Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 372 Special Mandatory Task

"Tell me about the Potion Gift."

An indistinguishable voice came from behind, and Ye Xiao subconsciously turned his neck slightly.

"Don't look back, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to you." The voice continued.

Ye Xiao's heart skipped a beat and he froze in place.

"Answer my question," Colin continued.

"Okay... okay, sir." Ye Xiao finally reacted and said hurriedly, then paused and asked with a trembling voice: "What you just asked is... I didn't hear it clearly."

"Tell me about the Potion Gift, and... Mercy."

"Oh... ok... ok." Ye Xiao organized his words and said like he was pouring beans:

"Gifts and mercy... Well, at first there was only potion mercy, which suddenly appeared in the Msi black market about half a year ago, and potion gift is a new product that just appeared in the past two months."

"anything else?"

"Also...Also, they are said to be the work of an outside second-level potion master. The potion master's codename is Death Bird. His background is very mysterious. I heard that there were pure-blood families who wanted the potion in the beginning. They attacked him, but in the end nothing happened."


"And...and..." Ye Xiao's mind was spinning rapidly, his face was flustered, but he just kept mumbling.

Colin frowned slightly.

"There are... there are more things I don't know, sir..." Feeling the powerful energy fluctuations brewing behind his back, Ye Xiao felt as if his heart was tightly clenched by invisible hands, and shouted in a panic with a high-pitched voice,

"I'm just a peripheral adult... By the way! I got the goods from Old Bolton, who is in the Msi black market... That's all I really know, please don't kill me!

If... if you want more information, I can take you to old Bolton..."

Ye Xiao tensed his body and spoke in a panic, but the next moment, he suddenly realized that the mute witchcraft around him had dissipated at some point.

Feeling it more carefully, the terrifying energy fluctuations behind his back just now disappeared. Ye Xiao swallowed secretly, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly turned his head back.

What you see is an empty alley, and the cold wind at night rustles the fallen leaves on the ground.

Everything just seemed to be just an illusion... Ye Xiao exhaled slightly, pulled up his mask and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and left here quickly.

On the other side, Colin continued home.

He did not intend to find Old Bolton, nor did he intend to delve into the matter further.

Tonight is just a temporary idea.

‘Speak to the dead bird…an alien wizard. ’ Colin shook his head.

He did not believe that a helpless foreign wizard with two precious potions, mercy and grace, could stand firm on his own in the city of Neustadt, which ate people but did not spit out bones.

There is obviously something fishy behind this matter. There is a high probability that there is a family of pure-blood wizards behind the death bird, but ordinary peripheral wizards like Night Owl cannot know that.

'' Colin chewed on the names of these two potions.

Joyce's strange behavior when he took the mercy potion was still fresh in his memory. The gift of the potion that can increase the speed of thinking and assist wizards in knowledge research is probably not a good thing.

‘The city seems to be getting more and more chaotic. ’ Colin sighed in his heart, the cold wind hit his face, and his eyes gradually became firm.

‘No matter what the outside world is like, what you should do, and the only thing you can do, is to improve yourself. ’

Thinking of this, Colin felt a little relieved, at least he never slacked off.

Life has never let down his diligence, and the Elemental Web witchcraft successfully developed today is the best proof...

The night wind blew slowly, and Colin's back gradually faded away.


"You said there might be new opportunities recently?"

In an exquisitely decorated study room, Gena looked at Barr in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, we can't miss this time." Barr shouted, sitting down opposite Genna unceremoniously.

"What opportunity is it?" Genna didn't pay attention and just continued to ask.

"What else? Remember why we were sent to stop Colin last time?"

"You mean... a mandatory mission?" Genna asked.

"That's right, that Jin Yu is about to go on a new mandatory mission. I spent a lot of effort to find out this from the family!" Barr said.

"Didn't that Jin Yu leave Neustadt City some time ago?

He was away for about a week, during which time the school assigned him new mandatory tasks, but because of his absence, the tasks were eventually assigned to other wizards. "

Hearing this, Gena understood, and his eyes lit up, "You mean Colin will be assigned another mandatory task recently... and this is our opportunity?"

"...Yes!" Bar paused and nodded, "We can't miss it again this time."

He thought for a while and then added, "I also heard that the mandatory task assigned to Jin Yu this time may be a little special."

"Special... what kind of special method?" Genna was confused.

