Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 383 Opportunity

The wheat fields were still green in June, but turned golden and brilliant in July.

Time passed silently.

Life in the Kingdom of Loen is peaceful, like a quiet story without any waves. The only thing that reminds Colin of the passage of time is the thick black words on the bright gold paper.

There is another time when the limit of witchcraft has been broken, and there are still two -

Silence and formless shadows.

After consuming thousands of magic stones, these two witchcrafts successfully broke through from the lower level of the first level to the upper level of the first level.

The improvement cannot be considered small, but compared to Colin's current strength, it is a bit behind.

Silence was originally derived from the fusion of Silence Technique and Quiet Sound. Its effect is to eliminate sounds, including oneself and those around them.

Invisible Shadow is the only witchcraft that Colin has mastered to hide his figure. The effect of this witchcraft is to achieve the effect of invisibility by distorting light.

He had a successful experience in creating a combination of witchcraft. Naturally, when Colin saw these two witchcrafts, he also had the idea of ​​combining them.

After all, if one cast of witchcraft can achieve two effects, it will be more advantageous both in terms of time efficiency and mana consumption.

Not to mention the two clearly complement each other in their effects, canceling out sound and hiding form.

But how to combine these two witchcrafts requires further research.

‘Perhaps, when you go to Neustadt during your next vacation, you can go to the school of thought and the True Knowledge Society to look up relevant knowledge. ’

Colin thought silently and dispersed the gold paper.

With a thought, a small window appeared silently on the left side of the silver chamber. Outside the window were green trees and several familiar wizard towers.

‘It’s time to get off work again in two hours. ’

The sun was setting outside, and Colin took a deep breath, feeling calm and peaceful.

Every morning, I come to work at the South Tower at nine o'clock, and get off work at six o'clock in the evening. I go to Neustadt once during the holidays, return three days later, and then return to Golden Wheat Sheep to start the next cycle.

Life is step-by-step, regular and repetitive, but it does not make him feel boring.

Looking at the black characters on the gold paper that changed every day, what Colin could feel was deep peace and solidity.

There is no happier life than improving and making progress every day.

The Kingdom of Loen is such a good place... Especially when he heard that the city of Neustadt has been in chaos and there are constant disputes recently, Colin felt this way.

At six o'clock in the evening, there was only the last trace of the sun left in the sky, and the light it cast gathered on the continuous clouds to form floating gold.

When Colin finished his shift and returned to his home, he saw a girl who was both familiar and unfamiliar on the lush lawn in front of her door.

"Long time no see." Shelley turned around and said.

The doll-like girl was bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun. Her original snowy hair was dyed a crimson color, and her fair and cold cheeks now glowed with a moving luster under the sunlight.

Although his tone was as cold as ever, it seemed to have a little more human touch when compared to this appearance.

As for why she is unfamiliar, it is because apart from the same snowy hair, the girl's appearance and body shape are somewhat different from before.

Although the changes are not big, taken together, it becomes a different look.

"Are you...Shelley?" Colin was startled and stopped for a moment.

The girl nodded slightly.

As she moved, the strangeness lingering on her face and figure suddenly dissipated like the remaining mist in the morning.

At this moment, Colin felt that Shelley's appearance had become familiar again, and it seemed to be no different from what he remembered before.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely sophisticated disguise.

But Colin was only slightly amazed. What surprised him even more was that he could see Shelley again here, in the Kingdom of Loen, which is thousands of kilometers away from Neustadt.

"Let's go in first."

However, no matter what, it is always a happy thing to see familiar people again in a foreign land.

Colin smiled and took Shelley all the way to the living room to sit down.

"Your Excellency Shelley is here this time. Is there any knowledge you need to discuss with me?"

Apart from knowledge, Colin could not think of any other reason for her coming to the girl who was carved out of ice crystals.

But this time, Shelley shook his head.

"I just came over to see you."

Colin paused as he picked up the black tea, and was stunned for a moment.

But Shelley in front of him seemed not to notice the inappropriateness of his words and continued:

"For some reasons, I also left Neustadt and currently live in the Kingdom of Loen... Well, it's the villa on your left."

Colin nodded slowly, that's it.

"Then it seems that we can continue to exchange knowledge in the future." He put the teacup on the table and said with a smile.

