Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 386: Another village has a bright future (5k)

Hearing Colin's words, Commons was slightly startled, paused for a moment, and then said slowly:

"You don't know something, but the Demon Tide battlefield was very large back then.

Strictly speaking, the place where we are standing now, including the entire Into City and even some of the farmland outside the city, was part of the battlefield back then. "

"Then take me to the underground cave where the demonic tide gushed out."

Colin was not too disappointed.

After all, more than three hundred years have passed. Even if the battlefield exists, how many traces will be left behind? He was simply making a last-ditch attempt at investigation.

The underground cave is the last stop.

If what Commons said is true and Alec did not write anything in his autobiography, then the giant mountain breathing method obtained from the monster is also likely to have originated from the underground cave.

"But sir, it's not dark yet, and the family has not prepared any magic elimination potion..." Commons said in embarrassment.

His words touched Colin's dusty memory, and he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard about underground caves and magic-killing potions before.

If I remember correctly, it was when I first joined the Xisheng School and started to change the meditation method.

At that time, in order to change the meditation method, under Lilian's introduction, he obtained a batch of potions for eliminating magic from a businessman. It seemed that the name was called magic elimination potion.

As for the anti-magic potion, it was also mentioned at the beginning that it was a special magic potion specially used by wizards who went to underground caves.

The purpose is to resist some kind of unique magic pollution that underground caves will bring.

But... why do we need to wait until dark?

"Why can't we go to the underground cave during the day?" Colin asked.

"Because of the burrowing disease, my lord." Commons replied, "Underground caves during the day are like the night on the ground. Not only are they full of dangers, but they are also more susceptible to burrowing disease."

"Even a great knight, if he rushes deep into an underground cave during the day without a demon-killing potion, within an hour he will suffer from initial cave disease, with skin ulcers and blood dissipation. He will need to rest for at least two months to recover.

And if it takes more than two hours, you can basically declare death. "

"Yeah." Colin nodded. This so-called cave disease is obviously that special cave pollution.

"I will prepare the magic-killing potion and set off when it gets dark." He paused and said briefly.

I don’t know if Commons misunderstood something.

Colin keenly noticed that the former's face stiffened slightly, but he quickly changed to a smile and nodded.


Commons turned his head and looked around, and finally set his sights on O'Niens, and said, "O'Niens, you will accompany me to the underground cave tonight, do you understand?"

O'Niens nodded silently.

Commons withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and turned to Colin to explain:

"Sir, O'Niens has grown up near the cave since he was a child. We are not as familiar with it as he is."

"Yeah." Colin nodded, with some suspicion in his mind.

Commons may have misunderstood his request.

But he was actually just looking for a guide who could take him to the vicinity of the underground cave and introduce him to the basic conditions of the cave.

Even if they want to go down then, they won't let the guide follow them... But looking at the appearance of Commons and O'Neill, they probably thought they were looking for cannon fodder to explore the way.

But Colin had no intention of explaining, as this kind of thing would only get darker and darker.

‘When O’Niens finishes leading the way, give him some magic stones as reward. ’

Colin thought silently in his heart that he didn't like to owe others.

Even if it's just for his own comfort, he will give him some reward.

Of course, this time I was just leading the way, and there was no need to give out rewards like spears.

"I'll come find you in the evening."

Colin said a few words at the end and left the Wood family. He was going to prepare the magic-killing potion just in case.

After walking along the streets of Into City for a while, Colin saw a familiar Chamber of Commerce logo.

It was a splash of sparks, and it was also the symbol of the Chasay Chamber of Commerce where Shelley worked.

"Welcome to Chasai Chamber of Commerce, may I help you with anything?" The store manager greeted him enthusiastically.

Colin glanced around the interior of the store. The decoration inside was low-key and exquisite. Models of most of the products of the Chasay Chamber of Commerce were placed on one side of the wall and on the counter in front of him.

This was the first time he came to the Chasai Chamber of Commerce store. Looking at the weird-looking products with unknown uses on the counter, he felt a little curious.

But Colin paused, suppressed his curiosity, and adhered to the tacit understanding between him and Shelley. He didn't look any further and just took out a badge from his body.

The badge is golden and looks like the same splashing sparks as the Chasay Chamber of Commerce logo.

This was the badge presented to him by Shelley.

When the store manager saw this badge, he was slightly startled, and then said in a more respectful tone: "Dear guest of the Chasai Chamber of Commerce, may I help you in any way?"

"Is there any magic-killing potion here?" Colin asked.

"Yes, how much do you need?" The shop owner nodded.

Since there are a large number of underground cave entrances outside Into City, adventurers often come here to explore.

The magic elimination potion is naturally a must-have for the chamber of commerce doing business here.

"Generally, for an ordinary person to go to the underground cave for a night, at least two bottles of magic elimination potion are needed. However, as the user's strength increases, the consumption will also decrease." The shop owner replied.

"Yeah." After pondering for a moment, Colin said, "Give me two bottles first."