"I don't know either." Barr shook his head, paused and added,

"But I know that now our family has decided not to recruit this Jin Yu in the short term. Those witches who were originally responsible for establishing a good relationship with Jin Yu have been ordered to stop recently."

"I also heard that the situation in the city has been complicated recently. I guess the family probably doesn't have the extra energy to pay attention to a golden feather." Gena nodded slowly and added: "It's just convenient for us to take action."

"Indeed." Barr nodded with a smile.

The less attention that Jin Yu receives, the safer their actions will naturally be.

"What are you talking about in this city recently? The appearance of the management regulations is so inexplicable." Barr thought for a while and asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Genna shook his head, "But I know that before the regulations came into being, for about a month or so, the number of accidents caused by wizard research in the city increased sharply, one after another... maybe this is The reason why management regulations were suddenly implemented.”

"...Maybe." Barr nodded noncommittally, but he felt that the reason behind the issuance of management regulations would not be so simple.

But he didn't say much, he just said with a serious face, "We have to be careful about this operation and must be fully prepared."

"Although that Jin Yu is only a first-level advanced wizard, if Joyce really dies in his hands... then I think we must at least treat him as a second-level intermediate wizard!"

"You're right." Gena nodded in agreement, then thought for a while and added: "Just in case, let's prepare as a second-level senior wizard, with auxiliary witchcraft crystals, traps, magic potions, etc. You have to be ready for everything!”

"Okay, it's better to be cautious anyway." Barr nodded, paused and then said: "Although the possibility is very small, I will have a backup plan before setting off.

If there is any chance, at least let the family know who killed me, so that it won't be like Joyce - no one knows what happened to him. "

Gena thought for a moment and nodded, "You are right, I will also give you a backup plan."

He thought for a while and asked, "But what if Colin is indeed just a first-level senior wizard?"

"If it's just a first-level high-level wizard, it means it's absolutely impossible for him to kill Joyce. We can just leave when the time comes." Barr said nonchalantly.

"Yeah." Gena nodded slowly.

If Colin was just a first-level high-level wizard, there would be no way he would cause any trouble in front of the two fully prepared second-level wizards!


The next day, the sun was shining brightly.

Colin got up early before the morning light penetrated the pre-dawn darkness.

Today's task is still arduous. He plans to at least transform a new ice element, or it can also be called the shadow of frost.

The only problem is that the first step he needs to do now is to find a new place where he can transform the ice element.

The Web of Elements is already a second-level upper-level witchcraft. When the ice element is transformed, it will inevitably produce stronger magic energy fluctuations than the second-level lower-level magic described in the previous report.

Given the current environment of the True Knowledge Society, it is obviously impossible to continue the transformation of ice elements there.

The best way is actually to go out of the city. The law enforcement team only controls the city. Outside Neustadt, there are plenty of places where he can carry out ice element transformation.

‘Still going to the wilderness and dense forest last time? ’

Just as Colin was planning where to go today in the study, the school badge on his body suddenly lit up.

Colin picked it up, looked at it, and raised his eyebrows.

This was a notice from the school, asking him to go to the General Affairs Castle as soon as possible to receive the mandatory mission.

With a slight sigh, Colin put away the newspaper he was reading and rushed towards the school.

Plans always fail to keep up with changes, so now I can only go and get the mandatory tasks first.

There was no room for delay, as it was due to force majeure outside the city.

But now, when he can receive the notification from the school, it also means that the school knows that he is in Neustadt City. If he does not go to the school within 24 hours to receive the mandatory mission, he will be punished accordingly.

After passing through the gate guarded by Zuo Ao and You Ao and arriving at the familiar General Affairs Castle, Colin walked to a counter on the second floor with ease.

The wizard on duty today is surprisingly a familiar face. If I remember correctly, he was the wizard on duty last time when he came to receive the mission to the far north.

"Good morning, Mr. Colin." The wizard on duty obviously knew Colin, the golden feather.

Since he started taking classes at the school in recent months, Colin is far more famous among the Xisheng School than before.

Most of the first- and second-level wizards in the school have heard about the newly promoted Jin Yu. Of course, they also know that Jin Yu, who will answer questions for a fee after class, has not joined any faction yet.

Some people were puzzled, and some secretly laughed at him, but most people still maintained superficial respect for Jin Yu.

Because everyone knows that as long as Colin is willing to nod his head to the pure-blood family, he can rise to the top and become a wizard that they have to respect.

The same goes for Bobby who was on duty. He motioned for Colin to sit down with a smile on his face.

"If I guess correctly, you should be here to receive a mandatory mission."

