Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 360 Successful Advancement

After leaving Isidor's residence, Colin plunged into the laboratory.

The problem with Miracle is simple - it needs to add another structure that can independently absorb energy from the outside world and maintain its own existence.

But in fact, it is very complicated to operate, and there are too many things to pay attention to.

This type of elemental puppet is equivalent to a human being without the function of eating. It has no esophagus, no stomach, and no large or small intestines.

——And it does not exist genetically.

It is not easy to add a self-consistent and stable energy intake structure to it the day after tomorrow.

Colin sat behind the silver experimental table and closed his eyes to examine the summoned ice element crystal.

Somehow, he felt like studying witchcraft more and more.

Rather than deterring him, a commission as difficult as a miracle piqued his interest.

A life that is smooth sailing and has no troubles is just as boring as a life with an end in sight.

Some challenges are just more exciting!

However, Colin soon encountered his first problem.

The next day, Isido's residence.

Colin frowned and looked at Isidor, paused and said in a deep voice:

“If I don’t have access to miracles, I can’t do research.”

Isidor behaved very normally at all other times, but when it came to matters related to miracles, he was particularly... sickly.

He is actually unwilling to allow himself to be exposed to miracles? !

If the target of treatment cannot be contacted, then there is no need to talk about treatment.

Isidor smiled, but did not give in. He just said:

"Your Excellency Wood Demon, Miracle's body structure is no different from ordinary ice elements.

The means that can work on ordinary ice elements can also work on miracles. The witchcraft you delivered before has proved this. "

"If you need substantial research materials, I have given you the summoning witchcraft. You can summon the ice element yourself for research.

Of course, if you need me to cooperate with the summons, that's no problem, but you need to coordinate the time. "

Colin looked at Isido carefully and asked again:

"There is not much time left for miracles. This may be feasible, but it will definitely waste more time."

"What's more, according to what you said, even if Miracle's body is no different from ordinary ice elements, it is fundamentally different mentally.

And if there are differences, it may have an impact. Even if the experiment is successful on the ice element, no one can guarantee that it will be successful on the miracle. If it fails, you will still have to..."

"I understand everything, Your Excellency Wood Demon." Isido interrupted Colin's words.

He glanced back at the icicles behind him. There was morbid love and indifference in the light gray pupils under the white eyebrows.

"But that's it. If it's possible with the ice element but not with the miracle, then it can only be said that fate is destined to be like this."

Colin frowned and said nothing more.

Other clients are willing to accept such risks, so what can he, a wizard who gets paid to do things, say?

Colin took one last deep look at the miracle in the light blue icicles, then turned and left.

Miracle, who looked like a young girl, had her eyes closed and was floating in the icicles. Her crystal light blue hair was scattered like waterweed...




In the following time, Colin put his research on hold and prioritized learning to summon ice elements.

Asking Isidor to help summon ice elements for research was not a long-term solution, and he finally decided to learn to summon ice elements himself.

Only by summoning the ice element can we have materials and conduct research.

With the gold paper, in about ten days, Colin was able to summon the ice element by chanting a spell, and he could finally officially start research.

But on this day, there is another piece of good news -

Lilian has successfully advanced to a second-level wizard!

March 11th in the Aramaic calendar, Altbald's residence.

Time flies and it is already March. The breath of winter gradually fades away and is replaced by the breath of spring. The dead trees in the city of Neustadt sprout buds one after another.

Of course, the same is true in Altbold's residence.

The withered yellow grassland that was originally covered with white snow has once again revealed its true color of dark brown, and is dotted with dots of new green. Although it is small, it is full of vitality, making people feel happy when they see it.

In the open space outside the wooden house, Altbold set up a simple oven, next to it was a long wooden table that seemed to grow from the ground, filled with various ingredients.

Colin couldn't help but think of the previous monthly gatherings of Rudolph's faction.

The morning at that time was also so sunny. They, the apprentices, gathered on the third floor of the villa, eating something together, chatting for a while, asking their mentor questions, and looking up at their senior sister Lillian who was a formal wizard next to them.

Now, only the sunshine remains.

"Good morning, tutor, senior."

Colin exhaled softly, smiled and walked up to greet him.

"Good morning." Atbold smiled and turned around. Behind him, a field of flowers was swaying in the wind.

Lillian also turned to smile at him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Colin always feels that Senior Lilian seems to be older now.

In her normal state before, she was just like a lolita of twelve or thirteen years old at most, but now she looks like she should be thirteen or fourteen years old.