He didn't plan to go down to the crypt in person tonight to buy the magic-killing potion, just in case of emergencies. Two bottles were enough.

"Okay, three hundred magic stones in total." The shopkeeper said, and then added, "You are a distinguished customer of our Chasai Chamber of Commerce, and this is the cost price for you."

"Yeah." Colin readily gave the magic stone.

If I remember correctly, the magic elimination potion I purchased through the merchant introduced by Senior Sister Lillian cost two hundred magic stones per bottle.

However, such a price is still quite high, so it’s no wonder that the Wood family has no reserves.

Colin sighed and walked out of the store.

It was just noon outside now, and Colin estimated that the time was almost up. He quietly disappeared in an alley and returned to the Wood family.

Although there is nothing unusual about the Wood family so far, he is not naive enough to completely trust Commons.

The Giant Mountain Breathing Technique is related to the future of the knight's path. As long as there is a slight possibility, Colin is not willing to let it go.

He wants to take advantage of now to carefully investigate the entire Wood family!

Colin stood in the secret room where the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique was displayed, and the shadows of frost dispersed in silence.

Of course, he was not idle, and was scanning the entire secret room with his mental power.

Not long after, a frost shadow came and reported something strange.

Colin walked quickly towards the southeast corner of the secret room.

After some exploration, he found a hidden compartment on the wall in this corner.

Opening the secret compartment and inspecting the contents, Colin had a faint look of expectation on his face.

But after a moment, the anticipation dissipated, and Colin looked disappointed.

There are just some valuable treasures, magic stones and the like inside.

'……This is? ’

But soon, Colin discovered a few familiar things at the bottom of the secret cell——

The long transparent glass bottle contains a unique crystal liquid... Is this a magic elimination potion?

Colin turned over his hand and took out the magic elimination potion from his storage ring.

After careful comparison, Colin confirmed that the tubes of magic potion in front of him were indeed magic elimination potions!

But what's the use?

Colin frowned and thought for a moment, unable to think of anything unusual.

At most, it was just that Commons had deceived him into not having the magic elimination potion today.

But the secret grid in front of them should be the last information left by the Wood family just in case.

It's normal for Commons not to take it out and use it's human nature.

After letting out a breath of turbid air, Colin restored the secret grid in disappointment, and then commanded the Frost Shadow to explore the surroundings with the current secret room as the center.

In this way, until evening, Colin turned the entire Wood family upside down.

However, the only gain was to learn some messy gossip.

When the last ray of sunset faded, Colin arrived at the door of the Wood family on time.

O'Niens has been waiting here for a long time, and Commons is standing next to him.

"Your Excellency is here." Seeing him appear, Commons greeted him enthusiastically.

Colin nodded slightly, looked at O'Neill next to him and asked:

"Are you ready?"

"Ready." O'Niens, who was as tall as a hill, nodded slightly cautiously.

Without further delay, Colin took O'Niens and flew towards the south of the city.

Commons at the door watched the two of them go away, withdrew his gaze, and walked back to the family in silence.

But what Commons didn't notice was that his shadow imprinted on the ground under the moonlight seemed to sway subtly.

"Fly a little further and we'll be there, Lord Colin."

In the sky, O'Niens had taken off his helmet and was looking at the ground to distinguish carefully.

Below is an endless stretch of golden wheat fields. Under the silver moonlight, they look like silent land and sea. They all look similar to the naked eye.

But for O'Niens, every piece of this sea of ​​wheat is different.

He knows this place well.

Before being taken back by the Wood family, he lived in a farm family.

He spends almost half of his time here every year, working with his adoptive parents and guarding the wheat fields.

Occasionally, when I have rare free time, I will explore near the entrance of the cave that adults are never allowed to approach.

"We're here, sir." Although there were many thoughts in his mind, O'Niens did not forget his duty to guide the way.

Colin looked ahead.

His vision suddenly changed from the colorful sea of ​​wheat to black and gray, and a very special area appeared in front of him. He had never seen such terrain anywhere else.

It's abandoned opencast coal mine.

It's just that this "coal mine" occupies a huge area, and even from a height of 100 meters, Colin can't even get a full view of it.

Moreover, there are also complex terrain changes, including hills and cliffs, basins and abysses, all of which can be seen.

Countless black holes, large or small, are scattered throughout the black and gray area. Their shapes are irregular, either elliptical or diamond-shaped, but they all look extremely deep.

In front of the entire catacomb area, there is a small group of buildings.

This is a small town developed based on the caves, mainly providing various services to the wizards who come to the caves for adventure.

Of course, it also serves as the first sentry tower to warn when the demonic tide in the burrows is coming.

If it had been earlier, these resident wizards who came to the Loen Kingdom might have been assigned here.

But now there are only merchants and adventurous wizards left here.

"Sir, although there are a very large number of entrances in the entire crypt area, about 80% to 90% of them will eventually converge on five different nodes after traveling for three to eight hours at the walking speed of an ordinary knight." Niens continued:

"The entrance to the cave closest to Node 1 is on the triangular mountain peak in front of you."

