Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 381 The holidays are coming

At first, Colin thought that the knight called by Irvine was just an ordinary knight, but when the palace guard greeted him respectfully: "His Royal Highness Silas," he suddenly realized -

The ordinary white tower guarding knight in front of me turned out to be a member of the Loen royal family!

"Sir Colin, the library has arrived."

Silas led him unimpeded to the Black Tower Library deep in the palace.

But here, even Silas needs Irvine's warrant to pass.

From the outside, the Black Tower Library looked like an ordinary three-story black spire, but after walking inside, Colin discovered that there was another mystery.

Perhaps for defense, when he stepped through the gray and black tower door, Colin's eyes were dazzled. The wall in front of him had changed into a brown bookshelf, and the surrounding area was completely dark.

At some point, they came to a small independent room.

The secret of teleportation is hidden at the door of the Black Tower Library.

Colin was a little shocked. As a second-level wizard, he was caught off guard by such a transmission... The foundation of the Loen royal family seemed to be deeper than he imagined!

At least this seemingly ordinary black tower library is far higher than what it appears on the outside.

"Sir Colin, this bookshelf contains all the knight's breathing techniques collected by the royal family."

Silas next to him seemed to be used to this change. He naturally pointed to the bookshelf in front of him and said to Colin,

"Also, we can't stay in the Black Tower Library for a long time. The token given by Uncle Erwin allows us to stay here for about two hours.

Therefore, I suggest that you choose the appropriate Knight's Breathing Technique first, and then take the rubbings with you to study in detail when you leave. "

'Uncle? ’ Colin was keenly aware of the key words in Silas’s words.

'Irvin is Silas' great-uncle? Doesn't that mean that Erwin is also a member of the Loen royal family? ’

After thinking about it carefully, Colin was not too surprised. Irvine was able to command wizards like them. If he was not a wizard of the school, then he could only be a royal wizard.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for a second-level advanced wizard to sit in this position without a background.

"Sir Colin?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Silas asked hesitantly, "We only have two hours."

"Two hours is enough." After gathering his thoughts, Colin smiled at Silas and said, "Please, please give me a copy of all the rubbings of the Knight's Breathing Technique here."

Silas was startled.

Ten minutes later, Colin left the Loen Palace.

It was getting late outside, and only a ray of light from the setting sun remained, casting an orange halo over the buildings in the city.

Feeling the full harvest in the storage ring, Colin was in a good mood.

The little benefit that Wizard Erwin talked about was a huge surprise to him!

More than a hundred books on Knight's Breathing Technique... After coming out of the Black Tower Library, the smile on Colin's face never fell!

He quickly flew back home, and after a hurried dinner, he dived into the basement of the silver secret room to start research.

Now the wizard's level has reached the second level, while the knight is only an intermediate level one. The gap between the two is really huge.

Furthermore, the cultivation of wizards has also fallen into a period of slowdown, and the rest is just a grinding effort. As for witchcraft, if you want to continue to improve the web of elements, you can't find the flame in Golden Wheat Sheaf for a while. The method of genius.

Therefore, Colin began to plan the next step and began to improve his knightly cultivation, which had fallen behind some progress.

I originally planned to ask Wilbur if there was any good way in the past two days, or wait until I was on vacation to see if I could buy some Knight's Breathing Technique.

But I didn't expect that it took no effort to get it, and the first step - collecting the Knight's Breathing Technique - was completed so easily.

And the number collected is much larger than the dozen or so books previously thought!

What a surprise!

In the silver secret room, Colin took out more than a hundred copies of Knight's Breathing Method with a smile on his face, placed them on the wooden table next to him, and began to read them one by one.

As night fell and the moon climbed up the branches, Colin gradually realized a trouble, the trouble of happiness——

There are so many Knight Breathing Techniques!

Just studying them one by one carefully would probably take him at least half a month.

But it doesn't matter, Colin let out a breath, he didn't lack time or patience.


The next day, evening.

A small banquet was being held in a luxuriously decorated hall.

"Except for the dozen official wizards who are from the royal family or attached to the royal family, the remaining official wizards are from the wizard school of Neustadt City."

At the door, Wilbur and Colin were walking in together. The former glanced around, paused for a moment and continued to face Colin:

"Those over there are Carmen and Woolley. I have a good relationship with them. Like us, they are from the affiliated school of Ishtar School, but they are from the Silver Ring."

"Good evening, Wilbur!"

As Wilbur was talking, the two wizards from Silver Ring also saw them, their eyes lit up, and they came forward with a smile.

Carmen is a middle-aged male wizard with a square face and a rare blond haircut, which makes him even more square.

In comparison, Woolley is unremarkable. Whether it is his medium-long brown hair or facial features, he is the type that cannot be found in a crowd. The only thing that can be called special is maybe just There was only a faint gloomy temperament about him.

"This must be the new resident wizard you mentioned." Carmen looked at Colin with a smile on her face.

But if you look carefully in his eyes, you can find subtle surprise.

Colin in front of him has a handsome, youthful face, with bright medium-length blond hair that complements his sculptural, angular facial features, making him full of vigor, like the rising sun.

"Your Excellency... you are so handsome." Carmen paused and couldn't help but say.

There was one sentence in his heart that he had not said out loud - "It is very different from the wizards stationed in Loen Kingdom in the past."

Woolley on the side nodded in agreement.

"Of course, by the way, I haven't told you yet that this Lord Colin is the golden feather genius of our school!"

