Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 357 Exclusive Commission

"I wish you good luck in your advancement, senior sister."

The chat with Lillian lasted until noon. After lunch, Colin bid farewell to Lillian and expressed his sincere blessings.

"Yes." Lilian breathed out softly and nodded, her expression a bit nervous and expectant.

Breaking through the second level may be a matter of course for Colin, but for Lilian, it is an unpredictable difficulty.

She had been wandering on this threshold for decades. It was not until she unexpectedly entered the elven kingdom and purified her blood that she finally saw a glimmer of hope moving forward.

The snow has not stopped in the morning, but it has become smaller, and it is like floating catkins.

Colin watched Lilian's petite figure go away, and then took steps towards the True Knowledge Society.

The war between wizards and gods ushered in a temporary peace, and the turmoil in the city seemed to have come to an end for the time being.

It's a rare period of calm right now.

However, Colin has no intention of relaxing at all... The calmer the situation, the more strength should be accumulated.

Perhaps it was because of the snow, but after walking for a while, he still didn't see a public carriage. Colin couldn't help but miss the time when he still had a coachman on Blackstone Island.

‘Perhaps it’s time to buy a carriage? ’

In principle, in Neustadt City, only third-level wizards and certain second-level wizards can fly freely.

Of course, because there are no compulsory witch formations or other restrictions, generally speaking, there is no problem in flying low on the road. Sometimes Colin returns home from the Zhenzhihui Castle at night. There is no public carriage, so he flies back directly at night. of.

However, when riding a carriage, you can continue to study witchcraft in the carriage during the journey, which is something you cannot do by flying.

So generally speaking, Colin gave priority to taking the public carriage most of the time.

As he learns more and more witchcraft, Colin's daily time becomes less and less and more precious.

Many times, it has become impossible to allocate enough practice time for all witchcraft.

Trade-offs have become necessary.

Colin sat down cross-legged in the Zhenzhihui laboratory and concentrated on summoning the gold paper.

After carefully checking the progress of various knowledge items, Colin made a plan in his mind for the afternoon.

The gold paper allows him to make progress every time he practices, but in many cases, as his state is different, the progress he can improve with the same number of exercises will also be different.

In addition, the different progress of witchcraft will also have an impact. The increase in progress brought by each practice is not mechanically fixed.

So many times, Colin needs to adjust his plans in real time.

The Castle of True Knowledge is as quiet as ever.

These days Colin even discovered that there was no wizard on duty in the castle.

Fortunately, some basic things, such as renting a laboratory, are controlled by the True Knowledge Center, and it doesn't make much difference whether there are people or not.

No matter what, the True Knowledge Society is the loosest organization that Colin has ever joined.

at dusk.

The sun is setting in the west, and its orange radiance melts the white snow into gilded gold.

Colin sat cross-legged in the laboratory and exhaled softly.

This afternoon, after a lot of accumulation, three witchcrafts before and after reached their limits, and he successfully broke through them!

They are the Crimson Mark Technique, the Soaring Flame Technique, and the Natural Healing Technique.

Perhaps due to the influence of the crystal given by Noyes, the Crimson Marking Technique jumped directly to the second level, becoming the highest level witchcraft he currently masters!

Generally speaking, complex witchcraft is not necessarily powerful, but powerful witchcraft is usually complex.

The Crimson Marking Technique, which broke the limit to the second-level middle level, has a qualitative leap in effectiveness compared to before.

Compared with the old version of the Crimson Mark Technique that was unable to detect the latest disguise of the god's followers, the key mechanism of the Crimson Mark Technique that Colin now masters has been successfully updated.

If there are no accidents, although it is only the second level, it should be able to successfully see through the latest disguise of the god's undercover, just like the new third level crimson mark technique that I saw in the school that day.

As for the gap between it and the third-order version improved by Noyce, to be honest, Colin is not completely sure.

‘This time, it seems that the Parliament has no intention of popularizing the Crimson Marking Technique? ’ At this moment, Colin suddenly thought of it.

