Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 329 Rules

It is early morning on November 28th in the Ananan calendar.

The howling cold wind that had been raging all night gradually stopped under the first ray of sunshine in the morning, but most of the white clouds seemed to have been torn apart last night and fell on the roofs of houses and on the streets.

As a result, the sky revealed its true appearance of clarity, a vast blue sky, like a distant and profound gem.

The weather is cold and the streets are still deserted than usual.

The war in the south is still continuing, and some effects have gradually begun to spread to the city of Neustadt in the far rear.

Renee has spoken out several times recently about the price increase of ingredients.

After gathering his thoughts, Colin put on a smile in the reception room on the first floor and continued to deal with the witch in front of him.

The wizard has smooth blond hair and a young face. He introduces himself as a first-level junior wizard from the Dominican family.

"I already know the intention of the Dominica family, but I still need to think about it carefully..."

"It doesn't matter, Sir Colin, just think about it." The wizard smiled and pushed the gift to Colin, with a soft look, "The Dominican family promises that as long as you are willing to join the family, all benefits can continue to be discussed."

The wizard was wearing a white skirt with a loose collar. She had taken off her gray coat and fur scarf and put them aside after entering the room.

At this moment, as she leaned forward slightly, the white mountains were partially exposed, and the silver necklace swayed in the deep valley, which was a bit dazzling.

"I understand." Colin nodded and took the gift box intently.

"Then I won't disturb you any more. The Dominican family is waiting for good news."

The wizard did not feel defeated, straightened up with a smile, and said goodbye neatly.

Watching the sorcerer leave, Colin frowned and didn't bother to check what the Dominican family's prayer was.

Give it to Renee and put it aside as you did with the two earlier groups of people.

He silently picked up the white paper on the oak coffee table in front of him and looked at it carefully.

After a moment, Colin shook his head and threw it aside.

The benefits provided by these pure-blood families are different except for basic magic stone knowledge, but the requirements are surprisingly similar.

A contract that starts with at least a hundred years, and even two hundred years... Although considering the average life span of three hundred years for a formal wizard, a hundred years is not too much.

But he is only twenty this year!

Then there are the requirements for spreading the branches. Marrying one person as a wife is the basic operation. The previous Veronka family even required that they must marry more than three wives.

Although free love is encouraged, no arrangements are forced. The family only acts as a bridge.

And the time can also be extended to fifty years, or even seventy or eighty years later.

But this is really not what he wants.

What's more, even though I say that, when the time comes to join a pure-blood family, who knows if I will be free when the sheep enter the wolf's den?

Colin sighed slightly, leaned back, and let himself sink into the soft sofa.

In fact, it's okay to branch out, and you don't have to worry about raising children. The hardest thing to accept is the long contract period.

Serve the family for at least a hundred years.

I have gone all the way from a junior apprentice to now, and it will only take two or three years to advance to the second level...


"Master, members of Rodrick's faction came to visit."

Renee's voice came from outside the door, and Colin let out a breath and sat up straight.

"Let him in."

Not long after, the door of the reception room was gently pushed open, and a middle-aged wizard with a gentle appearance walked in. He looked about thirty years old, wearing a black coat and a black wide-brimmed hat.

‘It’s not a witch after all. ’

Colin was inexplicably relieved. Those pure-blood families didn't know what news they had learned. All of them were attractive young first-level witches.

Regardless of her real age, she looks like a girl who is no more than seventeen or eighteen years old...

"Good day, Sir Colin." The middle-aged wizard took off his hat and greeted, "I am Otis from Roderick's faction. I am here to congratulate you on behalf of the faction for winning the Golden Feather Nameplate."

The factions in the school are divided into two categories, one is the pure-blood family, and the other is a faction like the Roderick faction, which is built around one or more high-level hybrid wizards.

Most of the members are mixed-blood wizards, and their strength is obviously weaker than that of most pure-blood families.

Therefore, the benefits provided by the middle-aged wizard in the end were obviously a level lower than those of the first three pure-blood families.

At the same time, the corresponding obligations are also less, and the contract period can be as low as seventy years.

It's a pity...seventy years is still too many years.

After bidding farewell to the middle-aged wizard, Colin gradually made a decision in his mind.

