Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 335 Hidden Rich Woman

"Good morning." Colin greeted her from the corridor.

"Good morning." Shelley nodded and said crisply: "Let's go."

Looking at Colin, she thought for a while and then said: "You'd better make some disguise."

Colin nodded slightly, and with a thought, the bones and skin on his face moved slightly, and in an instant he transformed into an inconspicuous ordinary young man.

Shelley looked at him carefully and suddenly asked:

"What kind of witchcraft is this?"

Seeing the inquiry in her eyes, Colin explained briefly.

Sometimes, in this wizarding world, real physical changes like this are harder to discern and more useful than magical disguises.

Shelley took him out through a side door as tall as one person behind the Zhenzhihui Castle.

The side door led to a remote alley, and they had already disguised themselves.

About half an hour later, the two came to an ordinary commercial street side by side.

Walking in, and after twists and turns, they arrived at an old potion store deep in one of the remote alleys.

The room was dark, with a faint smell of strange medicine. On the couch behind the old and peeling brown counter, a wizened old woman in black robe was half-lying.

Seeing Colin and the two arriving, she struggled to open her eyes for a glance, then slowly closed them again, swaying slightly on the recliner.

Without saying anything, Shelley bypassed the old woman, walked to a dilapidated wall in the corner of the shop, and took out a thorn-shaped black badge from his body.

There was no major abnormality, and with a faint clicking sound, the old gray wall in front of him suddenly opened, revealing a deep stone staircase going downwards.

Seeing this scene, Colin subconsciously lowered his breathing.

It wasn't until he got here that he finally felt a little excited and nervous about going to the underground organization.

He glanced at Shelley subconsciously, and suddenly felt a little confused in his heart. Why did Shelley easily tell him about the existence of these underground trade fairs in the first place, and was later willing to help him apply for membership.

"Let's go, below is the base closest to the Zhenzhihui Castle of Darren's commission." Shelley's words in a low voice interrupted his thoughts.

Looking up, Shelley had already taken the lead and walked forward.

Colin didn't think much, and followed closely behind them, all wearing black hoods and hoods.

But Shelley's disguise doesn't stop there, she has changed.

If she was a beautiful and delicate indifferent doll before, now she is like a young female academic who reveals a bit of sharpness.

He has gray-brown hair, eyes that have turned green under the thick glasses, and his skin is not as smooth as before, but it is still good.

The facial features have also been fine-tuned, not as refined as before, but a bit sharper.

Colin remained silent as he walked down the hard gray stairs step by step.

Perhaps it was due to the delay caused by the snowstorm a few days ago, but there was no news about the membership status of Darren Commission that was supposed to be available very quickly until yesterday.

In order to protect privacy, the membership badge of the trust is not actually bound to the wizard, such as magic power, spirit, etc.

So you can choose to have the badge delivered directly to your door by the agency.

Colin originally planned to do the same, and planned to have the commission deliver the badge to the True Knowledge Society Castle.

But it just so happened that Shelley was coming today to see if there were any suitable tasks.

So he changed his mind and chose to come to this stronghold to get the membership badge in person.

By the way, under Shelley's guidance, we can see what Darren's Trust is like, so that we can come by ourselves in the future.

After walking along the gray stone stairs for a few minutes, faint sounds began to be heard.

Then, the bright crystals inlaid at regular intervals on both sides of the stairs suddenly became denser, and the light they emitted illuminated the front.

That was at the end of the gray staircase, and there stood a not-so-tall black iron door with no decoration on it. It was like a piece of iron was directly integrated into the shape of the door and then installed.

On the left side of the door there is a half-person tall iron thorn sculpture, which also looks very simple.

Shelley walked over with ease, opened the door, and ignored the thorn sculpture.

But Colin took a few more glances.

Maybe he is overthinking it, but if this iron thorn sculpture is placed in this position, there is a high probability that it has other functions.

Behind the door is a not-so-large rotunda. The walls must have been solidified using witchcraft. They are smooth and flat and look unusually hard.

There were only a few wizards inside at the moment, and most of them were wearing black robes with hoods and veils.

On the upper side of the hall wall, there is a ring of light curtain similar to the one in the school's general affairs city hall, but it has a light brown background and is much smaller in size.

There are also many changing white characters on it, and the content is mostly about selling and purchasing witchcraft. Some of the requests for purchase have black outlines, which are commissions for customized witchcraft.

The excitement in his heart gradually subsided, and Colin looked around carefully. He felt that except that it was quieter and the atmosphere was more mysterious, it seemed not much different from the general affairs castle of the school.

Following Shelley, he finally received his badge in a deep office.

Not in a hurry to go back, he and Shelley checked the missions in the mission hall.

About ten minutes later, Colin had already read through the purchase and custom witchcraft orders inside.

It's a pity that I didn't see any suitable purchase or customized witchcraft for me.

Without leaving in a hurry, Colin then learned about the common market price of first-level witchcraft.

After all, in addition to customizing witchcraft, he can also sell first-level witchcraft here.

