Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 388 Return to the Catacombs

Hearing Colin's question, Commons' heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat instantly soaked his back, but it didn't show any signs of it on the surface.

O'Niens, who was full of anger at the side, stopped and turned back in confusion.

Martina...didn't she die last night?

"Maybe I remembered it wrong, maybe it was the night before. People's memories are like this when they get old, and they are unreliable." Commons patted his head and said with a smile.

"It was early in the morning three days ago."

At this time, Alcott wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and suddenly spoke in a voice mixed with blood foam.

Commons glanced at him, his eyes brightening slightly, but they quickly turned away and turned to look at Alcott with just the right amount of doubt.

"I remember it very clearly. It was around three o'clock in the morning three days ago. It was still dark, and she was struggling very hard..."


Alcott's voice stopped suddenly, O'Neill gasped angrily, and blood dripped quietly from the clenched fist of his right hand.


Alcott spat out a mouthful of blood and did not continue to speak. He just stared at O'Neill in front of him with sinister eyes.


The whites of O'Neill's eyes gradually became bloodshot, his eyebrows stood up, he clenched his teeth, raised his fist and punched Alcott a few more times!

Colin frowned slightly, unable to tell whether O'Neill was simply angry or in an inexplicable state of bloodthirsty.

After thinking for a moment, he finally said: "O'Niens, that's about it. Leave him alive."

This is certainly not a pity for Alcott.

After all, if Alcott did what O'Neill said, then he was undoubtedly a scumbag. Normally, if he didn't meet him, Colin wouldn't mind his own business. After all, this world is different from his previous life.

But if he met, he wouldn't mind supporting O'Neills, but after all, Alcott had practiced the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique and was a great knight, so he was a good research material. As for the research materials, you still have to cherish them. It would still be a bit of a waste if O'Niens was just beaten to death.

"It seems that it was indeed three days ago. I remembered it wrong." Commons said again.

"Really?" Colin narrowed his eyes slightly and observed Commons carefully.

His intuition told him that Commons was lying, but logically Commons' explanation was not unreasonable.

And if Commons is really lying...then things get interesting.

She is obviously just a maid, even if she dies, what does she mean in this world?

And now, not only was Commons hiding it... but Alcott even took the initiative to help him lie.

Interesting... Colin observed Commons carefully.

The smile on Commons' face changed slightly, and he paused and emphasized:

"It was just an ordinary maid. I really didn't pay much attention to it, but since Alcott said she died in the early morning three days ago, it must have been the early morning three days ago. I remembered it wrong."

Then he turned his head and shouted to O'Neill: "Martina is dead, O'Neill. If you are angry, I can make the decision and let Alcott return the spear to you.

After all...even if you beat Alcott to death, Martina will not be resurrected. "

Hearing Commons' words, O'Neill's anger seemed to be poured with cold water, and he stopped swinging his fist.

But the scalding smoke that rose up as the flames were extinguished made him subconsciously say angrily:

"I'm not here for the spear, I just can't stand Alcott's behavior of killing lives so wantonly! Martina is only thirteen years old, she doesn't even know what steak tastes like!"

O'Neill stared at Commons, gasping angrily.

It can be seen that he should know Martina, or at least have some contact with her.

"I know your pain, kid." Commons sighed, regretful.

"Where is her body?" At this time, Colin asked again abruptly.

There was no hesitation on Commons's expression, and he showed appropriate doubts:

"Where Martina's body went, I'm afraid we need to find the servant who handled it to know, but generally speaking it was transported to a mass grave outside the city."

At the same time, in the shoes that no one could see, he quietly used his toes to activate the hidden hand he had left long ago.

The last trace of luck in Commons's heart had disappeared with Colin's questioning.

He couldn't explain where Martina's body ended up - something Colin would find out if he kept asking.

Commons didn't think he could weave a lie that Colin couldn't see through, so he had to prepare for the worst.

"What are you hiding, Commons?" Colin's expression gradually turned cold.

Commons' acting skills are very good, and he can control both his breathing and heartbeat extremely well, but he is only a mortal after all. As time goes by, he has noticed some slight changes in his body, such as the smell of cold sweat. .

The morning sun was just right, casting a clear shadow around Colin's feet.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but there seems to be a few subtle blue lights moving away from above towards the surroundings. They will turn the entire Wood family into a cage.