These so-called factions, whether they are pure-blood families or mixed-blood factions, are not a good place for him.

The disadvantages are always greater than the benefits, and they are far why bother to tie yourself up and not add more.

Anyway, with the gold paper, he believed that he could find a way out even if he was alone!

But having said that, Colin stayed at home for the next half day and continued to receive guests who came after hearing the news.

Without him, the congratulatory gifts sent to your door should not be wasted.

Just like that, from early morning to afternoon, more than thirty wizards came one after another!

It seemed that they had discussed it with each other for a long time. They rarely bumped into people who came to visit at the same time. Even if they bumped into each other, they were polite and separated in an instant to visit.

Throughout the whole day, Colin's butt almost never left the living room sofa.

It finally gained an intuitive understanding of the complex power relations of the Xisheng School.

You must know that some of the more than thirty wizards are from the same faction, but the people behind them are different.

"Thank you to the Osmond family for your congratulations. I will seriously consider it."

After getting up to see off the slim witch and wizard of the Osmond family, it was already approaching sunset outside. The orange sunset hung diagonally in the west, and it should not be long before it sank under the horizon.

Colin couldn't help but rub his face.

After a day of fake smiling, I feel like there are more wrinkles on my face.

If it weren't for the lack of magic stones recently...

Shaking his head, Colin turned around and was about to go to the study to count the gifts he received today, but Renee told him that there was another visitor outside the door.

——Visitor of the Hidos family.

"Let her in." Colin struggled for a moment, but finally couldn't resist the temptation of the gift and sat back on the sofa.

Not long after, the door to the reception room was pushed open, and Colin raised his eyebrows slightly.

The one who came from the Hitos family this time was not the gentle mature witch from last time, but a young witch with a golden ponytail and a broad mind.

The sorceress has a beautiful appearance, and her waist, which is already full, looks even more slender against the backdrop of her broad mind.

However, with today's pure-blood family taking turns to be seduced by beauty, Colin, who was originally stoic, had no interest in even looking at it twice at this time. He just wanted to end it quickly and accept the gift.

As usual, it was just pleasantries. Although he was tired in his heart, his outward skills were still flawless.

After a while, the wizard took the lead and got to the point.

"Sir Colin, the family asked me to come here this time. In addition to congratulating you on officially obtaining the Golden Feather nameplate, I also want to ask you how you considered the last invitation from the family?"

The wizard had a sweet smile and a touching heart, but Colin had no intention of appreciating it. After pondering silently in his heart for a moment, he considered it and said:

"The conditions offered by the Hidos family are indeed very attractive. It can even be said to be the most generous among the factions that are looking for me." Colin's tone was sincere, and then he changed the topic and shook his head.

"But I have been accustomed to freedom since I was a child. I don't plan to join a faction. I just plan to stay in the school peacefully and practice slowly."

The wizard's smile paused for a moment, and then he asked doubtfully: "Sir Colin, do you mean that you don't plan to join any faction?"

The wizard was a little unconvinced. Thinking of the previous conflicts between the wizard and her family, she wondered whether this was Colin's excuse.

"Yes." Colin nodded, saw her doubts and added: "It's not that I didn't choose to join the Hidos family because of the previous conflict, but I really don't like to be restrained."

This sentence was half true and half false. After the Hidos family severely punished those wizards, most of his resentment had indeed disappeared.

But if he had to join a faction, he would never consider joining the Hitos family.

His mind is not that broad yet.

The sea of ​​flowers transformed by Senior Marjorie is still blooming by the window of the tutor's study.

And although the group of Black Fort supervisors who participated in the siege and killing of the mentor at the beginning and later received the punishment they deserved.

But secretly he felt that there might be another participant behind Yaxi.

According to what was later learned - Aki was unpopular among the Hidos family, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to persuade a powerful manager of the witchcraft formation to assist him in besieging Atbald.

This conjecture had been in his mind for a long time, but Colin knew that it was not easy for the Hidos family to make such a concession.

And even if it is said, it is more likely that there will be no evidence and nothing will be done.

The surprised witch checked again a few times and left in a shocked mood. Her steps were a little hurried, probably because she planned to go back and report the matter as soon as possible.