Carmen was slightly startled, and suddenly understood Colin's vigorous vitality and calm but confident look.

Woolley on the side glanced at Colin subconsciously, but when his eyes collided with the latter's, he subconsciously shrank back.

Jin could it be Jin Yu?

He knew that the Golden Feather of the Xisheng School was just like the silver ring among their silver rings, a title that could only be obtained by the most talented wizard in the school.

But why did Jin Yu come to such a remote and barren place like the fringe wizards in their school? !

Woolley felt a little surprised and had a different kind of emotion.

These wizards who are assigned mandatory tasks by the school and come to the Kingdom of Loen to garrison are usually marginal figures in the school. Most of them have mediocre talents and no background.

Once they come here, they often cannot go back in three years. After three years, depending on the situation, the school may assign them the same mandatory garrison task again.

As far as Woolley knows, the wizard of the school who has been stationed here the longest has been in the Kingdom of Loen for more than sixty years...

Of course, part of the reason for this is that the wizard has given up going any further and just wants to find a place to retire.

Woolley's face became even more gloomy, and he added silently in his heart:

'Of course, some people have said that Old Toth actually did not give up and go further. He just stayed in the Kingdom of Loen and wasted his time here. In the end, he became discouraged...'

Most of these mediocre wizards who have no hope of advancing to second-level wizards and have no background cannot escape such an ending.

Woolley couldn't help but glance at Colin a few more times.

How could this genius, with whom he had so little chance to talk to in the school of thought, fall into such a situation? Reduced to...the same situation as them?

Perhaps Woolley himself didn't realize that while he was shocked, there was also a trace of undetectable joy and comfort in his heart.

"I'm afraid I'm in big trouble, but when I come to the Kingdom of Loen, no matter how talented I am, I'm still going to be wasted for a while..."

Next to him, Wilbur continued to say proudly, "On the way to Loen Kingdom, Lord Colin also met..."

"The party is about to start. Let's find a seat first, everyone." Colin couldn't help but interjected, interrupting Wilbur's words.

He came to the party to listen to music, eat the delicacies of the Kingdom of Loen, relieve himself from the fatigue of reading the Knight's Breathing Method, and learn the latest news and gossip from these resident wizards, not to show off.

Of course, it was mainly because Wilbur wanted to show off his experience for him, which made him feel a little weird... Maybe in front of these first-level wizards, being able to save his life from two second-level wizards was indeed something worth showing off. matter.

But the real situation of that incident was not like this at all, so Colin felt uncomfortable listening to it now.

"Alright, let's find a seat and sit down first." Wilbur noticed that Colin seemed unwilling to mention the matter, so he decisively shut his mouth and realized that this was not a case that could be discussed casually.

Strictly speaking, this should be considered a scandal of the Xisheng School.

The four of them found a dining table and sat down. Not long after, an old man in gray robe appeared at the front and announced with a smile:

"The party has started. As usual, I won't..." At this point, the old wizard suddenly patted his head again, looked at the crowd in front of him and searched for a while, then turned his attention to Colin and said with a smile:

"As people get older, their memories are no longer good. There is another thing today. Although Huade left us and returned to Neustadt, at the same time, we also welcomed a new resident wizard. Let us welcome him. he!"

Colin curled his lips inwardly, he did not expect that the old wizard would do this.

But on the surface, he stood up calmly and smiled at the wizards.

"I'm new here. Please give me your advice in the future."


"I will, I will……"

"Don't dare to take it seriously..."

The wizards in front of him were all extremely friendly, and they responded one after another, not leaving Colin alone.

This surprised Colin a little.

"Okay, let's let our party officially begin!" The old wizard withdrew his gaze and continued.

As his voice fell, the band on the side also played music in time, the wizards began to talk to each other, and the beautiful maids shuttled among them with wine.

"Has anything new happened in Neustadt recently?" They also started talking here, Carmen asked Wilbur.

"Nothing new, just that a few more wizards died, and some people began to propose to the Supreme Council to cancel the knowledge research management regulations." Wilbur shook his head, and then looked at Colin:

"Speaking of management regulations, counting the days since Mr. Colin's arrival, you should have just caught up with the issuance of the management regulations. You should have a clearer understanding. Can you tell us about it?"

Colin knew that Wilbur was opening the topic for him, so he did not refuse and simply spoke.

In this way, the four of them talked from Neustadt to the war and which of today's meals was more delicious.

The topic was a mess, and Colin couldn't get much useful information from it, but it did relieve some fatigue and relax his mood.

Even Woolley, who was relatively indifferent to him, maintained restraint in chatting, and Wilbur and Carmen kept complimenting him.

During this period, there were wizards who were interested in him as a new wizard and came over to chat.

And Wilbur told almost everyone he met that he was a golden feather.

Colin had a headache, but it was hard to say anything. This was not information that could be concealed. The rest of the garrison wizards would know it sooner or later if they were willing.

Everything was left to him.

Some wizards became more enthusiastic after knowing his identity, such as Carmen, and some became cold, such as Woolley, but most of them were just surprised and returned to normal.

But with his keen hearing, Colin still heard many wizards whispering about him in the corner.

The content was mostly about curiosity about why he came to the Loen Kingdom, and there were no malicious least on the surface.

But Colin sighed and decided to attend less such gatherings in the would be enough to come over occasionally to exchange some information.

Half a month passed quickly.

After Colin managed to finish reading all the Knight's Breathing Techniques, the holidays came.

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