Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 362 Just do it

The Tin Sage School is the top wizard school in the city of Neustadt, and its base camp occupies an extremely large area.

It takes at least twenty minutes for ordinary people to walk from the entrance to the teaching castle in the middle. Apprentices who live outside the school must allow enough time every time they come to class.

Fortunately, Colin's footsteps were fast enough, and the True Knowledge Society Castle was not far away from the Xisheng School. With two minutes left before class started, he walked into the classroom where today's class was to be held.

The classroom is located on the third floor of Building F of the Teaching Castle. The space inside is not large. There are a few rows of wooden seats scattered around. If it is full, it can only accommodate about forty people at most.

At this time, only half of the seats in the classroom were occupied. The wizards gathered in small groups. Colin found an empty seat in a remote corner and sat down.

His arrival did not cause any disturbance, only a few wizards raised their eyes to look at him, and then looked away again when they saw that he was a stranger.

Not long after Colin walked in, wizards arrived one after another.

Most of the wizards are punctual, and they usually arrive three minutes before class.

After a while, when the time reached two o'clock in the afternoon, a figure in a white robe suddenly appeared behind the desk.

At this time, an old man with white hair and a long beard had a vaguely illusory body, which meant that what he arrived was not his real body.

Without much greeting, the old wizard looked around and then just said:

"In this class, we will talk about the strong connection between soul differences and the distribution of the spiritual sea, and how it affects the efficiency of witchcraft casting and the effectiveness of magic power..."

All the wizards in the audience were sitting at attention, looking attentive.

The same is true for Colin. This is a six-hour course worth 20 school contribution points, which is not cheap for the contribution points he currently has!

Of course, the content is worth the price.

The strong connection between soul differences and the distribution of the spiritual sea is a difficult point in advanced knowledge.

Regarding knowledge, in orthodox school education, it is mainly divided into two stages.

One is the apprenticeship period. At this stage, basically all wizards receive the same basic knowledge education.

Most of them are some generally accepted truths, basic knowledge on elements, souls, blood and other aspects.

There may be slight differences between different schools of thought, but in general they are not big.

By analogy, the knowledge education during the school apprenticeship is somewhat similar to the compulsory education in the previous life.

And when the apprentice is lucky enough to become an official wizard, there will be no unified learning standard for the next knowledge.

Just like a big tree begins to branch out at a certain node, the knowledge that follows is not basic, it is all advanced knowledge, advanced knowledge in different aspects!

For wizard learning, advancing to the official wizard level is this point.

Starting from becoming an official wizard, each wizard will embark on a different path. Each wizard has different directions of witchcraft that he is good at, and the knowledge he learns also has different emphasis.

After all, people's energy is limited, even wizards, and they will only delve into what they are good at.

As for Colin, because the advancement speed was so fast, he basically didn't learn any other knowledge except meditation and a few witchcraft throughout the first-level wizard stage.

However, due to the special nature of gold paper, the lack of knowledge was not as serious as he originally expected.

In fact, in some aspects, such as summoning the fire element, or the second stage of the Tin Saint Meditation Method, the depth of knowledge Colin mastered was not inferior to other wizards of the same level.

If he had to insist, there would be no problem for him to continue practicing like this.

It's just that Colin himself is not satisfied with the breadth of his knowledge, and there is still a lack of some classic knowledge, such as the knowledge about the soul and the spiritual sea that will be explained in this class.

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

He roughly calculated that if he wanted to expand his knowledge to the breadth he wanted, it would cost at least three to four thousand, based on the school's contribution.

Of course, the sources of knowledge do not have to be limited to schools of thought.

You can get some knowledge from places like the True Knowledge Society and Darren Trust.

In addition, compared to contribution points, magic stones are easier for Colin to obtain, and he is also prioritizing the use of magic stones to obtain knowledge.

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of knowledge that can only be obtained in the True Knowledge Society or school.

Especially for some knowledge that required explanation and demonstration to be understood, he had to spend his contribution points to study in the school, and even the True Knowledge Society was not enough.

Colin raised his head slightly, his super brain running rapidly. Every word of the old wizard was deeply engraved in his mind and was quickly understood.

In fact, if he settles for the next best thing and chooses to be like the other wizards, he just specializes in one aspect.

Then the contribution points needed will be greatly reduced.

It's just not necessary.

When Colin began to learn a lot of knowledge like this, he once again realized the power of his super-brain talent.

In fact, Colin had expected it at the beginning and thought he was prepared, but the actual experience still surprised him.

So much so that he changed the way he studied and chose to learn most of the knowledge on his own in Xisheng Library. He only signed up for certain knowledge that was extremely inefficient or unsatisfactory to self-study.

After all, the difference in credits required between redeeming relevant knowledge books from the library and taking relevant knowledge courses is at least double.