Colin stood in front of the window of the courtyard, watching the witch swaying and disappearing, and then turned to look at the horizon.

The orange sunset has mostly sunk, and the black and blue night is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a faint worry in Colin's eyebrows, but it was only temporary and soon disappeared and calmness returned.

Refusing to join the faction is an inevitable choice and he will not regret it.

After all, a decades-long work contract is really hard to accept. If he signed it in a hot head, he would definitely regret it even more.

There is no such precedent among the schools. Although there are not many wizards who have never joined the faction, they still exist.

In the Xisheng School, the mentors of apprentices are usually first-level wizards, so once they advance to a formal wizard, they will no longer stay under the name of the original mentor.

When this happens, there are generally two options.

The first is to continue to stay in the original faction. If you are talented and lucky, you may have a chance to be accepted as a student by a senior wizard in the faction.

The second is to actively choose to leave the faction and become an independent wizard in the school. Apart from the school's annual mandatory tasks and some mandatory recruitment, there are no other constraints.

The disadvantage is that you have to earn basically all the resources yourself.

'But freedom is more precious. ’

As night fell completely, Colin smiled and turned back to the house to count the gifts he received today.

Deep in the Xisheng School.

In the area belonging to the Hitos family, in a study room.

"Are you saying that this new Jin Yu genius is not willing to join any faction?" behind the desk, the tall middle-aged man asked calmly.

"Yes." The wizard nodded.

"Are you sure it's not an excuse? That guy Axi had a conflict with him before."

"Probably not, Colin deliberately emphasized that he doesn't care anymore." The wizard considered it.

"Really..." the middle-aged man responded incomprehensibly, and then smiled: "Hate can never be let go so easily."

The wizard's expression changed slightly, but then she heard the middle-aged man continue:

“But it doesn’t matter, he’s just a first-order Golden Feather genius who hasn’t grown up yet.

He doesn’t even know how many years it will take for him to advance to the second level, let alone cross the threshold of the third level. He can’t even think about it for decades! "

The wizard nodded in agreement, but felt a little regretful.

Colin was just like what Sister Shaman said. He was really handsome. If it weren't for his pointed ears, she would have doubted whether Colin was a hidden high elf.

Having said that, in fact, she even felt that Colin was more pleasing to the eye than those high elves, less slender and more masculine.

Being so handsome and a genius with a golden feather... it really makes people's hearts flutter. Even if the family won't let her have it all to herself, she is willing to do so.

It's a pity that he is indifferent to his hints and has no intention of joining any faction. It seems that there is no chance.

"Ulea, please continue to contact Colin, but not so quickly or too frequently. Treat it like a friend."

The middle-aged man suddenly spoke again. He slowly stood up and looked out the window, his eyes far and deep:

"Sooner or later, this golden feather genius will understand that only by joining a faction can they not have to worry about resources, be freed from complicated trivial matters, and live up to the talents given to them by God!"

"Of course, when the family provides him with the conditions to concentrate on practice, he should serve the family in return. These are also more meaningful things."

"This is a win-win choice, he will understand..."


Yulea nodded in agreement, not feeling anything wrong with the middle-aged man's words.

But this actually depends on the actual situation.

For some wizards who have difficulty obtaining resources on their own, or who take up most of their energy, this is indeed a win-win.

But for most Jinyu geniuses, this is actually a disadvantage.

After all, being in a school does not mean that there are no channels, and it is not that difficult to obtain resources. Take the second-stage meditation method that Colin wanted to obtain before.

As long as he persists in completing school tasks, he can collect the points in at most two or three years, and it can be even faster with witchcraft.

Compared with the contract duration of a pure-blood family, which often lasts for hundreds of years, the gap is obviously like a chasm.

Of course, the second-level meditation room is only part of the resources, but the pure-blood family can only support it for free up to the third level. After that, even the golden feather genius must share the resources through contributions according to the rules.

It is impossible to always get something for nothing. These gifts have already been secretly marked with a price.

After Uriah left, the middle-aged man pondered for a moment and then walked out.

He was going to ask a familiar family whether this golden feather genius had also rejected their olive branch.

If so, then you have to deal with it according to the rules...

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