Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 62 Sudden

Tap tap tap tap——

Colin was sitting in the carriage, quietly listening to the message Arthur brought back, with a grilled fish beside him.

When Arthur returned, the house had been tidied up.

At Regina's suggestion, he and Regina were now rushing towards the archives of the Inspectorate.

Not long after,

"...Master, this is the information I have learned." Arthur finished his words.


Coincidentally, the inspection office also arrived.

"Yeah." Colin responded calmly, got out of the car and went to the archives with Regina.

As soon as she entered the archives room, Regina started looking through the files non-stop.

Colin looked calm as he also flipped through the pages, waiting for the right moment.

I do not know how long it has been.

Regina frowned and suddenly sighed:

"There are still no clues...

Perhaps this is really just a strange incident. "

She slowly put down the file and continued:

"Even if it's not, there's no need to spend too much time on it when we don't have any clue..."

Colin was speechless.

If he didn't notice anything unusual, he would undoubtedly agree with Regina and put this matter aside and wait for a similar incident to happen next time, or just let it go.

Such processing is very common in this world.

After all, it was just some normal people dying.

If wizards were involved, such a thing might not pass so easily.

If it involves a peak apprentice like Berkeley, it may even directly alert the Rapp wizard...

But this wasn' was just the death of thirteen insignificant ordinary people.

Colin sighed slightly in his heart.

Although he has no intention of punishing evil and promoting good. However, the establishment of the inspection office, Holt's last words, and the attention Berkeley and others paid to such incidents still gave him a whiff of something unusual.

… There cannot be any supernatural power on the island that is not controlled by the school.

After all, he was a member of the Rapp school.

He would not fail to understand the meaning of lips dying and teeth falling cold.

"Maybe there are other possibilities."

Colin put down the file and suddenly said casually.

He told Arthur to ask the surrounding vendors for news about him after the man left.

Most of the vendors didn't know the middle-aged man shrouded in red mist, but luckily, the vendor selling grilled fish did.

Under the temptation of ten copper coins, the vendor told Arthur all the information he knew.

According to the vendor -

The man's name was Phil. He lived in a slum in the west of the city. He was a fisherman and would come to him to sell the fish he caught.

He seems to be a bachelor, always living alone, and I have never seen him have any relatives or friends.

But I heard from people that he seemed to have been married before and had a wife.

Well, as luck would have it, that wife left him exactly two years ago.

"Other possibilities?" Regina wondered.

"Yes, there are other possibilities." Colin stood up and put the file in his hand back on the bookshelf in the corner.

"Maybe we're looking in the wrong direction... maybe it's not as complicated as we thought."

He turned around and looked at Regina, and said slowly:

"Lisa, the mistress lost in the murder, actually had a husband before becoming Pigou's mistress.

It was only later that she was attracted by Pigou, so she abandoned her husband and followed Pigou. "

"You mean, Lisa's previous husband killed her?" Regina said, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

She had learned this information as early as the beginning of the investigation.

"Maybe." Colin smiled faintly, not caring about the teasing in Regina's tone, "At least, Lisa's original husband had a very good reason to do all this."

"An ordinary person? An ordinary fisherman?" Regina shook her head, "How is this possible, Colin."

"Why don't you go find the fisherman and ask?"

"Colin." Regina shook her head, stood up, put the files on the bookshelf in the corner, and turned to look at Colin.

"The traces at the Tulip No. 79 residence were obviously caused by supernatural power, and Lisa's original husband was just an ordinary fisherman."

She sighed.

"In fact, before you came, I had already sent guards to investigate him. It seems he was named Phil or something... But no matter what, he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary fisherman."

Colin was silent, although he knew that even if the murderer was not Phil, he was inseparable from Phil.

But he could only remind him so far. He couldn't explain why he knew...

The two packed up their files and walked out.

Today happens to be Monday, and it's their turn to work.

In the lobby on the first floor, Regina came to the window seat where she usually sat, and quietly took out a thick book to read.

Colin also came to the other side and sat down by the window, which was also where he sat when he first came.

As usual, he took out Hope's defensive force field and looked at it carefully.

When working, although there is a training ground in the basement of the inspection office, it is obviously not convenient for practice. After all, gold paper training does not allow you to adjust the output intensity like it is usually used in battle, but you must try your best.

But if you try your best, it's easy to spot his unusual speed of improvement.

And for traditional wizards, mastering a witchcraft often does not rely solely on practice, but more on continuous research and learning.

If he keeps practicing, he will appear abrupt.

To be proficient in witchcraft, you can't just practice it. You also need to study and fully understand the principles and ideas behind it.

Usually, what is recorded in witchcraft secret books is a standard template.

Being able to cast witchcraft does not actually mean that you have mastered witchcraft. It is most likely just that you can cast witchcraft according to the recorded steps.

Only by truly grasping the principles behind it can one truly master witchcraft.

Take Fireball as an example.

When any wizard first learns it, the fireballs he shoots are the same size, the speed of shooting is the same, and the timing of the explosion is also the same.

But as the understanding of fireball becomes more and more profound, the wizard can adjust the size, speed, etc. of the fireball according to needs.

Witchcraft secrets are just a template.

The inspiring principles behind templates are the real magic.

Unfortunately, for Colin, this kind of research and study is obviously not as efficient as gold paper.

After all, gold paper just requires constant practice.

However, it can still be improved to some extent. On the other hand, you can also sort out and verify the knowledge you got from the gold paper.

The manuscript of Hope's defensive force field was slowly turned over in his hand.

Colin couldn't concentrate.

The invisible bloody mist always made him feel uneasy.

In any case, he lives on this island now, and he shares weal and woe with this island, or the fate of the Rapp School. If...


Just as he was feeling sad, the door next to him suddenly opened.

A knight in steel armor walked in.

"My lords," he took off his helmet and made a chest-stroking salute.

Then he raised his head and said clearly and quickly:

"The heart-picking devil appears again."

Colin looked stern and slowly put down the manuscript.

This heart-rending devil is what the guards privately call the murderer of the Tulip Murder Case.

"Tell the story in detail." Regina also put down the book in her hand, frowning and said in a deep voice.

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