Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 374 Following

"Let's go, Lillian."

Atbold looked back, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Colin has disappeared. This one-in-a-million genius wizard has not been treated as he should be, and even now he cannot stay in Neustadt.

And the reason for all this is just because Colin is unwilling to join the so-called faction...

There was a faint anger on the face of this old wizard who had lived for hundreds of years.

But unfortunately, these unexplained anger can only brew into deep helplessness...

Lilian next to her also felt a little depressed. After Colin left, she and her grandfather were the only two people left in Neustadt.

In the past, although there were three or two big cats and kittens in Rudolph's faction, they were all just wizard apprentices, and their relationship with her as a formal wizard was not actually familiar, but more of respect.

As for the school, it goes without saying that no one wants to deal with an alien hybrid who is considered the lowest among hybrids.

This situation changed somewhat when Lillian was about forty years old and looked eight or nine years old.

At that time, people would gradually start to contact her... But Lilian knew that those people just had ulterior motives, and there were disgusting and dirty things hidden behind those hypocritical smiles.

A little bit of coldness appeared on Lillian's face.

But over the decades, she had actually gotten used to it—if Colin hadn't appeared.

Thinking of this, the coldness on Lilian's face melted slightly, and her eyebrows arched.

‘If you have time later, you can also go to Loen Kingdom to find Colin. As he said, more than a thousand kilometers is actually not far away. Well, if there is a reason... just continue to say that Bobi wants to play with Naxi. ’

With this thought in her mind, Lilian's mood became lighter again, she nodded to her grandfather and walked back together.

The blood of elves gave her a long life, and she had enough patience to wait...

Waiting... Actually, she didn't know what she was waiting for, but it didn't matter, time would give the answer.

But what Lilian didn't notice was that behind them, two figures wearing ordinary gray witch robes were hurriedly walking out of the city gate.


Leaving the city of Neustadt, there is no longer a strict no-fly regulation in the Neustadt Kingdom that surrounds it.

Colin did not hesitate. After walking out of the city gate, he took Sister Renee and Naxi and stood up.

Now as a second-level wizard, it is easy to fly with a few people, but just in case, Colin did not use full speed. At first, he just maintained the normal flying speed of a first-level wizard.

The protective force field blocked out the strong wind and cold, but it did not stop the bright sunshine from falling.

The bright morning sun shone on Colin and his group, casting large dark shadows on their clothes. Colin glanced at Renee imperceptibly.

In the shadow of Renee's waist, a flash of blue flashed past, but as a high knight, she was unaware of it.

This is something only Colin can detect - a shadow of frost hiding in the shadows.

The two days before leaving are not much, but they are actually not much.

After working overtime, Colin finally succeeded in transforming six Frost Shadows!

This is the upper limit that his current mental power can carry, and the number is half more than the four frost shadows he imagined!

In order to carry these Frost Shadows, all the previous Silent Shadows have been dealt with by Colin.

At this moment, in addition to the frost shadow on Renee's body, he also had a frost shadow hidden on his body.

These frost shadows possess the characteristics of shadow creatures.

They don't technically hide in the shadows. Instead, it resides in a special space mezzanine connected behind the shadow, which is also a sub-space - the shadow world.

This kind of concealment effect is very good. If a second-level wizard does not understand this knowledge, it is almost impossible to detect the existence of the Frost Shadow.

The only pity is that the Frost Shadow located in the Shadow Realm has lost its ability to attack while gaining extremely strong concealment capabilities.

Moreover, it also takes time to leave the shadow world and enter the shadow world. According to Colin's test-it takes about 1.5 seconds to enter the shadow world, and about 1 second to leave.

It seems short, but in the battle of the second-level wizard, it is not.

Except for a frost shadow hidden on Renee's body and a frost shadow on him.

Of the other four Frost Shadows, one was opening a path about ten kilometers in front of them, while the other three were dynamically cruising five to ten kilometers behind and to the left and right of him.

They are all hidden, moving between shadows.

In the physical world, each shadow seems to have a clear outline and does not touch each other, but they are all connected to the same shadow world.

A four-hour flight is not a long journey, but a distance of more than a thousand kilometers cannot be called short.

In this straight-line distance, not counting the Kingdom of Neustadt, Colin will also pass through one medium-large kingdom, three medium-sized kingdoms, and several small countries before finally reaching his destination - the Kingdom of Loen.

So for the sake of caution and to make the best use of everything, Colin finally formulated such a 'one, two, three' flight plan.

It is worth mentioning that the distance of ten kilometers is not set randomly.

Perhaps because of the frost talent, Colin also discovered a change in the Frost Shadow after testing in the past two days-the Frost Shadow can transmit information to him remotely.

The previous Silent Shadow did not have this function.

Although the distance of transmission has strict requirements, the content transmitted is also limited - you cannot share vision and hearing, but you can only listen to the description of the Shadow of Frost.

But this new change, combined with the already powerful concealment ability of Frost Shadow, is in a sense an improvement that is no less than a limit-breaking improvement!

The daylight gradually became stronger and the two hours passed quickly.

During this period, everything went smoothly during the flight. Colin maintained a constant speed without any pauses.

"Want to go to the bathroom?" Colin turned to Sister Renee and asked, seemingly thinking of something.

As for Naxi, as a flower elf, she does not need to excrete.

For two hours, everything was normal, and there was no abnormal reaction from the frost shadows before and after. The scenery along the way was magnificent, which made Colin feel a little more relaxed.

He only needed to get to the Golden Wheat Ear before twelve o'clock tonight. It was only just before ten o'clock in the morning, so there was still plenty of time.

"No, Master." Renee shook her head, and then looked at Demi.

"I don't need it either, sister." Demi shook her head.