"Hide...I'm not hiding anything. I don't seem to understand what the adults are saying." Commons continued to look confused.

Either way, this would at least delay things for a little longer.



The blue ice element and the orange fire element suddenly appeared.

The ice element breathed out slightly, and a circle of cold ice fence suddenly appeared, immediately surrounding the Wood family in the square.

O'Niens was pushed back by the ice fence and took a few steps back. His face was stunned. He didn't know how things suddenly turned out like this.

Colin did not explain that Commons' concealment gave him some bad associations.

Just in case, it's better to take action first and control everyone present.

It happened that when O'Neill came back today, Commons was convening the family members for a morning meeting here.

Looking around, there are about a hundred people. It can be said that basically most of the Wood family members are here. It is a good opportunity to control.

When Commons saw this scene, his expression finally changed.

He thought he could continue to delay for some time until he couldn't explain anymore.

But I didn't expect that Colin would be so decisive, and he would fall out at any time!

"Lord Colin...what are you doing? Why are you imprisoning us?" The old fox was still struggling and asked in confusion.

"Before answering your question, can you first tell me what happened to Martina's death?" Colin asked with a frown.

"Martina... it's just a very simple matter. An inconspicuous maid died. If you want to find her body, I can ask the servant who was responsible for handling the body to ask..."

Colin just shook his head slightly and used the improved crimson mark technique on everyone in the Wood family in front of him.

He no longer believes what Commons said.

Unfortunately, because of the existence of mental fog, it is very difficult to directly read a person's memory, and he has not learned any witchcraft that can assist in interrogation...

But it doesn't matter. A mere Wood family cannot make any trouble in front of him as a second-level wizard. Let's control it first.

The results of the Crimson Marking Technique came out, and there was no aura of god in the Wood family in front of them.

Colin breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt whether he had overreacted.

But soon, he shook his head.

In any case, since Commons chose to hide it from him, there are only two possibilities.

The first is because this matter is a huge secret of the Wood family and cannot be disclosed to outsiders.

The second one is because this matter conflicts with the interests of the wizard himself, and if he finds out about it, it will bring trouble to the Wood family.

When there was a conflict with the wizard's interests, Colin naturally thought of God as soon as possible.

But now there is no abnormality in the examination, which makes the results confusing again.

"Commons, let me ask you one last time, what happened to Martina's death?"

Commons paused and said aggrievedly, still maintaining his blank look:

"Sir, I have already said it..."

Colin frowned slightly and ordered O'Neill on the side:

"O'Niens, go bring the fire element and gather all the people from the Wood family. I will inform the Lord of Into."

O'Niens had not yet reacted, and looked at Colin blankly: "Sir, what's going on?"

"O'Niens, you have ruined this family!"

Commons on the side watched Colin pretending to inform the Lord of Into, but he could no longer withstand the pressure. He suddenly turned his head, stared at O'Niens and yelled with a ferocious expression.

If he had known that this disaster would happen, he would never have agreed to Micah bringing O'Niens back to the family!

And the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique should not have been given to Colin in the first place!

"I..." O'Niens was startled.

"The wizard in front of me is greedy. Not only does he want our Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, he also wants to enslave our entire family..."


A ray of witchcraft light flashed, and Commons' voice suddenly stopped.

Colin frowned. Among other things, this old guy was good at confusing right and wrong.

Commons's reaction further confirmed his suspicion.

But looking at O'Niens with a complicated expression in front of him, he felt a little headache and asked, "You don't really believe what that old man said, do you?"

To Colin's surprise, O'Neill shook his head.

"I believe there must be some reason why adults do this."

Colin nodded slightly, but he did not misjudge the knight in front of him.

"Commons has been lying, and so has Alcott, and although we don't know why yet, they are hiding Martina's death."

O'Niens was stunned for a moment, and hope suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Don't be too happy too soon." Colin shook his head and cruelly extinguished the hope of the young man in front of him: "The probability of Martina surviving is low. Otherwise, there is no need for Commons to say this.

It’s just my guess that Martina didn’t die as you imagined. "

Commons and Alcott are obviously hiding how Martina died, which obviously means that the cause of Martina's death is not that simple.

O'Niens nodded, he understood Colin's analysis.

Elder Commons and Alcott were obviously hiding something...something he didn't know about.