But Colin only has 200 school contribution points in his hand. Even with such savings, it is far from enough to spend on his study plan...

"As we all know, the soul is unique, and everyone's soul is unique..."

The old wizard's explanation was far from lively, but it was very capable and concise.

Most of the six hours passed quickly with his non-stop explanation.

Fortunately, the wizard present was at least a first-level wizard, otherwise even if he could bear it mentally, his bladder would never be able to bear it.

The last half hour of class is Q\u0026A time, and everyone has an equal opportunity to ask questions.

However, everyone can only have the right to listen to the answers to their own questions - perhaps to save time, the old wizard giving the lecture uses spiritual transmission to answer questions from several people at the same time.

This also resulted in them being able to hear other wizards' questions, but not the old wizard's answers.

"I'm going to ask about the impact of different distribution locations of the spiritual sea on the spiritual consumption of elemental witchcraft."

Suddenly there were whispers from the side.

"Then I ask about the impact on the consumption of force field witchcraft."

"But I also want to ask a question about the soul... I don't understand the difference. What are the factors that affect the essence of the soul..."

"Me too...but that doesn't have a big impact on casting witchcraft. We only have two chances to ask questions, so we can only choose the more important one."

"Sigh... It's a pity. I should find another companion to come to class with me. Twenty contribution points is too expensive."

"There's no way... I'll see if anyone else has asked this question after class, and we can exchange ideas."

"It can only be the."

Colin's ears twitched slightly, knowing that the two wizards sitting not far behind him were negotiating with each other.

This is the case for most courses, so in the final question-and-answer session, most of the wizards from those factions will discuss and ask questions from different aspects, and finally share with each other to achieve a win-win situation.

"I can ask different questions and exchange them then?"

Colin asked behind him in a low voice.

The two wizards were startled and raised their heads, looked at each other and replied:


"Yeah." Colin also nodded slightly towards them.

Normally he wouldn't be like this, but the factors that affect the difference of souls were exactly the questions he wanted to ask.

——After advancing to a second-level wizard, the changes in his soul are different from those of other wizards.

In addition, there is actually another reason.

However... it's actually just a casual move. Whether it has any effect remains to be seen.

Half an hour later, as the old wizard's figure gradually disappeared from the lecture table, this course worth 20 school contribution points also came to an end.

Colin sighed slightly. After taking this course, his school contribution points dropped below three digits, leaving only 90 points.

He stood up slowly, looked back, looked at the two wizards, and walked to the corridor outside together.

The classroom will be used in the near future, and generally speaking, people will not stay in it for too long.

Five minutes later, the three people in the corridor ended the exchange of knowledge.

"Your Excellency looks a little unfamiliar. I wonder which instructor you are a student of? My name is Hogan, and I am a student of Wizard Wit. If it suits you next time, we can take classes together if you have the opportunity." The rich brown-haired wizard said with a smile.

Not only did Colin completely relay the old wizard's answer, but he also specially explained some obscure parts to the two of them...

At first they were a little hesitant, but later they discovered that the wizard in front of them did understand the old wizard's answer, and his explanation of obscure points often made them feel suddenly enlightened.

Such a talented wizard is obviously worth making friends with!

"My name is Bernie, and my mentor is also Mr. Witte." The companion on the other side echoed with a smile.

"Colin Leonard." Colin smiled and just announced his name.

The other two wizards were not annoyed either, they just thought that Colin did not want to reveal his faction.

Colin did not greet them anymore, took a breath, took out his golden feather nameplate according to the original plan, and said to the wizard in the corridor:

"Knowledge for knowledge. I basically understand most of the knowledge points taught by the teacher in the previous class, and I can answer my questions for a fee."

In fact, these words are still modest. The old wizard explained it very well. Colin has basically completely understood this difficult knowledge.

But the other wizards in the corridor didn't know that. As soon as he said his words, all the wizards looked sideways. Some of them even wanted to say "Who is so arrogant?"

But after seeing the golden feather nameplate in his hand, they all swallowed the sarcasm that was about to blurt out, and looked at their companions suspiciously.

Hogan and Bernie beside Colin looked slightly startled, and their eyes widened.

No wonder the good guy explained so thoroughly, it turned out that the wizard in front of him turned out to be a golden feather! ?

There are many wizards in the Xisheng School, but the number of Jin Yu can be counted on two hands, which is extremely rare.

Moreover, according to the treatment Jin Yu receives, there is usually no need to come to take these courses. They have their own one-on-one guidance from high-level wizards.

The corridor fell silent for a moment. After a while, the wizards continued to communicate, and no one paid attention to Colin for a while.

Colin didn't care at all. In the final analysis, this move was just done casually.

It would be best if he could save some school contribution points in exchange for some knowledge. If not, of course it doesn't matter.

He stood quietly, planning to wait another five minutes before leaving.

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