had been suffering from injuries all year round and did not have many apprentices.

In addition, after joining Altbould's sect, the most he did was to retreat.

So he really didn't know much about the hidden rules and information about factions and schools.

Now Jonah's reminder can be regarded as a timely reminder.

"No need to worry about it." Jonah smiled, then hesitantly said:

"Sir Colin, when you were registering before, you had some conflicts with my student Ocasi..."

"I never took it to heart."

When Colin heard this, he smiled and shook his head, interrupting Jonah.

He finally understood why Jonah told him so much... but he was indeed not a narrow-minded person.

"Then I'm relieved." Jonah breathed out softly.

It is really an unwise choice to become enemies with such a dazzling Jin Yu genius.

"Then I'll leave first." Colin nodded to Jonah, turned around and strode towards the door.


Just at this moment, the office door was suddenly opened.

A wizard with brown glasses walked in.

"Ocasi! You have to knock on the door before coming in. This is the most basic quality. Have you forgotten?!"

When Jonah saw this scene, his face darkened and he reprimanded seriously.

He glanced at Colin subconsciously, and after seeing his calm expression, his heart slowly relaxed.

Ocasi smiled coquettishly and said with a bit of coquettishness: "Teacher, I thought you were the only one in the office."

Jonah looked at his favorite student with a straight face, feeling helpless in his heart.

Colin didn't pay much attention, just greeted Jonah, then quickly turned around and left the office.

Ocasie probably, like Jonah, failed to recognize herself at first sight.

That's fine, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble to recognize him.


The wooden door was gently closed, and Colin's footsteps gradually faded away.

"Teacher, don't be angry, I will remember it next time."

Ocasie looked at Jonah who still had a straight face, stroked his huge brown glasses, and quickly came to Jonah's back with a smile, clenched his fist and lifted his back.

"Oh, you." As Colin left, Jonah completely relaxed and shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe." Ocasie smiled, her eyes narrowed like crescent moons under the huge brown frames. She thought about it and suddenly asked: "Who was that wizard just now? Why does he look familiar?"

"Colin Leonard, come and register as a first-level senior wizard."

"Colin Leonard..." O'Casey frowned slightly, searching hard for this somewhat familiar name.

As the impression in her mind became clearer, her eyes gradually widened, her mouth opened slightly, and she said in surprise:

"Is that the liar?!"

"He has advanced to the first level of advanced wizard?!"

"What a liar, don't judge things without evidence!" Jonah scolded.

But my heart gradually became filled with uncertainty and uncertainty——

There is no reason for such a talented wizard to tell lies like that for no reason... In that case, is everything Colin said true? !

Is he the heroic wizard who saved the Battle of the Seven Islands in the South? !

Jonah looked at Ocasie who was still in shock next to him, hesitated for a moment, but still did not tell his guess.

Maybe Colin is not the heroic wizard, but since Lord Noyce consciously concealed information about Colin.

So as long as there is a slight possibility of bad things happening, it would be best for him not to spread such information.

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