"Congratulations to senior sister for successfully advancing to the second level wizard!"

Colin continued to congratulate and walked to the table to help with the ingredients.

"Thank you." Lilian pursed her lips and smiled. After thinking about it, she looked at Colin and asked, "How are you doing with your points accumulation? Do you need my help?"

Colin's movements on his hands paused slightly, and he shook his head with a smile, "It's slowly accumulating. I've just advanced to the first level not long ago, so don't be in a hurry. During this time, I plan to focus on knowledge learning, and wait until it comes true." Then consider advancing when the time comes.”

"That's good. Realm is not the true foundation of a wizard, knowledge is." Lilian nodded, and then smiled playfully:

"If you need help, you can always come to me... After all, maybe it won't be long before you surpass me again."

Although she said this, Lillian felt that even if it wouldn't take long, it would take a year or two for Colin to surpass her in strength again...

She glanced up at Colin.

At least in the past two years, I can barely maintain my dignity as a senior and help Colin a little.

The celebration this time was very simple, just sitting together and having a barbecue and chatting.

Sometimes, fewer people will make you feel warmer, while more people will make you feel lonelier.

Now there are only three of them and a flower left in Rudolph's faction, but the atmosphere of the party is even more lively.

The heat of the charcoal fire carried the aroma of the food and spread everywhere. In the middle of the party, Atbold suddenly paused and said:

"There are people from Black Castle coming outside."

Colin frowned slightly, he didn't have a good impression of Black Castle.

However, this time, the visitors from Black Castle brought indeed good news.

"Your Excellency Lilian." The visitor was an apprentice. He lowered his head and respectfully handed the silver feather nameplate to Lilian, "This is your silver feather nameplate. Please keep it safe."

Lilian took the silver feather, and the apprentice resigned and left.

"But it took me a long time to advance to the second-level wizard, so why can I still get the Silver Feather nameplate?" But Lilian was still a little confused when she looked at the Silver Feather nameplate.

Atbold smiled, but there was no surprise, "Because you are a mixed elf, your lifespan is several times that of an ordinary wizard. If you were a human, it would not take you long to advance to the second level."

There was reminiscence in Altbald's eyes, "I haven't told you before, but earlier, members of the Rudolph family were at least Bronze Feathers.

"Congratulations, senior sister." Colin sent his blessing at the right time.

Lilian smiled and put the nameplate away.

No matter what, the benefits brought by Silver Feather are real, which can be regarded as an unexpected surprise!

The three returned to the oven.

"Lillian, if you want to go further, you should probably find a faction to join." Atbold said suddenly.

Colin paused slightly. Atbold had said similar words to him before.

He turned to look at Lillian.

The latter was also startled, put down the barbecue he was holding, thought for a moment and said, "It depends on whether we can find a suitable faction."

"You are already a Silver Feather, and your options will be much larger than before." Atbold continued to add.

Lilian looked a little downcast.

Atbold did not shy away from Colin and continued: "The Rudolph family is in the past, but you still need to move forward, Lillian."

Then Atbold turned to look at Colin and continued: "Colin, the same is true for you."

"The higher you go, the more you will find that resources are scarce and the journey is difficult..."

The charcoal burns in the oven, and Altbold's voice lingers.

After a while, Lillian was silent for a moment and nodded: "I know, Grandpa."

Maybe the family's glory can never be restored?

Lilian didn't know, but she missed the time when her parents were still alive. At that time, the Rudolph family had a skinny camel that was bigger than a horse, and it even had the golden feather of his father, which seemed to be a sign of a comeback... …

But everything was like a dream, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

In the following decades, Lilian spent her time ostracizing the bastards, and her occasional kindnesses were mostly hidden with evil intentions.

"The Rudolph family will never disappear." She thought silently in her heart, and the joy of becoming a second-level wizard suddenly turned into a heavy responsibility.

Grandpa Atbold may no longer desire to regain the glory of the family, and she may not be able to regain the glory of the Rudolf family.

But she at least wanted to prove to those people that she could still become a high-level wizard, and that mixed-race was not inherently inferior!

Colin was naturally unaware of the complicated psychological activities in Lilian's heart.

Just feeling Attbold's gaze, he nodded in agreement.

After all, Atbold didn't mean anything else, he just hoped that they could all move on, live better, and climb higher.

However, only you know your own situation.

Colin did not change his mind.

Compared to the factional path that can be said to be easier for most people, the path he is taking now is a better path for him.

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