But it’s normal if you think about it carefully. It’s probably because it’s too difficult to simplify, and it can only be used by third-level wizards at least, so it can’t be popularized. 3

After all, for him, although Noyce has given him a complete crystal recording the improved version of the Crimson Marking Technique.

Not only does it contain a complete improved version of the Crimson Marking Technique, but there is also another manuscript.

But there is a lot of knowledge in it, and it is still a bit beyond the level. If it were not for the golden paper, I would have to wait until at least the third level to use the improved version of the crimson mark technique.

Colin sighed slightly.

There are still some disadvantages to advancing too quickly. Time is fair to everyone.

While he spent most of his time practicing witchcraft and wizard cultivation, he naturally accumulated less relevant wizard knowledge.

But for wizards, the accumulation of knowledge is also important.

Colin turned his attention to the newly broken limit of the soaring light technique.

This flying witchcraft obtained from Margaret, after breaking the limit for the first time, its level changed from the first-level mid-level to the second-level low-level, which is the same as most of the other witchcraft currently mastered.

But unexpectedly, the word gold appeared in brackets behind it.

Colin guessed that this was probably closely related to the lack of knowledge he had accumulated so far.

However, these days, he is already planning to go to the school to teach in the castle and take some witchcraft knowledge courses - mainly some recognized second-level basic knowledge, as well as knowledge of the fire element, to make up for his shortcomings in this area.

Anyway, I earned some points by performing mandatory tasks before, which can just be used to pay for the course fees.

As for the result of breaking the limit of the natural healing technique, it was not satisfactory, it just changed from the first level middle level to the first level high level.

Fortunately, Colin's demand for healing witchcraft is not very high. After all, he still has powerful defense and life-strengthening talents, so it doesn't matter.

After breaking through the limits of the three witchcrafts, Colin did not continue to practice, but turned around and left the True Knowledge Society.

Colin walked past the broken pool at the entrance of the Zhenzhihui Castle, where a thick layer of falling snow had accumulated.

The orange sunset sank on the distant horizon.

He glanced left and right... This time he was lucky, there happened to be a public carriage on the roadside.

Colin stepped onto the carriage, and with the crack of the whip, the carriage started slowly.

Meanwhile, out of sight, on the street corner.

An ordinary wizard wearing a hood calmly withdrew his gaze.

Then he walked quickly along the street for a long time, crossed the intersection, turned down the alley, and finally came to two pure-blood wizards in extraordinary clothes.

After listening carefully to the wizard's report in front of them, Barr and Gena both looked a little surprised.

"Good job. You can go and don't need to monitor me anymore for the time being."

Gena waved away the ordinary wizards and closed the door tightly. As if he thought it was not enough, he waved and placed a layer of silence barrier.

"Colin Leonard is really back?" Gener took a breath and looked at Barr in disbelief.

Barr's face could not conceal his shock. He paused and asked, "Are you, the Hiddos family, sure that Joyce has disappeared?"

"Anyway, Joyce hasn't come back yet. It's been almost a month since he left. No one knows his whereabouts..." Gener paused and said, "Except for us."

"Joyce went to the Far North this time, obviously to deal with Colin... But now that the first-level wizard is back, the second-level Joyce is missing?"

Barr sat down again. He put his hands together to support his chin, his face darkened.

"Colin is not a simple first-level wizard..." Gena paused for a moment and said, "What's more, before this, he had successfully killed Axi, a second-level wizard."

"You mean that Joyce went to deal with Colin but was killed by him instead?" Barr raised his eyebrows and raised his voice slightly.

A well-prepared second-level wizard went to deal with a first-level wizard, but was killed instead?

What a fantasy!

"I don't know." Gena spread his hands, and he couldn't believe it.

"However, if Joyce hadn't accidentally lost his way, and had not been unlucky enough to encounter some danger in the far north...

Then, the only possibility seems to be that Jin Yu can kill Joyce..."

Barr frowned, and after a while he raised his head and looked at Genna and said solemnly: "No matter what, at least Joyce's disappearance has something to do with that Jin Yu."

Gena nodded in agreement.

Baal looked at him and continued to ask: "Have you heard that your Hidos family has the idea of ​​continuing to deal with this Jin Yu?"

