Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1105: bottom line

"Theoretically, this will not happen. I think the four of you understand the reason." He-in-law, who had not spoken all the time, glanced at the middle-aged man lightly.

Among the four enlisted envoys, the **** has a fixed seat on behalf of the imperial palace, but there can be no more, so the post of enlisted envoy has little to do with his father-in-law, and he maintains a very detached attitude towards this matter.

The middle-aged man bowed his head slightly, and quickly realized that if the Yiluan government really found out first, then whoever faction would find out first would definitely notify the contenders of their faction, thus occupying the position of envoy to the north. , no one would be stupid enough to bypass a contender directly.

"But if this happens, then according to the rules, the four of you will also be eliminated." He added.

"Why do you want to examine and investigate cases? Shouldn't this position be given to whoever is more powerful? What's the use of this examination?" It was the extravagant young man who asked again.

There was doubt in his tone.

"Whoever is the strongest will sit?" Yuan Ye said disdainfully, "There will always be monks who are stronger than you. Who among the four of you would dare to say that you are the strongest?"

"The above means that the Sizheng Envoy needs to do a lot of things, but the most important thing is to deal with various cases caused by strange things or monks, which reflects your comprehensive ability."

"Besides, what can kill Master Bai silently can also kill us silently, and can catch or kill it, how can it not prove the strength of the winner?"

"What we need is not the strongest monk, but the most capable monk."

These remarks made the noble young man speechless.

"Of course, in order to prevent the emergence of a winner with too low strength, the Tiannan Dao Yiluan Division has given a bottom line. The bottom line is that the winner must be a monk who has entered the Taoist realm." Yuan E said calmly again.

As soon as these words came out, both the middle-aged man and the extravagant young man looked at Zhou Fan's side gloatingly. Obviously, they all knew that Zhou Fan had not yet entered the Dao Realm.

Zhou Fan didn't have much expression on his face, as if he was not talking about him.

The next three contestants all opened their mouths to ask a lot of questions about the matter, and all of them got answers one by one. The reason why they say three is because the monk of the Great Buddhist Temple has not spoken.

"Okay, I've told you everything that should be told. The three of us are the assessors this time, and the four of you will be judged by us." Yuan E said at the end.

No one objected, because the three quartets were from different factions, and it was impossible for them to join forces to cheat.

After finishing the assessment, Father-in-law and He were the first to leave, then Yuan E took the monk from the Great Buddha Temple away, and then the gray-headed middle-aged man and the young man turned around and left.

Only Chen Yushi and Zhou Fan were left in the hall.

"Master Chen, can you tell me the origins of my three opponents?" Zhou Fan asked, thinking it would be best to get to know his competitors first.

"The monk who left with Mage Yuanye is called Ku Rong. He is not from Xiaoleizhou, but Mage Yuanye is very confident in him and is not weak." Chen Yushi introduced the first person to Zhou Fan.

"The middle-aged man who seems to be busy is a person from an aristocratic family. His name is Feng Xingbo. This person is the direct disciple of the Feng family, the first family in Xiaoleizhou. Master." Chen Yushi said with a condensed expression.

"As for the last young man named Jiang Yu, he is from the Wild Fox Sect, and I don't recognize him either."

Zhou Fan was surprised. He originally thought that Feng Xingbo was from the wild fox faction and Jiang Yu was from an aristocratic family. Who knows, he was completely wrong.

"The three of them, except for Feng Xingbo, are not from the prefecture, they are all from other places, so I have received very little information now." Chen Yushi said helplessly.

To be able to arrive so quickly, it may have been informed by the above and arrived in advance.

After Chen Yushi told Zhou Fan about Feng Xingbo again, he smiled and said, "Since they are investigating the case, no matter how strong they are, they can't affect you. The investigation ability is good, and I will try my best to help you."

Even if he did not serve in the government office before, but as long as it is related, plus some conditions such as having been enrolled in the A-class class, he can also serve as the envoy to the north. As far as we know, those three contenders have not previously I did things in Yiluan.

"We will try our best to do the case. The important thing is can you step into the Dao realm within a month?" Chen Yushi asked again.

If he can't enter the Dao Realm, even if he solves the case, it is useless. If Zhou Fan wants to win, he must enter the Dao Realm before solving the case.

"I'll do my best." Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

He couldn't even say that.

"Master Chen, I want to see Master Bai's file first." Zhou Fan asked.

"I had someone prepare this for you before I came here." Chen Yushi knew that Zhou Fan would have such a request.

Zhou Fan quickly got a copy of the case file, and Chen Yushi told him that Ku Rong and the others could also take the case file copy.

Zhou Fan nodded, even if there were people from his own faction to help, but the people from the faction might not be able to help. If he didn't care, it would not be so easy to win.

Even if Zhou Fan didn't look at the case file, he knew that it was not simple. If it were simple, the Yiluan government would have solved the case long ago, instead of using it as an assessment for the competition.

After Zhou Fan got the case file, he didn't rush to read it, but first said goodbye to Chen Yushi and left, and returned to the inn.

After returning to the inn, Zhou Fan opened the case file and slowly began to study it.

Bai Mingcheng's body was found in Qingmei Town, a town outside the prefecture.

When the corpse was found, there were no wounds on the head or body, but the limbs were brutally cut away. The incision was complete and there was no trace of bite. It seemed that it should be cut away by some kind of sharp weapon.

The inside of his body was cut open, and nothing unusual was found.

The cause of death is unknown, and no suspicious traces were left at the scene.

After the discovery of Bai Mingcheng's body, Yiluan's office searched Qingmei Town for the first time, and there was no suspicious discovery, nor did they find Bai Mingcheng's limbs.

The Yiluan Sifu used Bai Mingcheng's remnant body as an introduction, and used a very powerful tracing technique, trying to use the technique to point out the direction, but there was still no whereabouts of the This kind of tracing technique The magic of the method is that even if there is something strange that swallows the limbs, as long as it is not digested, the magic method can also point the direction, so Yiluansi suspects that the limbs are either completely wiped out or sealed in some way.

The case file also shows that among all the people who were familiar with Bai Mingcheng, they usually did not find anything special about Bai Mingcheng's limbs.

Bai Mingcheng was killed in the process of rushing back after completing the task given to him by the government.


After Zhou Fan finished reading the file, he raised his eyebrows slightly. What he could confirm was that Bai Mingcheng's body should not be fake, and Yiluan Si would not even be able to confirm this.

So there is no need to consider the authenticity of Bai Mingcheng's body. The most important thing is why did the murderer take Bai Mingcheng's limbs away?

Like cannibalism of human limbs?

Or did the limbs have to be taken away for some truth-hiding purpose?

And what is the cause of Bai Mingcheng's death?

Even if a warrior with a little more qi and blood was cut off his limbs, he would not die so easily, let alone Bai Mingcheng, who had already entered the Taoist realm.

This case is really strange... Zhou Fan closed the file and thought silently.

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