Colin nodded slightly and handed over the school badge.

Bobby smiled and took the badge, slightly restrained his smile, and said seriously: "Wait a moment, let me check it for you."

After a moment, he was stunned, raised his head and said to Colin: "Your mission this time is a garrison mission."

'Garrison duty...' A confused look appeared on Colin's face.

Bobby paused and continued:

"Your Excellency, this mission requires you to go to the Kingdom of Loen as a resident wizard, station there, and assist the royal family in solving possible extraordinary threats. The mission period is three years."

After speaking, Bobby handed the detailed mission crystal to Colin, "For more detailed information, you can view it in the crystal."

Colin took the crystal, his heart sinking slightly.

The Kingdom of Loen is located south of the city of Neustadt. It is a medium-to-large vassal country directly affiliated with the Kingdom of Neustadt. It is about 1,200 kilometers away from the city of Neustadt in a straight line.

Over a thousand kilometers, in the country of my previous life, starting from the southernmost point, I could only cover less than a third of it.

But in this world, it has passed through many kingdoms, large and small, and has moved from the most prosperous wizard city to more remote areas.

But strictly speaking, it is not that remote. After all, the Kingdom of Loen is one of the five major tributary countries of the Kingdom of Neustadt, and it is not a small country.

The terrain in the Loen Kingdom is flat and there are many fields suitable for farming.

Its unique conditions have made it the kingdom that produces the most grain among the vassal states of Neustadt, and it has also given the Kingdom of Loen a nickname - the Golden Ears of Neuss.

In fact, the name of the capital of the Loen Kingdom is also the Golden Wheat Ear.

"Sir Colin, due to the special nature of the stationing mission, you do not need to complete any mandatory missions from any school in the past three years." Bobby thought for a while and continued to tell Colin some precautions.

"But at the same time, you also need to ensure that you spend at least 90% of your time in the Kingdom of Loen."

"As for the reward for the garrison mission, the school will pay it out once a year, each time it will be 700 school contribution points and 10,000 magic stones."

Colin put down the crystal and nodded calmly.

‘Seven hundred contribution points… is equivalent to completing 3.5 previous Far North missions. ’

'Ninety percent of the time is spent in the Kingdom of Loen, which means that on average there are only three days a month to leave the kingdom... a distance of 1,200 kilometers, at the current flying speed, takes about four hours. Can cross. ’

Colin was thinking silently in his mind that the school's mandatory mission could not be refused. Now that it had been assigned, his only choice was to accept it.

But thinking about it carefully, this garrison mission does not seem to be as bad as imagined.

"When will the school contribution points for the first mission be distributed?" He thought for a while and continued to ask Bobby.

"It will be distributed when the mission starts. If you are willing, you can receive it now." Bobby said.

"Get it now." Colin smiled slightly.

"...Okay, Sir Colin." Looking at Colin's smile, Bobby was slightly startled.

Even he could see that this stationing mission was clearly to "dispatch" the wizard in front of him to a remote place... But Colin could still laugh?

From the city of miracles that every wizard longs for, to a medium-sized kingdom... Even if three years is not a long time, it is such a big gap that ordinary wizards cannot still laugh even if they can accept it...

But after thinking about it carefully, Colin's idea was completely different.

This mandatory mission may be an unexpected good thing for him!

First of all, as a stationing mission, the work content must be very easy. In the past, it was equivalent to changing a place to practice, and he could also contribute points to the school for free every year.

Secondly, the distance between the Loen Kingdom and the Kingdom of Loen is neither too far nor too close. It is far away from the disputes in the city of Neustadt, and it does not require ten days and a half to return.

Coupled with the average "holiday" of three days per month, in fact, at his speed, he could use those three days to make a round trip to Neustadt.

Although it is a little troublesome, at least you will not lose the opportunity to obtain resources in the city. After all, it may not be any different from staying in the city now.

In addition, with the promulgation of wizard research and management regulations, the research and cultivation environment in the city has tightened.

Colin was already considering finding a place outside Neustadt to hide his strength and continue his research.

This was originally a troublesome matter, but once we went to the Loen Kingdom, everything was easily solved - there were no security management regulations there, and I'm afraid there were no high-level wizards who could see through the disguise of their own strength!

After sorting through his thoughts again, Colin felt completely relaxed and even a little happy.

Maybe life is like this, sometimes things seem bad at first glance, but if you think about it from another angle, you will find that it is a good thing!

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