Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 323 Official Member

The mission hall of the school may be for transportation convenience, but it is not deep in the station like the Black Castle.

Entering the gate guarded by Zuo Ao and You Ao, and walking straight along the wide road for a while, you can catch a glimpse of a black three-story spire castle building.

This is the place where the General Manager of the Xisheng School contributes - the General Affairs Castle.

The first floor of the castle is a huge hall. The floor is paved with neat gray stone slabs. Passing through the crowd, you can catch a glimpse of the three black light curtains hanging on the left and right of the front.

"Solving the moonlight pollution of the Kingdom of Celia (danger level: Intermediate level one; contribution points: 160), transporting cold crystals (danger level: advanced level zero; contribution points: 5)..."

The dark, ink-like light curtain is crowded with densely packed white tiny characters.

The degree of danger in parentheses seems to be directly related to the wizard's strength... but it is relatively intuitive and clear, and you can understand it at a glance.

Colin roughly scanned the three light screens and had a slight idea.

Overall, most of the tasks on the light screen are first-level and apprentice-level tasks. There are relatively few second-level tasks, and there seem to be only a dozen or so third-level ones.

The difference in contribution points between different difficulties is also very large.

According to the information he got from Senior Sister Lillian yesterday, Colin walked to a white pillar with a white crystal ball on the top, and looked out for a while.

The next moment, the light curtain on the wall slowly appeared in front of my eyes.

Think about it and concentrate a little more——

"Solving the Moonlight Night Pollution in the Kingdom of Celia (Danger Level: Intermediate Level 1; Contribution Points: 160)"

The white text is enlarged and expanded:

"November 21st in the Amaran calendar, the night of the full moon."

"Hundreds of people died mysteriously in Vefuta, the capital of the Kingdom of Silia. Most of their bodies were mutilated, with traces of beast bites. It was suspected that they were caused by the 'werewolf' polluters that have appeared frequently in recent years.

Danger level: Intermediate level 1. It is not recommended for beginners to level 1 or wizards below level 1 to accept quests. "

After a quick scan, Colin closed the light screen. The purpose of coming today was not to accept the mission.

After stating his intention to the wizard on duty and showing off his silver feather nameplate, he followed him up to the second floor.

Unlike the lobby on the first floor, the second floor is very deserted.

As he walked up the stairs, he was faced with a brown counter. No one was there at this time. The wizard on duty asked him to wait for a while, and he walked towards the corridor behind the counter, and his figure quickly disappeared.

I don’t know how much time passed before two figures reappeared in front of them.

"Are you going to hand over the witchcraft contribution points, Sir Colin?"

Following the wizard on duty was a kind-faced old man with gray hair, wearing an unusual pointed wizard hat crookedly on his head. Like his witch robe, it was both gray.

"Yes." Colin nodded.

"Okay, okay...please, just call me Bartley." The old wizard held up the hat on his head.

Although he had previously been informed of Colin's purpose by the wizard on duty, he still paused and reacted for a moment before greeting Colin and walking towards the counter.

Hundreds of years ago, because new wizard relics were often discovered, there was an endless stream of people coming and going at the counter here.

At that time, there were twelve professional wizards taking turns to identify witchcraft.

But later, as the relics left by the war were gradually excavated, and for some other reasons, the Xisheng School had not had a wizard come to hand over new witchcraft or witchcraft knowledge for a long time.

Here, he is the only one left who is taking care of his old age.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

"Yeah." Colin nodded.

The wizard on duty turned around respectfully and left.

As a Yinyu, his privileges in the Xisheng School are all-encompassing, provided that he does not touch the real interests of the privileged class.

"Sir Bartlet, I would like to know first how many contribution points can be exchanged for general witchcraft?" Colin sat at the counter and asked.

"Not necessarily, it depends on the specific witchcraft effect." Bartley took out a pair of thick glasses from nowhere and said after considering, "Generally speaking, the contribution points that can be exchanged for zero-level attack witchcraft do not exceed a hundred points. , the first level does not exceed one thousand points, the second level is five thousand points, and so on."

"But for specific judgment, you still need to see the actual witchcraft. Sometimes some first-level witchcraft can only be exchanged for single-digit contribution points."

"I understand." Colin nodded and handed over the once-written limit-breaking temperature-resistant force field. "Look at this, a first-level defensive witchcraft."