Colin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Commons is right, you do know the cave very well."

O'Neill paused for a moment: "Perhaps it's because I always wanted to take risks here when I was a child. So after becoming a Grand Knight, I collected a lot of information about the cave."

Colin nodded slightly. He had to say that O'Neill's understanding of the crypt was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

Commons unexpectedly recommended a pretty good guide.

"Then start exploring from the cave at node one." Colin said.

At this point in the investigation, hope has actually become very slim.

There are more than a thousand cave entrances in front of us. Although they pass through a few fixed nodes, most of them do not overlap.

If you really want to investigate the cave.

It would take him at least years, or even decades, to truly explore the entire cave passage, and that was only a shallow layer.

In the catacombs, the further you go down, the more intense the unique pollution smell in the catacombs will become.

At that time, magic-killing potions were of no use at all. In fact, this is also the fundamental reason that prevents wizards from exploring the entire crypt.

Most of the adventurers who come to the caves are active in the shallow passages, hoping to find some relics left by their predecessors, or some rare treasures that can only be produced in the caves, or to kill some unique underground creatures in exchange for magic stones. .

However, come what may... Colin landed at the edge of the catacomb area.

"Do you need me to go with you, sir?" O'Neill asked calmly.

He accepted the arrangement of the Wood family and knew that the family could not afford the wrath of an official wizard, so he was willing to be cannon fodder for the sake of the family.

——Even if O'Niens doesn't really like the Wood family very much, it is his only family.

"No, just stay here and point me to the cave entrance closest to the next node after I come out."

Colin's words came softly, and O'Niens was startled for a moment, then slowly raised his head.

But Colin's figure in front of him had already disappeared.

Inexplicably, O'Niens suddenly thought of the spear that Colin had generously given to him... and couldn't help but feel complicated.

As an official wizard, Colin originally wanted the family's breathing method without paying any price, but in the end he still gave himself an expensive spear.

Moreover, now that he is exploring the cave, he can obviously bring himself as cannon fodder - Elder Commons. They probably thought this was the case, so they sent me here without hesitation...

Underneath the hard visor, O'Niens's expression was a little shaken...

He didn't know what Colin came to the crypt to find.

But if it has anything to do with Jushan Breathing Technique...

"Onions, take me to the next cave entrance."

Just as O'Niens was wavering in his heart, Colin's voice suddenly came.

He raised his head, but was surprised to find that Colin had returned.

"Okay..." Not daring to ask any more questions, O'Niens nodded, pointed to a diamond-shaped cave not far away and said, "That is the entrance to the cave closest to Node 2."

"Yeah." Colin nodded and flew away again.

After entering the cave for a moment, he released the Frost Shadow, and then returned again.

For things like exploring the caves, it is obviously most convenient to leave it to the Shadow of Frost.

In this way, in less than an hour, Colin threw the remaining five frost shadows into the cave.

"Let's go." Colin greeted O'Neill and walked back.

He planned to live near the cave for a period of time. During this period, he let the Shadow of Frost explore the cave, hoping that the blind cat would encounter a dead mouse and find something suspicious.

After all, most of the wizards who come here to explore the caves are apprentices or first-level wizards. In contrast, the second-level advanced Frost Shadow can obviously explore deeper, and may be able to discover something in places where no one has yet set foot. .

And according to his tests, the Frost Shadow is far less affected by pollution than the Wizard - this may be because the Frost Shadow does not have an independent soul.

This also means that Frost Shadow can explore deeper.

Of course, it is just smaller, and will still be polluted and disintegrated over time.

But it doesn't matter. While the power of the current Frost Shadow has been improved, the requirements for the materials used to cast the spell have actually been reduced.

Even if the Frost Shadow is damaged, Colin only needs to spend some time and magic power to get a new Frost Shadow quickly.

"By the way, this is for you."

As if thinking of something, Colin suddenly took out a hundred magic stones and handed them to O'Niens.

"Tonight's reward."

O'Niens stopped and looked sideways at Colin, his expression blocked by his cold face.

"Take it, your knowledge of the catacombs has saved me a lot of time, you deserve it."

Colin smiled and said calmly.

O'Neill silently took the magic stone and put it away carefully.

After following Colin for a moment, he finally made a decision and suddenly said:

"Sir Colin, regarding the Giant Mountain Breathing Method, I actually made a discovery that I have never told anyone."

"Oh?" Colin paused, raised his brows, and looked at O'Neill.

He originally thought that what O'Niens wanted to say was just some cultivation experience, but O'Niens' next words made him slightly stunned.

"I found that there are some plants in the cave, which are very helpful for the training of the Great Knight of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique.

Not only can they speed up cultivation, but they can also slow down the process of enlargement without affecting the growth of physical strength... It is like adding a layer of restrictions to the body. Compared with before, the increase in muscle and bone density will change. Get bigger! "

Sorry, I have sorted out the details and the update was not too early.

The plan is to adjust the update time to 12 o'clock first, and then start adding more updates. For now, we will maintain 4k upwards to ensure quality first.

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