"I'm not sure. Is there any news about your Bunir family?" Gena shook his head.

"There is no specific news, but I heard a little bit of rumors... It is estimated that there will be new actions." Barr replied.

Gena was silent for a moment, looking a little annoyed: "The magic stone promised by Joyce has not been given to us yet..."

"Don't mention it! This interception mission failed, and the family deducted three months of my resources, one month more than previously expected." Babu agreed angrily, "What a loss-making deal!"

The room fell into silence for a brief moment, and the two looked at each other with twinkling eyes.

"You can't make a loss-making business!" After a while, Babu slapped the table and stood up.

Gena on the other side nodded: "You're right!"

The two sat down opposite each other again and exchanged words in low voices.

The translucent silent barrier isolated the outside world, blocked out sounds, and blurred the two figures.

On the other side, the carriage drove along and soon stopped at a roadside.

Colin got off the carriage, turned into an alley, walked through it for a while, and came to the familiar Darren Commission.

After returning to the city of Neustadt, he would come here basically every two days to check out the recently updated customized witchcraft commissions or purchase witchcraft.

After all, if you want to earn magic stones, you still have to look for custom witchcraft commissions.

Walking to the pillars in the hall, he reached out and touched the crystal, and the light curtain spread out in front of him like water.

Colin quickly read through the commissioned tasks updated in the past two days.

‘Still nothing fits. ’

With a sigh in his heart, Colin prepared to leave the commission and return home.

But at this time, a wizard from the commission suddenly came over and stopped him.

"Your Excellency Wood Demon, I have your exclusive entrustment. Please follow me."

Colin raised his eyebrows and followed the wizard of the commission office to a room behind the counter of the commission office.

"It's like this, Mr. Wood Demon, although Darren Trust has always adopted anonymous transactions,

But if necessary, the wizard who issued the commission can use the wizard designated by our commission. For example, specify the wizard who completed his customized witchcraft last time. "

As if aware of Colin's doubts, the wizard began to explain as soon as he sat down.

"The same is true for your exclusive commission this time. The wizard who commissioned it is the same wizard as the wizard you completed last time on the customized commission to enhance elemental life."

Colin nodded, finally understanding what was going on.

‘...It seems that the last elemental life-enhancing witchcraft should satisfy the other party. ’

"So, what are the specific requirements for this exclusive commission?" Colin asked.

However, the sorcerer at the commission house in front of him shook his head and said:

"The wizard did not specify the content of the exclusive commission. He just said that it is still a custom-made witchcraft with difficulty level two, and -" the wizard paused and said: "The reward is five hundred thousand magic stones."

Colin raised his eyebrows. This amount of magic stones was something he couldn't refuse.

"Then how do I know the specific commission requirements?" he continued to ask.

"The client said that a face-to-face interview is required."

Colin frowned slightly.

"If you are worried about privacy, you don't have to." The wizard smiled and said

"Darren commissioned the association to provide special concealment witchcraft tools for wizards who do not want to expose each other's identities. They were made by third-level wizards themselves. Theoretically, wizards below the third-level intermediate level will never be able to see through it.

Of course, use is not completely free, and necessary usage fees must be paid. "

"But the entrusted wizard said in advance that if you are willing, he will pay for the use of the hidden witchcraft, and you don't have to spend a magic stone."

"I understand." Colin nodded slightly.

The entrusted wizard was very thoughtful.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "I would like to know more about it. Please help me make an appointment."

"Okay, Your Excellency Wood Demon." The wizard nodded, "Do you think it's okay tomorrow morning?"

"I have no problem. Does the client have time?"

The wizard smiled and said, "His Excellency also emphasized that if you are willing to know more about it, you should arrange a time as soon as possible. He will be available anytime."

Colin nodded, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

The commissioned wizard was in such a hurry that he didn't know what kind of customized witchcraft he was going to do...but at least it was certain that the difficulty would not be low.

But it doesn't matter, I haven't accepted the commission yet anyway, I will just learn more about it tomorrow, and you can refuse it if it's not suitable.

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