O'Neill suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

It is obvious that he is already a great knight and has stood at the pinnacle of the family's combat power...but it seems that the family still does not regard him as a real clan member.

‘If Elder Commons was willing to tell him this, maybe he wouldn’t be in this situation today. ’

Inside the ice fence, Commons' mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out. But looking at O'Neill, his heart did not regret it, but was filled with hatred.

‘It’s all this bastard’s fault! ’

After trying it for a moment, but with no effect, Commons realized that it was the witchcraft effect of the wizard in front of him.

He was terrified and angry.

Commons didn't know how Colin knew that Martina had not died last night, but the moment he realized it, he decisively changed his story, and Alcott also cleverly cooperated...

It stands to reason that even if it cannot be called perfect, it can still be considered confusing.

‘The wizard… is simply too powerful. ’ Commons looked gloomy. He couldn’t think of an answer to why Colin could detect it, and he didn’t have the heart to think about the answer.

He silently winked at the few knights around him.

Everything that can be done has been done, and the delay time is almost up. It is time to take the next step.

No one knows what kind of power the wizard in front of him will show in the subsequent interrogation.

He wasn't sure he could keep his secret under interrogation from a wizard...

Commons raised his chin slightly and roared silently in his heart, 'Great ancestor Alec, even though I died today! But the Wood family will continue to exist and thrive under your leadership! ’


Then Commons suddenly took out a knife from his body and was about to stab himself in the eye socket! He was originally old and decrepit, but now he burst out with extraordinary speed.

Also starting to commit suicide was the great knight next to him.

Their movements were as neat and quick as if they had been rehearsed.

No, this decisive and unhesitating look is more like... being bewitched in some way?

Caught off guard, Colin was slightly shocked.

But fortunately, he hasn't left yet, and his response is pretty quick!

The spiritual power spread like a tide, and Commons and others were immediately wrapped in it and fell into a state of stiffness.

Commons looked desperate. He knew how powerful the wizard was, but the power Colin showed at this moment still deeply shocked him.

But fortunately, counting the time, Dennis should have led his tribe out of the family, and the Wood family still has hope!

One day, my family will take revenge for me!

Commons closed his eyes calmly and relaxed his body.

However, what he didn't see was that Colin, who was not far away, felt the message from the Frost Shadow and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No need to intercept, keep tracking." He gave the order to the Frost Shadow located on the edge of the Wood family.

After controlling the ice element to strengthen the cage, Colin changed his original plan and planned to see where the group of escapees from the Wood family would go.

But before leaving, looking at O'Niens beside him, he felt a move in his heart and took the latter with him.

"Lord Colin, where are we going?" O'Niens turned his head and asked in confusion.

"Aren't you curious about what the Wood family is hiding from you?" Colin said while sensing the direction of the Frost Shadow, "Maybe we can know this secret after a little while."

Commons in the frost cage looked at the two Colins soaring into the sky, his expression suddenly changed, and he murmured in disbelief:

"That's not the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, why would you go there..."

Looking at the direction Colin and the two were heading, his face gradually turned pale.

'This is could he know? ! ’


Bang bang bang!

Commons and the big knights suddenly hit the hard ice fence like crazy, with such force that their heads were broken and blood flowed in an instant.

The ice elemental head on the side tilted.

Click click click.

The cold air spread out, and ice crystals climbed up the calves of Commons and others, locking them in place.


Commons struggled for a moment, and after realizing that his efforts were in vain, his face suddenly turned gray, his lips couldn't help moving, and tears flowed down his old cheeks:

"The great ancestor Alec, his unfilial descendants have actually caused such a disaster..."

The raging wind was like hitting a thick glass as it approached, and was completely blocked out. Although this was not the first time he had experienced it, O'Niens was still a little amazed at the wizard's power.

If you are a knight, I am afraid that no matter how much you practice, you will not be able to fly freely in the sky.

Looking at the streets flashing below, O'Niens gradually frowned... Is this, flying towards the south of the city?

Not long after, a golden sea of ​​wheat appeared in front of him, which confirmed his suspicion.

But Colin did not stop moving forward;

Gradually, the golden sea of ​​wheat in O'Neill's field of vision slowly disappeared, replaced by a strange gray and black area.

After hovering in the sky for several times, the two of them finally landed in front of an inconspicuous cave entrance in the eyes of O'Niens with surprise.

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