Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 321 Meeting with Noyce (Part 2)

About half an hour later.

Noyce, who was writing and drawing while standing in front of the high silver table, finally stopped writing.

Upon seeing this, Colin slowly put down the manuscript paper in his hand, neatly stacked it, and then cast an inquiring look at Noyce.

"I have some inspiration." Noyce slowly raised his head, his brows gradually relaxed, and smiled at Colin, "But whether there can be any substantial breakthrough requires further research."

What I just sorted out on the manuscript paper is mainly theory. If you want to continue to turn inspiration into something practical, you have to conduct actual experiments.

Thinking of this, Noyce couldn't wait to walk to the experimental platform on the other side.

But looking at Colin in front of him, he paused and finally remembered the topic of calling Colin here today.

"I almost forgot the reason why I asked you to come here this time." Weiwei patted his forehead and Noyce sighed:

"It's embarrassing to say that you are a heroic wizard, but I haven't given you a reward yet."

"I have always thought that when I successfully improve the Crimson Mark Technique, I will allow you to appear in front of the world openly and openly as a heroic wizard and improver of the Crimson Mark Technique, and get what you deserve. Honors and Awards.”

"But if this is the case now, although the honor cannot be given yet, at least the reward can be given to you in advance."

Having said this, Noyce smiled and said with some ridicule and emotion:

"When I originally planned to give you the honor of improving the Crimson Marking Technique, I was a little worried that the image of a wizarding genius that I created would not stand the test. Now it seems that I am worried too much."

"Now I'm a little reluctant to completely expose your identity when the time comes." He paused for a few seconds, looked at Colin and said quietly.

Colin thought for a while and asked: "Is it because of the possible 'thorns' that may come?"

"Yes." Noyce glanced at him and nodded, "Deadly thorns will always come with honor.

Once your identity as a heroic wizard and crimson mark is exposed, it means that you will become one of the most conspicuous thorns in the eyes of the gods. "

Colin nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

He actually didn't care at all about the false reputation of the so-called heroic wizard and the reformer of the crimson mark technique, as long as he could get substantial benefits.

If this makes the surroundings full of dangers, it would be a bit uneconomical.

Colin paused, organized his words, and was about to say no. He didn't want to show off, and he didn't need such an honor.

But Noyce was the first to speak: "I will inform several knowledgeable wizards in the Supreme Council about your situation.

But as for whether you will be allowed to reveal your identity and stand in front of the stage, it still depends on the resolution of the Supreme Council at that time. "

Colin looked at the calm-looking congressman and fell silent. He understood the meaning of Noyce's words.

He actually had no choice in whether to reveal his identity.

In the end, whether it will be made public or not depends on whether the Supreme Council needs to come to the stage on its own.

If the council feels that the declining wizards now need a hero like themselves with the status of a wizard genius.

Then he will be pushed to the front.

The reverse is not true.

Such a helpless situation made Colin's mood gradually sink, and he even thought darkly——

If he was unfortunately assassinated and sacrificed by the gods because he came to the stage, then the Supreme Council might take this opportunity to spread hatred and boost the momentum of the wizards.

The sad soldiers will win, nothing more than this.

"You don't have to worry too much. Every wizard is a valuable resource to today's wizard community, let alone a talented wizard like you."

As if he noticed something, Noyce patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

This sentence is not false comfort. If Colin was just an ordinary wizard with no potential, he might still be given up.

But judging from the talent Colin has shown so far, he is undoubtedly a precious talent.

Colin exhaled slightly and came back to his senses as if from a shock.

As Noyce said, there is a high probability that things will not be as bad as he imagined.

In fact, it is difficult to say whether revealing his identity will do him more good than harm, or whether it will do more harm than good.

But this feeling of powerlessness of not being able to control his own destiny really made him a little unhappy, so he unconsciously thought more about it.

‘In the final analysis, I’m still not strong enough. ’ Colin couldn’t help but laugh at himself in his heart.

"Okay, do you have the reward you want?" Noyce continued to ask.

"The second stage of the Tin Saint Meditation Method." Colin said without hesitation.

This is what he needs most urgently right now.

"Meditation method..." A rare look of embarrassment appeared on Noyce's face. Looking at Colin's confused look, he explained:

"If it is ordinary witchcraft knowledge, there is no problem, but meditation method is not good. This is the core knowledge of each school, and only each school is qualified to teach it."

"If you want to obtain it, you must redeem it in the school according to the rules."

Having said this, Noyce paused for a moment and added meaningfully:

"This is the most basic rule of the Wizards Alliance and the cornerstone of order. No one can openly bypass it or blatantly ignore it."

"Especially a councilor like me, you understand, Colin?"

When he mentioned 'rules' and 'cornerstone', Noyce's tone became slightly more serious, seeming indifferent and disdainful, but still seemed helpless.

Colin's surprised expression gradually faded away. He was not stupid and had understood the subtext of Noyce's words.

In this wizarding world, the so-called rules and order are actually just means to safeguard the interests of the upper class.

The stronger the rules, the stronger the upper class.

Under such circumstances, certain core rules cannot of course be broken, because this is tantamount to offending the common interests of all superiors, and will be attacked by a group.

Of course, this does not mean that certain means cannot be used to circumvent the rules.

As a visitor from the Hitos family said, as long as he joins the Hitos family, they can find other people to help him with school tasks in exchange for contribution points.

These are some unspoken rules that have been agreed upon. There is no blatant violation of the rules, so naturally there will be no problems.

It's just that for Noyce, he is obviously more sensitive than ordinary wizards because of his high position, and he cannot take the lead in ignoring such rules.

Therefore, when Colin's identity had to be kept secret, such a seemingly simple request really stumped him.