"Yeah." Colin nodded slightly, not too surprised.

Mortals can still go four hours without going to the toilet, let alone two great knights like Sister Renee.


After opening his pocket watch and taking a look at the accurate time, Colin silently made an estimate in his mind.

‘It’s about four hundred kilometers away from the city of Neustadt… The Golden Feather nameplate should have lost its effect. ’

‘After one or two hundred kilometers, let’s loosen up the speed. ’

Until now, the flying witchcraft used by Colin was the first-level high-level flying and diving skill, and he did not use the second-level low-level soaring light skill.

Therefore, the efficiency of the journey is slightly less than ideal, but no matter what, as long as there are no accidents, we will definitely reach the Kingdom of Loen in the afternoon...


"Is this kid really planning to fly all the way to the Loen Kingdom like this?" Barr muttered.

"I'm afraid so." Gena looked far ahead, with circles of faint yellow light shining in his eyes.

The two of them were currently under the white clouds, and the pale white beads in Gena's hand emitted a halo of mist, completely hiding their figures.

"When are we going to take action? The Golden Feather nameplate is of little use if it is two hundred kilometers away from the school. Now it is at least three hundred kilometers away, and there is a large mountain forest ahead..." Barr was a little eager to give it a try.

"There's no rush." ​​However, Gena shook his head, "It would be safer to go further away. As a first-level wizard, he won't be able to maintain full flight for too long.

As long as we take action before he reaches the Loen Kingdom, the longer it takes, the better it will be for us. "

"Okay, it's up to you."

Although anxious, Barr had to admit that Gurner's words made sense.

"Well, from now on, we take turns taking each other flying, so that the other party can restore the magic power and ensure that the magic power is full...huh?!"

At this point, Gena's expression suddenly changed, "That Jin Yu suddenly sped up..."

As he spoke, he subconsciously speeded up.

Barr on the side did not react for a moment, and his figure suddenly fell out of the hiding halo.


"Wait for me."

Barr frowned slightly and hurriedly chased after him. However, to his surprise, Gena, who had been speeding up, suddenly slowed down.

"That Jin Yu suddenly slowed down again. He must have used some temporary acceleration witchcraft... The instantaneous speed just now was almost reaching the second level."

"But why did he speed up suddenly?" Gena murmured, with confusion in his eyes.

Barr frowned and looked forward, but unlike Gena, he had not learned the magic of ultra-long-distance detection, so he could not see anything at a glance.

"What's going on?" He couldn't help but turn around and ask Genna.

But what Barr didn't notice was that the shadow on the collar of his witch robe seemed to be getting heavier.

"I don't know..." Gena shook his head, looked ahead and said, "That Jin Yu, he has stopped again now."

"Then I was probably planning to stop and rest, and practice some witchcraft before stopping..."

"may be."

Colin slowly fell towards the ground, and the voice of the Frost Shadow repeating the conversation between the two Gena was floating in his mind.

"He is about to fall into the forest. The woods are dense. If he falls in, I won't be able to see him."

"Don't worry, he is just resting where he is. He will definitely fly into the sky again after finishing his rest. Just pay attention to monitoring the sky above the mountain forest."

There was a moment of silence, and Frost Shadow took advantage of the emptiness to describe the appearance of Gena and Baal to Colin.

Colin fell into the woods, frowning.

He had no impression of the appearance of the two wizards described by Frost Shadow... Why was he following him? !

"Should we take action now?"

The conversation over there is still going on. According to the description of Frost Shadow, the wizard who is slightly fatter and where it is hiding is asking another wizard with yellow halo in his eyes.

Although the wizard's figure unexpectedly appeared in the sky for a short time, the sky was already empty, and the shadow exposed on his body was even more conspicuous in the eyes of the Frost Shadow.

The second-level peak Frost Shadow found Barr effortlessly and quickly moved into the shadow on him.

In the mist, Gena listened to Barr's question and fell into deep thought.

"This Jin Yu is resting now because he doesn't have enough magic power. If he hesitates again, there may be new variables later when he recovers his magic power... You must know that Joyce is still missing."

Barr continued, "We cannot afford to miss this opportunity."

Colin's face darkened, knowing himself...and knowing Joyce...could it be the same gaze he felt in Kalalli.

In this case, they are wizards from a pure-blood family...are they here to prevent me from completing my mission?

But isn’t the mission this time just that the pure-blood family specially sent him to the Kingdom of Loen, away from the city of Neustadt?

If he ruined his mission, wouldn't he be able to return to Neustadt City again?

Could it be that he wants to accept the punishment of the school, but the punishment is obvious - if you fail one, you need to complete two more... There is no room for maneuver.

Colin's thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and he was a little confused.

But what Gena said next made his expression suddenly change.

"No, it's too hasty. Moreover, this place is very close to the Kingdom of Fapu. There is a risk of being seen... The school will definitely investigate the death of a Jin Yu carefully. We cannot take such risks. The more remote wilderness and mountains ahead are , is a better place to start."

The death of a Jin Yu... They didn't want to prevent me from completing my mission, but they wanted to kill me! ?

"What's the rush? Aren't the preparations for dealing with the second-level high-level wizards not enough? We have even made preparations in case we are killed by him!"

"What's more, when we test our strength later, if we find a wizard who is far beyond the first level, then Joyce must have been killed by him. Your Hidos family will attack him first, and then the school will not be able to say anything more."

"He is a Jin Yu who is unwilling to join the faction and has been sent to a remote kingdom. He is not as important as you think!"

Gena was gradually moved by Barr, but out of caution, he pondered for a moment and then suggested:

"At least... let's make a simple plan first."

"Okay." Barr curled his lips and finally compromised.

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