Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1059: back to the place

I'll dig my heart out for you, okay?

In such a gloomy night, a strange woman would say such a thing. If an ordinary person encounters it, even if she is not too scared to speak, she will shake her head and say no. How can there be such a happy agreement with Zhou Fan? Did the woman dig her heart out for him?

Therefore, a dull look appeared on the woman's face.

"Girl, hurry up and dig." Zhou Fan urged again impatiently.

"Okay." The woman nodded lightly, she pulled out the dagger she was wearing around her waist, and the dagger was shining brightly under the flames.

She indifferently stabbed the dagger into the edge of her heart, pierced through her clothes and skin, and sputtered out blood.

She kept her calm face all the time, and turned the dagger with ease, really digging out her heart.

The clothes in front of her were stained red with blood, and with one hand she handed the beating **** heart to Zhou Fan and said, "Here you are."

Zhou Fan calmly said, "What do you do for me?"

"Don't you want it? Give it to you." The woman said slowly again, she seemed to be urging Zhou Fan to accept her heart.

"I can only feed it to the dog. You throw it on the ground and see if my dog ​​eats it?" Zhou Fan said.

"Okay." The woman threw her heart at Zhou Fan's feet again.

The puppy wagged his tail, approached and sniffed, and lowered his head to eat the heart.

Zhou Fan was stunned, I was just joking, you really want to eat it, he hurriedly kicked the puppy away with his foot.

The puppy whimpered a few times, seemingly aggrieved.

"It doesn't seem to like it." Zhou Fan coughed lightly.

"Will you dig out your heart and give it to me?" The woman didn't care whether the dog ate the heart, and she looked at Zhou Fandao again.

I dug my heart out for you, now it's your turn to dig out my heart for me.

This doesn't sound at all wrong, Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "That can't be done, I didn't say I would dig my heart out to you."

"You dig out your heart and give it to me." The woman's voice became misty.

Zhou Fan felt his whole body stiff, and there was a voice in his heart calling him constantly, urging him to dig out his heart and give it to the woman.

"Okay, I'll dig my heart out for you." Zhou Fan's eyes became a little dull, and he pulled out the rusty knife.

The puppy barked wildly, and quickly opened its mouth to pull on Zhou Fan's trousers, as if it wanted to wake Zhou Fan.

The woman just looked at it indifferently, she seemed to be sure that Zhou Fan would dig her heart out.

Zhou Fan glanced at the rust knife in his hand, then raised his rust knife and slashed it out.

The cold blue flame, the black thunder arc, and the green and black ghosts lingered and slashed through the darkness extremely brightly, and the woman was split into two halves by the knife.

Her body quickly turned into black debris, burning in the air.

She let out a shrill scream, and she wanted to rush towards Zhou Fan, but before she could get there, she completely collapsed and scattered on the ground, leaving behind a pile of black corpses.

Zhou Fan put the knife in the sheath, bowed his head and scolded: "You stupid dog, you bit my trousers."

The puppy whimpered, feeling aggrieved.

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, cursing merely, he just pushed the True Qi in his body and wiped it out.

He didn't make a move just now, just to confirm the state of the woman, and it turned out that he was parasitized or controlled by a strange parasite.

Zhou Fan bypassed the woman's corpse and continued walking with the puppy. After a while, he stopped again, and he saw four torches.

Holding the four torches were the four companions of the woman who had been killed by Zhou Fan before.

The four of them were flying, but when they saw Zhou Fan, they stopped in a hurry.

"Have you seen our companion?" The only young man among the three men asked urgently towards Zhou Fan.

"No." Zhou Fan shook his head, and he asked slowly, "Are you guys human or weird?"

"What about you?" The tall woman at the head asked cautiously.

It seemed that her words were more flexible than the woman just now, and it didn't seem to be weird. Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Of course I am not."

"How do we know you're not?" the tall woman asked again.

"I don't think I need to prove it to you." Zhou Fan calmly said.

"It makes sense." The tall woman nodded and said, "We don't need to prove it to you either."

"It's fair, we'll go our separate ways." Zhou Fan took the puppy a few steps out of the mountain road.

The tall woman made a gesture, and she and her three companions took a few steps out of the mountain road on the other side.

"I want to ask you something, do you know why we are here? Where is this place? What happened just now?" Zhou Fan asked.

The other party showed goodwill, which is probably not a joke, maybe they know what happened.

"We don't know either." It was the tall woman who said first: "I guess it was a strange act. It's not surprising that such a thing happened when walking outside the wilderness."

"Have you really not seen that companion of ours?"

"What happened to your companion?" Zhou Fan asked without answering.

"She was accidentally parasitized by a strange parasite. She is already dead. If you see her, be careful." The tall woman said slowly.

"It's confirmed that she's dead, what are you looking for her for?" Zhou Fan said.

It's not that Zhou Fan is cold-blooded, but outside the wilderness, once it is confirmed that his companion is alive and dead, most people will choose to give up taking her body, which is why Zhou Fan said this.

Carrying a corpse will not only slow down the speed, but the corpse may also undergo some kind of mutation.

"Why tell him so much, let's look for it quickly." The young man said impatiently.

The tall woman hurried away with her three companions.

Zhou Fan watched the four He just had a headache and shook his head. He hesitated a moment ago, but still didn't tell them the truth.

Because he couldn't confirm, said whether these four people would believe it, maybe something else would happen.

And even if he didn't say it, the four would soon be able to see the woman's body, but I wonder if they could recognize it?

But even if they couldn't recognize it, in this dangerous dark night, they wouldn't risk finding it too far, and they probably gave up after a while.

Zhou Fan didn't think about the four people anymore, he continued on with the puppy, and he didn't plan to go to sleep until it was safe to do so.

After walking for a long time, Zhou Fan stopped. He saw several bonfires, and saw the caravan reflected in the bonfire.

Zhou Fan didn't rush forward, he opened his eyes to identify it, and confirmed that it was the caravan next door to him.

The caravan was silent, with only a few people standing quietly at night.

Zhou Fan was surprised. Was the caravan moved or was it originally here, and he returned to its original place?

Zhou Fan asked Xiaoxuan to come out. While staring at the caravan, he asked Xiaoxiao to separate Xiaoxiao to investigate to see if there was that black wax tree nearby?

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