"The easiest way is to exchange meditation methods directly through the school. If you don't want to waste time doing school tasks, generally speaking, you can also exchange contribution points by turning in witchcraft." Noyce thought for a while and said:

"Or you can directly choose a force to join. With your talent, if you want to join, it will not be a problem to obtain the subsequent meditation method."

Having said this, Noyce looked at Colin, pondered for a moment and then reminded:

"However, I recommend that you choose to turn in witchcraft to exchange contribution points. If you choose to join a pure-blood family or a faction, you must read the contract clearly."

When he said these words, his voice paused unnoticeably among the pure-blood family.

"I understand." Colin nodded and said solemnly, then thought for a while and asked: "Apart from redeeming it from the school, is there really no other way to obtain the second-level Tin Saint Meditation Method? Isn’t there even a second-level tin saint meditation method in the Supreme Council?”

"The Supreme Council mainly includes witchcraft. Although meditation methods are also available, they do not involve the meditation methods of large wizard schools. This is the core thing of every wizard school that has been passed down for thousands of years." Noyce answered.

He touched his chin and added: "However, there is indeed a place where you can redeem it for the second stage of the Xisheng Meditation Method."

Colin raised his head, a little surprised.

He continued to ask just to confirm, but he didn't really have high hopes.

After all, through today's conversation, he understood that in this wizarding world, the solidification between different classes was much more serious than he imagined.

The meditation method is so strictly monopolized, which means that no matter how talented ordinary wizards are, in order to obtain subsequent meditation methods, they will always be subject to the school and be exploited by the family or faction that controls the meditation method.

Moreover, judging from Noyce's tone, choosing to join a pure-blood family, or to lie down with certain factions, may not be a good choice... There is a high probability that you will lose your freedom.

Maybe in the end, it might be better to do tasks one by one to accumulate contribution points and exchange them for meditation.

It may be more tiring, but at least it guarantees freedom.

Of course, this is for ordinary wizards. For him, with the golden paper, there is no need to hold on to the Tin Sage Meditation Method.

As long as conditions permit, you can switch to another meditation method at any time.

Colin felt slightly relaxed, so at least he didn't have to worry about being choked by the Xisheng School because of the meditation method in the future.

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, reality only passed for a moment. Colin continued to ask Noyce:

"There is another place that refers to...?"

"The True Knowledge Society." Noyce replied, with memories in his light brown eyes. "Speaking of it, this is one of the most famous organizations in the Wizards Alliance, although it has declined a lot now."

"If you really want to save some time in obtaining the second-level Tin Sage Meditation Technique, you can try joining the True Knowledge Society."

"At least in the True Knowledge Society, if you turn in the same amount of witchcraft knowledge, you can get more things in exchange, and the price/performance ratio is higher."

"In addition, joining the Gnostic Society does not affect your status as a member of the school, just like being able to teach some of the school's meditation methods-this is one of the many privileges it has previously received."

"Well, by the way, how many contribution points have you made to the Xisheng School now?" Noyce paused and asked curiously.

"No," Colin shook his head, "I didn't make any contribution."

This time it was Noyce's turn to be a little surprised. He paused and asked, "After joining the school, you have never done a mission?"

"Yes." Colin nodded, paused and then added, "I have not been a member of the Xisheng School for a long time."

Altbald's faction was so idle that he didn't even need to do any work when he was still a witchcraft apprentice.

You must know that in other factions, witchcraft apprentices have mandatory tasks that need to be completed every month.

Perhaps the only mission he has ever done was to accompany the Athos Society.

Thinking of this, Colin was slightly startled, and then he realized that he had not yet settled the contribution points of the accompanying Athios Society!

"Maybe there are some," thinking of this, he added: "I still did a mission - to go to the southern sea as an accompanying wizard of the Alseus Society.

Probably get some contribution points. "

Noyce shook his head and smiled, "Then if you want to quickly exchange for the second-level tin saint meditation method, I'm afraid you can only rely on handing in witchcraft."

"After all, with your current situation, even if you join some forces, unless you can send dozens of first-level wizards, according to common sense, it will take at least a month or two to get enough contribution points for you."

Colin nodded in agreement and couldn't help but feel a little headache.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to do school tasks. It is wise to spend his time on practicing with peace of mind!

"Apart from meditation? Is there any reward you want?" Noyce looked at the time and continued to ask. After thinking for a while, he added, "I suggest you try to choose knowledge. For wizards, knowledge is That’s the most precious thing.”

Colin nodded, that was exactly what he was thinking.

After all, witchcraft tools and the like are just external forces, not to mention that with gold paper, knowledge is more valuable to him.

"Second-level witchcraft and a complete meditation method that can reach second-level or higher." Colin pondered for a moment and replied.

"Okay." Noyes nodded, but he did not ask Colin why he wanted meditation.

However, he guessed that it might be to get in touch with the second stage of other meditation methods in advance and prepare in advance for learning the second stage of the Xisheng Meditation Method.

Noyce then said: "It will take some time for the reward to reach you. I have to report it to the parliament. I will not give it to you until the discussion is finalized. The main thing now is to collect your intentions."

"But don't worry, with your contribution, the needs for some second-level witchcraft and some ordinary meditation methods will definitely be met."

After saying that, Noyce looked at his watch again and ended the topic.

"Let's stop here today. When the results of the parliament's deliberations come out, I will let someone inform you."

After he finished speaking, he nodded to Colin and hurried towards the experimental table beside him.

Time is extremely precious to him, and it has been delayed for a long time.

"Okay, Mr. Noyce."

Colin raised his hand and saluted, then silently turned and left with understanding.

Send first and change later.

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