Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1081: fusion

Of course, it is not ruled out that some monks prepare in advance and can use some special methods to make some false oaths to deceive low-level monks such as Zhou Fan.

But the possibility of Li Gu Neng doing this is very low, otherwise he would have preferred to be exposed by Zhou Fan to his lie when Zhou Fan asked him to swear for the first time, rather than swearing.

Zhou Fan's heart became heavier when he saw Li Gu make the oath.

What Li Gu said should be true, if time is running out.

Zhou Fan looked up at the sky that seemed to be getting darker.

"This is our only hope. If you quickly fuse the broken bones, then we can escape from here." Li Gu eagerly persuaded: "I promise you will do what you want."

"Actually, I have another way." Zhou Fan glanced at Li Gudao.

"What way?" Li Gu looked at Zhou Fan in disbelief, he didn't believe that Zhou Fan had a better way.

"You fuse the broken bones and take me out. After I go out, I promise to definitely try to cure you, who has become a living dead." Zhou Fan said.

"Are you crazy?" Li Gu said with a livid face: "My cultivation realm is higher than yours. I must be more hopeful to cure you. Can you cure me as a martial artist? It is simply impossible."

"But I'm younger and more talented than you." Zhou Fan said slowly.

"Shut up." Li Gu shouted coldly.

Zhou Fan didn't say anything, just looked at Li Gu with a sneer.

Who is not a fool, who does not value his life?

Once you become the living dead, there are too many variables.

Li Gu of course knew this, he said coldly: "Only you can fuse the broken bones, otherwise you will die when the black bone fire rises, and I won't, I will endure for another ninety years, I don't want to be a living dead."

"Bone fire will burn your soul to nothing, think about it for yourself."

As he spoke, Li Gu sat down cross-legged and stared at Zhou Fan.

He believed that between becoming a living dead and dying, Zhou Fan would know how to choose.

Both the broken bones and the bone fusion technique were in Zhou Fan's hands. He felt that Zhou Fan would definitely not be able to hold on to the fusion technique before dark.

He can only wait now, he gave up the idea of ​​catching Zhou Fan and using torture to force Zhou Fan to surrender, let alone Zhou Fan is hard to catch, even if he can catch it, what if Zhou Fan holds up and refuses to let him manage?

This is a waste of time and there are too many variables.

When Zhou Fan was alert to Li Gu, his mind turned, he had to think of a way before it got dark.

You don't have to escape from the space, you just need to delay the time until the idling pupil appears. If the idling pupil does not appear, then he will think of a way.

So as long as he can resist the burning of the bone fire, it is not hopeless. Even if the idling pupil does not appear, then he can go back to the boat and ask the kitten for help.

"I need a night to think about it, is there any way you can make me spend the night peacefully?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at Li Gu.

"Do you think there is such a way? Would I talk to you like this?" Li Gu said with a gloomy face: "If I wasn't afraid that you would die tonight, if I had enough time, I could think of countless ways to remove the inside of your body. If your infuriating energy is exhausted, I will catch you again and torture you until you can’t survive and die, so am I still afraid that you won’t agree?”

"Don't waste your time, I made an oath, you fuse the broken bones, and we go out together, otherwise you won't be able to leave if you want to."

Zhou Fan's face darkened, it seemed that Li Gu had nothing to do, so he couldn't lie to Li Gu to help.

How to do it?

The little sister also caught up at this time, it shook its head and tailed around Zhou Fan, barked and barked at Li Gu.

Li Gu said with some regret: "Why do you keep such an ordinary dog? If this dog is a spirit beast and you are its owner, you can order it to obediently merge with the broken bones, and the spirit beast's life breath may be able to support it. The smashed bones are absorbed, thus taking us away."

"But it's just a dirt dog, its vitality is too weak."

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, his pupils dilated invisibly.

Zhou Fan didn't speak, he just rubbed the puppy's head casually, and after a while he sighed: "I can't escape, but you look at me like this, it's hard for me to think about your proposal seriously, you Can you turn your back first and let me think quietly."

Li Gu frowned and thought for a while, said solemnly: "Don't play tricks in front of me, even if you leave me and escape with broken bones, you are still a living dead person, without my care, you will die soon. already."

After Li Gu finished speaking, he turned around and turned his back to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan stared at Li Gu's back, he stretched out his hand into the talisman bag, took out two talismans, and stuck them on the ground.

The talisman fell to the ground, forming an invisible barrier, and everything around was quiet.

One of the two talismans is a talisman that eliminates surrounding sounds.

Zhou Fan stared at the little sister with a hesitant look on his face.

Li Gu's words woke him up, the little girl is naturally not an ordinary local dog.

The bone fusion technique requires the consent of the spirit beast. Can Xiaomei understand his words, and does she have enough life energy to support such a space crossing?

If he had to pay the price with his life... it wasn't because of how deep his relationship with the little girl was, but because he was afraid that this would affect the sleeping creature in the little girl's body, and he might slap him in anger at that time. He's about to die.

"Little sister, listen to me." Zhou Fan was afraid that Li Gu would find out that he just moved his lips slightly and spoke quickly and softly.

"Can you take me out safely after wearing the broken bones?" Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "If you can, then please bark three times."

The puppy stared at Zhou Fan, it blinked its small black eyes, and then barked three times.

"It's up to you, but it's none of my business." Zhou Fan coughed lightly, he had been vigilant against Li Gu, for fear that Li Gu would suddenly attack him.

But Li Gu still turned his back.

Zhou Fan uncovered the talisman and opened the six sense investigation. Li Gu should not be a phantom. He took out the broken hollow bone without hesitation. Broken bones.

The broken bones emit a red light.

Zhou Fan put the broken bones on the puppy.

The puppy didn't move, it just looked at the broken bones with curiosity, and the broken bones ejected a ray of light into the dog's head.

The puppy radiated blood-red rays of Zhou Fan saw that the rays of light did not bounce again. When he came out, he knew that he had succeeded, and immediately let go.

The crimson skeleton as large as a human rib shrank in the moment it enveloped the puppy, tightly restraining the puppy's back, and penetrating into its flesh and blood.

The puppy seems to be wearing a pair of bone armor.

"It's not an ordinary dog, it's a spirit beast." Li Gu laughed wildly from behind Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan mentioned his little sister and teleported forward, only to bump into a bone wall formed by white bones, and they had to stop.

The bone wall formed of white bones appeared and enveloped the place.

"You kid, do you really think I'll do nothing and wait for you to decide?" Li Gu's figure appeared, and he looked at the puppy in Zhou Fan's hand with burning eyes and said, "Give it to me. , and then I'll give you a treat."

"You don't have to give it, anyway, the Void Bone is already absorbing its life, it's okay for the two of you to die together."

Li Gu was not worried at all that Zhou Fan could use the broken bones to cross the space, because the broken bones still had some time to absorb enough energy, which was enough for him to finish the work.

"Of course I don't think you will believe me." Zhou Fan didn't panic, he said calmly.

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