It is worth mentioning that the witchcraft obtained after the gold paper breaks the limit is considered a new witchcraft, so it is no longer bound by the confidentiality contract.

In other words, after those zero-level low-level witchcraft broke the limit and became zero-level high-level ones and were bought out by outside shops, he only needed to break the limit once more before he could sell them here again.

It can only be said that this way of making money by selling knowledge is really suitable for him who owns gold paper.

After a cursory look around, in Darren's Commission, the value of first-level witchcraft ranges from 10,000 magic stones to 400,000 magic stones, with great fluctuations.

The reason why the gap is so big is because the buying and selling of witchcraft here is also divided into buyout and ordinary buyout.

If you count ordinary sales alone, the price of first-level witchcraft is usually between 10,000 and 20,000 magic stones.

In this type of transaction, the buyer signs a non-disclosure contract.

As for the buyout, the price is obviously higher, generally around 20 times the normal selling price.

At this time, the seller signs a confidentiality contract, which is equivalent to selling the entire copyright of witchcraft.

Generally speaking, one-time ordinary sales are definitely more cost-effective in the long run than buying out and selling.

After all, based on the price difference, you only need to sell it about twenty times to earn the same amount of magic stones as if you sold it outright.

However, in fact, this is not always the case.

Many witchcrafts are actually not as popular as imagined.

Sometimes, it may be hung for many years, and the number of sales may be single digits.

Therefore, although ordinary sales are generally better, the specific choice of buying out and selling or ordinary sales needs to be judged based on the actual situation.

The mind breaks away from the inquiry crystal.

Colin turned to look at Shelley next to him.

Shelley just finished the inquiry. She adjusted her thick glasses and said softly: "Wait a moment, I have received a few custom orders and need to go to the counter to handle them."

'several……? ’ Colin was a little stunned.

The starting reward for each custom-made witchcraft commission is at least 100,000 magic stones, and can range up to a million!

Accompanying Shelley to the counter.

The only wizard behind the counter immediately brightened up when he saw Shelley approaching, and said with a smile:

"Ms. Bingji, you are here to accept another commission."

"Yes." Shelley nodded calmly, and then told the wizard the name of the commission he wanted to take.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The wizard said respectfully, feeling a little happy in his heart. It was great luck to meet Bing Ji to take over the commission during this rotation!

With the commission from completing subsequent commissions, I am afraid he will be able to get at least a thousand magic stones!

"Here you go!" After some operations, the wizard respectfully took out four crystals and handed them to Shelley.

Shelley skillfully put the crystal away.

Colin looked at the plainly dressed Shelley again.

Unexpectedly, this witch who lives in the laboratory on weekdays turns out to be a hidden rich woman!

Sure enough, no one who can gain knowledge in this world is poor!

But you can't tell it on ordinary days. Colin touched his chin. Although Shelley is exquisite and beautiful, it all depends on her own natural foundation.

In terms of dressing, he is extremely simple. The black robe he wears on weekdays is just an ordinary witch robe.

There are no traces of witchcraft, not even anti-fouling effects, and some corners are even whitened due to long-term exposure to cleaning techniques.

Strictly speaking, even if Renee usually dresses in a higher class than Shelley, at least her maid uniform has a constant anti-fouling effect.

‘Perhaps all the magic stones are used for researching knowledge. ’

Colin did not delve into it, after all, it was not a big deal.

After going to Darren Trust this time to obtain membership status, Colin returned to his regular life.

Every day I go back and forth between Zhenzhihui and my home, two points and one line, very regular.

It's just that he rearranged the meditation time that he originally canceled and allocated it to the Hochia meditation method.

And after weighing it, he temporarily stopped his daily knight training and allocated this part of his time to other witchcraft practices.

After such operations, he found that except for the fact that the knight's strength had stagnated, the progress in other aspects did not slow down too much!

Taking up the Hochia Meditation as well took less time than he thought.

This is mainly because now that he is a first-level wizard, he no longer needs to use magic elimination potion to eliminate the magic power in his body and practice another meditation method.

If you want to avoid physical changes caused by the mixing of magic power, which will lead to a decrease in qualifications, you can directly use your mental power to carefully separate the two magic seas during practice, thus greatly improving the efficiency.

In addition, the meditation method in Hochia is already the third meditation method he has learned, so he is familiar with it in all aspects, and his practice efficiency is amazing.

In this way, another week passed in a regular life.

December 22nd, the sun was shining brightly.

Along with the sunny weather comes good news.

After two weeks of unremitting efforts, Colin finally combined the water arrow technique with another zero-level low-level witchcraft, air bomb, and successfully broke through to the upper-level zero level!

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, he ended the practice and prepared to go to Copper Rose Street to shoot them.

‘Well, you can also drop by Darren Commission and have a look. Maybe you can find a commission that suits you this time. ’

Colin thought to himself as he closed the door to the laboratory.

In fact, those customization commissions have some restrictions that are not that many.

If he wanted to, he should be able to complete it bit by bit from scratch using gold paper.

But this consumes too much time, and the cost-effectiveness is not as good as selling zero-level witchcraft directly.