Although I don’t know why Shelley came to the Loen Kingdom, it is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

After all, exchanging knowledge with Shelley, a witchcraft genius, was of great help to him.

"Indeed." Shelley nodded and added, "You have to be on duty during the day, and I will come to you at this time every evening from now on. How about that?"

"Of course it's no problem." Colin smiled and nodded gently. He thought about it for a moment, but finally did not ask Shelley why he came to the Kingdom of Loen, and he was still wearing a disguise.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more trouble you have, and it may also make things difficult for the person in front of you.

After taking a sip of the black tea, Colin suddenly realized that, except when they were in the far north, this seemed to be the first time the two of them sat face to face without exchanging knowledge.

For a moment I didn't know what to say.


Renee knocked lightly on the door.

"Master, Mr. Wilbur is here to visit."

Colin felt inexplicably relieved and smiled apologetically at Shelley in front of him.

"Sorry, I might need to go out."

"It doesn't matter, just let him come in directly." Shelley said.

Colin was a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't say much. He just said to Renee outside the door:

"Let Wilbur come over."

"Okay, Master."

After a while, the door was pushed open by Renee who returned, and Wilbur's hearty voice came:

"Sir Colin, it's not easy to find you. There will be another party tomorrow night, and this time Wizard Irvine will also go there. Don't refuse anymore."

"...Who is this?" Wilbur paused when he saw Shelley, and asked in surprise.

"The person in charge of the Chasay Chamber of Commerce, Drotelin."

Before Colin could speak, Shelley said an unfamiliar name first.

However, what surprised Colin even more was that Wilbur was stunned for a moment, but he said with a smile and a little respect:

"It turns out to be Lady Drotelin from the Chasay Chamber of Commerce. I didn't expect to see you here.

The arrival of you and the Chasai Chamber of Commerce was a hot topic at the party the night before. Everyone is looking forward to the Chasai Chamber of Commerce bringing new things to the Immutable Golden Wheat. "

"Haha, really? Thank you wizards for your love."

The words were meant with enthusiasm, but from Colin's perspective, Shelley's face was still expressionless, and the tone in his ears was still as cold as ever.

Colin glanced at Wilbur subconsciously.

But the latter seemed unaware, the smile on his face did not change at all, and he even became a little more enthusiastic and gave a few more compliments.

Just as Colin was sighing at Wilbur's tact, Shelley glanced at him slightly.

Then, in an instant, Shelley in Colin's eyes suddenly changed.

Shelley's appearance once again became unfamiliar yet slightly familiar. An impeccably polite smile appeared on that frosty and cold face, and even his voice became gentle, making people feel like spring breeze.

Colin suddenly realized that this was probably what Wilbur saw.

The girl who looked like an ice sculpture in front of her put on a false mask for herself.

However, this scene only lasted for a moment. In Colin's eyes, the mask was taken off again.

Shelley returned to his true and cold appearance, and the voice in his ears became cold again.

But for some reason, he found this look more friendly.

Shelley's pleasantries with Wilbur turned to the reason why she was here.

"Your Excellency Colin is Jin Yu of the Xisheng School, so he came to visit today." Shelley simply replied.

"That's it." Wilbur nodded, and it was for the same reason as he imagined.

‘As expected of Jin Yu, even if he is reduced to this, he is much stronger than wizards like us. ’

Drotelin of the Chasai Chamber of Commerce is a genuine second-level wizard, and she is so beautiful...

A little jealousy briefly arose in his heart, but it dissipated like the wind.

Wilbur has long since lost the courage and determination to fight forward. He just wants to enjoy the next few years and enjoy the long lifespan he has left as a first-level wizard.

"Sir Colin, are you coming to the party tomorrow night?" Wilbur smiled again and continued to ask Colin.

Colin nodded slightly.

Wizard Erwin has to participate. As a wizard stationed here, he naturally has no reason to refuse.

"Great, it's rare for you to come here once." Wilbur smiled, then glanced at the two of them and said, "My purpose of coming here has been achieved, so I won't disturb you two more."

Wilbur got up and left.

The door was gently closed, and Renee walked out, leaving Colin alone in the room again.

The pale sunlight penetrated through the stained glass window, climbed onto the brown floor, the fabric sofa, and onto Colin and his wife.

Colin did not ask the Chasay Chamber of Commerce, and Shelley did not explain.