Bartlet took the bound booklet, but did not read it in a hurry. Instead, he dug out a yellowed contract from under the counter.

The general content was that he could watch the defensive witchcraft that Colin handed over at this moment, but he could not reveal it.

Colin took the contract, checked it carefully and put his own spiritual stamp on it.

This world's respect for the ownership of knowledge is engraved in the bones, and he is not surprised.

It's just that...if you look at it purely from a development perspective, sometimes this is not conducive to knowledge innovation and can easily form a knowledge monopoly.

After all, there are more people with selfish desires than selfless people. As time goes by, centralized and monopolistic organizations will inevitably emerge.

In fact, it seems that this has already been the case.

Colin watched in silence as Bartley sat at his desk and read the witchcraft booklet carefully.

The old wizard was reading and comparing something with a white crystal ball.

About half an hour later, he slowly raised his head and said succinctly: "If the data inside is not false...errors, this witchcraft can be exchanged for...well, 300 contribution points."

Colin nodded calmly, 300 contribution points, it seems okay, after all, it is only a low-level witchcraft.

Bartley looked at his expression, but thought he was not satisfied, and quickly explained: "Sir Colin, the school has strict regulations for accepting witchcraft, mainly based on actual combat effects.

"Although your witchcraft has both force field defense and temperature resistance effects, in terms of its main defensive effect, it is no different from some witchcraft that combines force field defense.

Some of them also have a short-term temperature resistance effect. Although it is much worse than this, the simple temperature resistance has little impact on actual combat. In addition, there is no outstanding advantage in the magic of magic power consumption. "

"So according to the school's requirements, this is the maximum number of contribution points I can give."

The old wizard had a wry smile on his face, but the collection of witchcraft was not something he could decide, and he could only act in accordance with the rules.

However, Colin frowned secretly in his heart while listening to his explanation.

The old wizard in front of me probably didn't really understand the steel temperature-resistant force field that broke the limit, or he simply saw the effect.

He knew that some force field defense witchcraft could also have the same heat-insulating ability as the steel temperature-resistant force field.

But that kind of heat insulation is more due to the inherent properties of certain force fields, which is different from his combination of specialized temperature resistance and force field defense.

But he didn't say anything. After all, Bartlet had already made it very clear that the school's inclusion of witchcraft now places more emphasis on actual combat effects.

As for actual combat, I have to admit that what the old wizard said is correct.

He is not so naive to think that with just one breakthrough, the steel temperature-resistant force field can crush all other first-level lower-level defensive witchcraft.

"I understand." Colin nodded.

"Do you still want to exchange it?" Bartley asked.

"Not yet." Colin shook his head.

Although 300 contribution points have reached his expectations.

But yesterday's chat with Lilian made him understand that handing over witchcraft meant completely selling the witchcraft to the school, not only itself, but also his own power to spread it.

He planned to consider it carefully... Well, mainly to see how much the so-called True Knowledge Society could redeem.

Shop around to avoid suffering a loss.

Leaving the mission hall, Colin quickly came to the Black Castle.

I wanted to go to the front desk to ask how to get the Golden Feather nameplate, but I didn't expect that I saw two familiar figures as soon as I walked in-

Jonah, who is responsible for registering the Golden Feather nameplate, and his student, Ocasi, who is responsible for level updates.

They were walking forward side by side.

"Do you understand what I said, Ocasi? You must have a good attitude when you ask Colin today whether it is appropriate to come and receive the golden feather nameplate." Jonah whispered.

After that day, he had some thoughts about Colin, the young Jin Yu.

Later, the news that two inspection captains and several inspectors were dismissed and punished because of Colin spread from the Black Castle Inspection Office, which made him even more shocked.

It is said that this is vaguely related to the Hitos family, and it is the Hitos family that suffers!

This made Jonah conclude that Colin might have been valued by a big shot.

So he thought for a long time and decided to ask Ocasie to go find Colin today, ask about the golden feather nameplate, and let her apologize in person.

After all, it was just him who asked for forgiveness for Ocasie last time, but whether it was out of politeness or otherwise, Ocasie still needed to apologize in person.

"I understand." O'Cassie responded in a low voice, with a complicated look on her face.