After all, as long as the zero-level witchcraft is about attack and defense and is willing to be bought out, those bookstores with schools standing behind them will basically accept everyone who comes.

There is no need to worry about sales at all, and there is no need to spend time breaking the limit of fusion to adjust its effects like custom witchcraft.

So while he's been on Darren's Council for a while, he's still in limbo.

Riding a carriage, it didn’t take long to arrive at Copper Rose Street.

Because he had come here before for investigation, Colin went straight to the first bookstore he had chosen.

The bookstore was medium-sized and some distance away from the second store he chose.

Colin carefully disguised himself, prepared the water arrow technique, a witchcraft that broke the limit of water arrow technique, and walked into the store.

Half an hour later, Colin walked out of the bookstore again with a smile on his face.

On average, a week's hard work, using gold paper to break the limit three times, a total consumption of 222 magic stones, but the final exchange for a total of 15,000 magic stones!

What a huge profit!

He was not in a hurry to sell the remaining zero-level high-level witchcraft that he named Air Cone, which was obtained by breaking through the air bullet.

Colin first left Copper Rose Street in a carriage.

It is foreseeable that selling witchcraft will inevitably become his primary means of earning magic stones in the future. This is a long-term financial path and must be managed with caution and attention to details.

He planned to go to Darren's Commission for a walk first, then come back and change his disguise, and use the second air cone witchcraft.

When we arrived at the Daren Commission base, it was still the same potion store.

The old woman was still half-sitting on the recliner, her withered face filled with ravines.

If it weren't for the fact that the chair could be seen shaking slightly under her movements, it would be almost the same as a dead person.

Not caring about what the old woman did specifically, Colin walked straight to the wall in the corner and arrived at the commissioning hall with ease.

There were still not many wizards in the hall, but they were still much stronger than when he first came in the morning.

But even so, the atmosphere here is still deserted.

Every wizard basically wears a disguise and usually doesn't talk to others easily.

Colin, who had long been accustomed to it, walked to an empty crystal column and began to check the commission.

After a brief screening, most of the densely packed commissions on the light screen in front of me disappeared, leaving only a dozen or so.

These are the latest three days of purchase and custom witchcraft commissions. The last time I came here was three days ago, so this time I only need to look at these.

Since there were not many commissions, Colin browsed through them quickly.

After a moment, he shifted his gaze to the third to last commission, and joy slowly emerged in his heart.

This is a custom witchcraft commission.

[Difficulty: Second level lower position. 】

[Introduction: Auxiliary witchcraft, enhance the energy intensity of elemental summons, and strengthen the ability to control them. 】

[Reward: 250,000 magic stones. 】

[Brief requirements (click to expand). 】

[Note: For further detailed requirements, please accept the entrustment and go to the counter to collect it. 】

After reviewing the brief requirements, Colin took out his badge and accepted the task without hesitation.

This is the most customized witchcraft commission that suits him that he has seen in many days!

You must know that the most powerful witchcraft he currently masters is to summon the fire element.

His knowledge of elemental creatures and the control of summoned objects happened to be his area of ​​expertise.

Although he hasn’t had time to see the specific detailed requirements, as long as they are not too outrageous, Colin is confident that he can complete this commission within a month!

"Hello, Your Excellency, this is your first time accepting a commission. How should I address you?"

This time there was a new wizard on duty at the counter in the lobby, a long-haired wizard.

She asked Colin at this time.

"Just a code name, it's mainly needed for registration." She then added.

Colin pondered for a moment and inexplicably thought of Shelley's code name - Bing Ji, so he paused and said, "Just call me Wood Demon."

The pronunciation of the name of this life is somewhat like the "Lin" of the forest in the previous life, and Lin, when broken down, is wood.

It was also a good name. Colin smiled slightly in his heart, but then felt a little melancholy.

'Unfortunately, I am afraid that no one else in this world can discover the connection between the two...'

"Okay, Mr. Wood Demon, I have already registered you.

You also need to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan. If you give up the commission within one month, the deposit will be fully refunded to you. If it is between one month and six months, it will be increased monthly, and 10% to 50% of the fee will be deducted as compensation. . "


Colin, who had already understood the process from Shelley, was not surprised. He took out 20,000 magic stones and handed them to the wizard, while signing a simple confidentiality contract.

The magic stone he just got was spent before it could be warmed up. Colin sighed, and after putting away the crystal that recorded the details of the commission, he quickly came to the street of Copper Rose and used the air cone witchcraft.

The power of the air cone was slightly weaker than that of the water arrow technique, and only twelve thousand magic stones were sold in the end.

In other words, after going back and forth, after deducting the deposit, I only got 7,000 magic stones in the end.

Fortunately, he is still in the stage of saving and improving recently, so he won't need to spend a large amount of magic stones so soon.

If the next two first-level disguise witchcraft reaches its limit, and the Hogia meditation method reaches its limit, the number of magic stones required will not be small!

But it seems that that time is not far away... Colin looked at the general progress of more than half on the gold paper and couldn't help but look forward to it.

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