The two of them skipped the topic in tacit agreement.

"It's getting late, do you want to finish your meal here? Well...there's fish soup."


Colin nodded slightly and asked again: "It will take some time to cook. Why don't you go out for a walk?"


Shelley's response was sharp.

The two got up and walked outside together. It was getting late and dark night was falling, but it could not stop the two wizards from walking.

Although Wizard Irvine also came to the party the next day, there was nothing too special about it.

The only thing worth mentioning was perhaps that Wizard Irvine also mentioned the arrival of the Chasay Chamber of Commerce at the party.

In the days that followed, Colin's life got back on track.

I get up at five o'clock in the morning every day, first read the parliamentary announcements and various newspapers obtained through the Chasai Chamber of Commerce, and then deal with chores.

After nine o'clock, go to the South Tower for duty.

Most of the time, life on duty was uneventful, and only occasionally would the Ring Tower send a request for help.

Then at six o'clock in the evening, Colin got off work on time and returned home.

Then he did nothing and went to the study room on the second floor.

Except for rare exceptions, when Colin opened the study door, he could see Shelley sitting on the soft gray-brown fabric sofa.

On the coffee table where the two sofas sit opposite each other, Renee has prepared hot tea and exquisite and delicious snacks for them.

Colin then sat down and the two began to exchange knowledge.

Every day of practice you will encounter new problems. Every day of knowledge research, if you clarify a question, new questions will arise.

The exchange between the two seemed to have no end.

But around half past seven, and sometimes around eight o'clock, they would tacitly stop their communication for the day.

Walk out of the study and take a walk in the afterglow of the evening or the hazy moonlight, in silence, or talk about something else.

After a walk, Shelley would occasionally stay for dinner, but more often than not he would leave in a hurry.

Time is like water, passing by quietly.

Unconsciously, a year passed with such repetition.

July 11, 3587 AD.

In the silver chamber.

Colin's appearance was the same as before, and a year had not left any trace on his body.

However, the thin gold paper that appeared in front of him used ink characters to describe the changes brought about by the years!

First of all, in terms of wizard level, Colin successfully passed the first level and reached the second intermediate level.

As for the knights, they have also reached the first level of advanced level.

Next is witchcraft. In the past year, due to the failure to obtain the fire talent, the Web of Elements has not changed, but the progress has been slightly increased by 30 points.

But he has successfully iterated all the witchcraft, and has basically broken the limit and become at least second-level low-level witchcraft.

He also successfully combined Silence and Invisible Shadow to create a new second-level middle level witchcraft - Silence and Invisibility.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning that the two low-level second-level disguise witchcraft-Spirit Mist and Hayden's Pseudo-Energy, perhaps due to frequent use, have successfully broken through the limit and become second-level. Ascend.

According to Colin's estimation, an ordinary third-level wizard would not be able to detect his disguise as long as he did not use targeted detection witchcraft.

In terms of key defense, the steel temperature-resistant force field also broke the limit once and became the second-level mid-level, but at the same time it also turned golden and could not continue to improve for the time being.

As for wizards, it can only be said that the improvement is step by step and expected.

What really gave Colin a sense of achievement on the gold paper was the knights.

During this year, not only did all sixty-nine books on the Knight's Breathing Technique be accepted, but all of them broke the limit once. Some key ones, such as the White Light Breathing Technique, even broke the limit twice.

These character changes are reflected in Colin, which is a real increase in strength.

Although the knight level has only advanced a small step, due to the change in breathing method, his overall strength as a knight is at least seven or eight times greater than before!

But at present, the research on Knight's Breathing Method has once again hit a bottleneck.

After sighing, Colin shook his head again.

That's not what he wants. In terms of knights, what he wants is the way forward!

However, the current stacking of breathing methods has always only improved the quantity and cannot reach the scope of qualitative change.

This made Colin worried that even if all the knight's breathing techniques were integrated to break the limit, he might not be able to explore the path of a second-level knight.

Colin exhaled softly, picked up the breathing method called Jushan from his hand again and started reading.

As the reading continued, the strange feeling brought about by this breathing method resurfaced in Colin's mind.

An idea that had been lingering on for a long time appeared in his mind again——

‘Perhaps, we should find some time to look for that knight again.

I remember that the place I went to ask for help was...Into City, and the knight's name seemed to be...O'Niens? ’

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