She was not a fool. Although Jonah didn't tell her anything, she had already vaguely realized that... what Colin said when he first registered the level change might not be a lie.

This means that Colin may really be the heroic wizard!

Thinking of this, Ocasie couldn't help adjusting her glasses, her face felt a little hot.

"Good morning, Lord Jonah."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind. Ocasie's body stiffened and she turned her head subconsciously, looking a little flustered.

"...Good morning, Sir Colin." Jonah turned around, a little surprised, "Are you here to receive the Golden Feather Nameplate? I was planning to call Ocasi over today to ask when you are free."

"Yes." Colin nodded, looked at Ocasie who looked a little nervous, and felt a little strange.

But he didn't pay attention and continued: "I happened to have something to come to the school for today, so I also came to the Black Castle to receive the Golden Feather Nameplate."

"It turns out this is a coincidence, so I'll take you there by the way now." Jonah said with a smile, glanced at Ocasie next to him calmly, and couldn't help but frown slightly in his heart.

I don’t know what I’m doing standing there, and I don’t even say hello!

Sighing silently, Jonah put on a smile and said: "Ocasi, please explain to Mr. Colin the Golden Feather Nameplate, the precautions for receiving it, and its functions, etc."

"...Yes!" Ocasi was stunned for a moment and nodded hurriedly.

She glanced at Colin, met his eyes for a moment and then subconsciously looked away.

‘Ocasi, Ocasi, don’t panic. Your preconceived prejudice was wrong. Then you should apologize bravely. Why do you look so flustered!

Come on, just apologize and that's it! ’

After a pause, Ocasie adjusted the huge brown round glasses on her face and said:

"The process of receiving the Golden Feather nameplate is more complicated. What you need to do is to enter the soul wave on the core component of the Golden Feather nameplate before starting production. Then, after the Golden Feather nameplate is formed, use it in the school's Golden Feather Spire. Leave a mark.”

"In addition, the Golden Feather Nameplate itself will always have a witch formation calling for help, which can be activated if it encounters a strong enemy.

Within a hundred miles, it can be delivered to the Golden Feather Spire immediately... Even if it cannot, it can still leave a special mark on the enemy, making it easier for the school to pursue and take revenge. "

Colin nodded slightly. A hundred miles seemed very short, but in this world where the air was filled with filthy chatter, such a distance for transmitting information was already considered far.

You must know that in the southern seas before, the distance was only a few hundred miles, but in order to contact a big shot like Noyce, he spent a lot of energy.

"At the same time, the Golden Feather nameplate can also detect your life status. If the soul fluctuation disappears, the Golden Feather Spire will know it immediately."

"I understand." Colin nodded. If the privileges brought by the Golden Feather nameplate are intangible, then what Ocasi is saying now is the most practical guarantee.

If your life is in danger later, even if you are hundreds of miles away, as long as the visitor lives on the Wizarding Continent, if you want to kill him, you have to consider whether you can withstand the revenge of a school that has stood for thousands of years!

After Ocasie finished speaking, she fell silent again.

She looked at Colin and moved her lips several times, but the words of apology kept rising in her throat and she quickly fell back.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere was not there yet, but I always felt that a direct apology was a bit abrupt.

Jonah glanced at O'Cassie with some hatred.

He protected Ocasi very well.

Ocasi's character is that of a typical academic sorcerer, who seems dull but is actually smart.

I just don't like to interact with others, and I'm not good at it.

"I heard that your Excellency came to the school today for something else. I wonder what it is?" Jonah raised the topic again.

"I went to the General Affairs Castle..." Colin was just about to deal with it briefly, but suddenly his heart moved, he paused and asked: "I wonder, Mr. Jonah... does he know about the True Knowledge Society?"

Jonah was a second-level wizard and worked in the Black Castle. If he could ask him how to join the True Knowledge Society, it would save him the trouble of having to go find a mentor.

"The True Knowledge Society?" Jonah was stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange expression: "Let Ocasie tell you, she knows the True Knowledge Society better than I do."

He paused, adjusted his glasses, and then added: "She is a formal member of the True Knowledge Society."

Thanks to everyone for your monthly votes, Zhang said it has finally recovered and will continue to adjust the update time to the underworld as usual.

It is currently 6 o'clock today, but may be adjusted to 12 noon after tomorrow.

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