Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1014: new challenge

Zhou Fan returned to the inn room. After he sat down, he remembered what happened at the banquet, and he sighed helplessly.

She sighed not only for Li Jiuyue's illness, but also for herself.

This fact is too complicated.

On his bald head, hair came out and intertwined into a small ribbon.

Xiao Ling looked at Zhou Fan with bright eyes. She didn't sleep. From what Zhou Fan said, she knew what was going on. "Master, so you humans like to play like this?

"You guys can play tricks too." Zhou Fan said angrily, he thought of the mushroom demon Bai Lengsun.

He felt a little dizzy. This was the third time he encountered borrowing seeds. The first two times were forced. Fortunately, this time he knew how to ask politely and was rejected by him.

"But is it really good to reject her like this?" Xiao Ling folded her arms and frowned, "Chong Niang is so beautiful, you like her, she likes you, and September wants to have a child, this is completely killing three birds with one stone. things"

"If you **** dare to talk nonsense again, you will have no duck legs for a month." Zhou Fan said with a dark face.

What is it that kills three birds with one stone, this little **** dares to say that Zhou Fan is so angry that his lungs hurt.

Xiao Ling pursed her mouth in grievance, but she still didn't dare to talk nonsense for the sake of duck legs.

Zhou Fan felt upset when he thought of these bad things, he simply stopped thinking about it, and drew his sword out to practice.

The inn is cramped, but the choice of the Wuji Dao Gang, which he pondered, did not hinder him.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed. Entering the Grey River space at night, Zhou Fan is still cultivating the Wuji Dao Gang. As long as he masters the skills, it is not difficult for him.

However, because he is only at the first stage of Qi Gang, some ideas are still difficult to realize because the third round of quenching of True Qi is not enough.

Being immersed in cultivation, he didn't think about those things about Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang, but the whole person became much silent.

"Zhou Fan, did something happen?" Chufu also felt that Zhou Fan's emotions were not right.

"It's just some annoying little things in reality that have been resolved." Zhou Fan shook his head with a smile.

I can't tell the little girl that someone asked your father to borrow a seed, Zhou Fan, thinking silently.

Chifu answered obediently and didn't ask any more.

"Wait the day after tomorrow, I will let you possess." Zhou Fan said to Zhou Xiaoxiao again.

"The day after tomorrow?" Zhou Xiaomao hesitated and said, "I'm not in a hurry now, just wait."

"Why aren't you in a hurry, but you kept urging me before." Zhou Fan said somewhat surprised.

"It's not ready yet." Zhou Xiaoxia snorted, "Wait."

"It's up to you." Zhou Fan saw that Zhou Xiaomao wouldn't say more, so he didn't ask any more.

For Zhou Fan, the sooner the better, Zhou Xiaomao said to wait, of course he had no opinion, but even if he had an opinion, it was useless, after all, the possession was still up to Zhou Xiaomao.

In the early morning, Zhou Fan finished his breakfast and went to Yiluan Sifu to order Mao as usual.

After turning around at the Yiluan Sifu, he hesitated whether to go to the academy today.

If it was usual, he would definitely go to the academy to continue his studies without hesitation, but after what happened yesterday, he might encounter a bug girl when he went to the academy, and he would inevitably feel embarrassed.

But always hiding like this is not the way.

Thinking about Zhou Fan gritted his teeth, he left the Yiluan Sifu directly, got into the carriage, and asked the groom to take him to the academy.

Zhou Fan admits that he has a clear conscience. Since he has a clear conscience, it will make people look down upon his little daughter's behavior.

After the idea was mastered, Zhou Fan became much calmer.

When Zhou Fan arrived at the academy, he directly entered the academy. Seeing that it was still early, he went to the Class A lecture hall.

He originally thought that Insect Girl might not be there, but Insect Girl was there, not only Insect Girl, but Wen Xiao, Du Ni, Xiong Feixiu, Yelaitianxiang, what surprised Zhou Fan was that a group of people he hadn't seen for a long time was also there.

"Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang walked over and smiled.

The insect girl's face was calm, as if nothing happened yesterday.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly.

"Brother Zhou, you are in trouble." Du Ni had a wicked smile on his face.

"What's the trouble?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Amitabha Buddha." A group of monks in white robes clasped their hands together and said, "This is the little monk who hopes to have another discussion with Donor Zhou."

"" Zhou Fan was silent for a while and asked, "There are so many people in Class A, why is it me?"

"Because you are the leader." Du Ni replied for the line, and he said with a happy face, "You are the strongest in the class. If he beats you, there is no need to fight with others."

"Amitabha." Another line said calmly, "Master Du Shi is right, but if other people want to fight Xiao Seng, Xiao Seng will also fight."

"Big Brother Zhou, the party told us just now that he has crossed the threshold of the mortal and entered the realm." Li Chungniang said softly.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed and he looked at the line.

"That's right, otherwise, how would Xiao Seng dare to challenge the donor Zhou again?" The party nodded and admitted.

He was already a Taoist cultivator. If he didn't lie, then he was the first person in the class to enter the Taoist realm. Zhou Fan's face became solemn.

"Xingxing, you come to fight with Brother Zhou in the Taoist realm, even if you win, you won't be able to win." Du Ni said, "What's the point of such a test?"

"Xiao Seng is about the same age as Zhou Shizhu. It is Xiao Seng's ability to be able to enter the Taoist Why can't Xiao Seng use his cultivation base is also part of his strength." Xing Yi shook his head and said, "If the realm is suppressed, Xiao Seng admits that if Xiao Seng is only qi gangren Duan will not be the opponent of the donor Zhou, only by entering the Taoist realm can the monk have the confidence to win the donor Zhou."

"Master Zhou, do you dare to fight Xiao Seng?" The voices of the group were gentle, but they made people feel his fighting spirit.

Xiong Feixiu, Yelaitianxiang, and Wen Xiao didn't make a sound. They were all shocked when they knew that their party had successfully entered the Taoist realm.

The Martial Realm and the Dao Realm are completely different realms. I don't know how many Qi Gang martial artists can't go any further and step into the Dao Realm in their lifetime.

However, it was not long after the entrance examination for the Class A class, and the group came out of retreat and was already in the Dao state. How could such an entry make them not surprised?

They also wanted to know how Zhou Fan would answer.

In fact, even if Zhou Fan refused, they didn't find it strange, because the difference between the Martial Realm and the Dao Realm was too great, it was one and ten.

If fighting head-on, a Taoist monk can even kill ten Qi Gang martial artists

It is almost impossible for the Martial Realm to defeat the mysterious Dao Realm.

Especially Xingyi is a genius disciple of the Great Buddha Temple. If such a person enters the Taoist realm, ordinary monks in the first realm of the Taoist realm will not be his opponents.

"Brother Zhou, don't you want to promise him?" Du Ni looked at Zhou Fan and didn't answer, he asked with a smile, "You promise not to abuse him?"

Zhou Fan ignored Du Ni, he looked at the party and said with a smile, "Okay, let's learn from each other."

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