Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1115: wall ghost

"I don't know." Han Su shook his head and said, "We just know that all the twelve members of the Mei family disappeared overnight except for the servants of the Mei family."

"At that time, the servants of the Mei family came to report to the official, and the Zhenya and the patrol team were dispatched to search the house and found that all the gold and silver treasures in the house had been emptied, so the officials thought that they had left quietly. As for why they had to leave. So suddenly, leaving all the servants with this big mansion without dealing with it, then we will not know."

"As soon as the twelve members of the Mei family left, the servants lost their masters. They persisted for a while. If they couldn't hold it any longer, they all dispersed, and the house was left vacant."

The story seems simple, but it still didn't solve the doubt in Zhou Fan's heart. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did the official family let it sit vacant for so many years? Didn't they resell it?"

"Because it can't be sold." Han Su shook his face slightly and said, "After those servants left, there are some weird rumors in this house."

"Someone passed by in the middle of the night and heard a woman singing or crying."

"Some people also said that walking through the gate, they will see a strange shadow sitting in front of the gate. It seems to be Mr. Namei."

"There were also people who said they saw the door was bloody, but it quickly changed back to its normal color, and would hear movement inside the door."

"Didn't the officials at that time investigate this?" Zhou Fan interrupted.

"Yes, but they couldn't find anything. They didn't find any traces of strange dead souls. Even the patrol team sent a group of people to live here for a while, but nothing abnormal happened." Han Su said.

"In the end, they can only attribute it to the people in the town who spread the truth. There is no problem with the house at all, but these rumors still appear every once in a while."

"So Zhenya wants to deal with this house, but facing a house that may be a haunted house, as long as you inquire about a little in the town, no businessman is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, it is better to keep it if you sell it cheaply. vacant..."

Zhou Fan listened, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart. It seemed that some force was preventing people from entering this house?

But after ten years, who has such patience?

Seeing that Zhou Fan seemed to be thinking, Han Su and his cronies did not dare to disturb Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan came back to his senses, he first lifted his feet and walked towards the hall.

Han Su and the two followed carefully.

Entering the hall, the hall was covered with a thick layer of dust, and some wooden furniture had been gnawed by insects and fell to the ground.

In some dusty places, you can see light handprints or footprints, which are left by the people who came in from Yiluansi before.

Zhou Fan used the scabbard on his waist to knock other places from time to time as he turned around in the hall.

Han Su asked if he needed help, Zhou Fan shook his head, and he just walked around the hall several times with his head down.

Finally, he stood in front of a gray wall on the west side of the hall. The gray wall only had a window with a lattice. Other than that, there was nothing noteworthy.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly and looked at the gray wall.

"Sir?" Seeing Zhou Fan standing for a while, Han Su couldn't help but ask.

From Han Su's point of view, this house has been searched for many times by the people of Yiluan Division, and even the walls must have been searched by means of detection such as talismans.

"Are you coming out by yourself or me?" Zhou Fan took a step back and looked at the gray wall and asked coldly.

Just as Zhou Fan took a step back, a blue arm suddenly stretched out from the gray wall and grabbed him.

The arm is like a human arm, but it is cyan, and the black nails on the palm are sharp. It broke through the wall very quickly, but in a blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Zhou Fan and grabbed it towards Zhou Fan's neck.

However, a blade of light flashed across Zhou Fan's body and slashed into the palm of the blue arm.


A muffled sound.

Zhou Fan took a few steps back, and the cyan arm also retreated.

The little girl beside Zhou Fan was eager to try while barking, and the little black dragon that no one could see also bared his teeth and showed his sharp teeth.

"Go back." Zhou Fan made a gesture.

Xiaomei and Xiaoheilong obediently retreated.

Han Su and the cronie were still a little stunned. They didn't expect that an arm would suddenly rush out of the wall and attack Zhou Fan.

The body of the owner of the cyan arm emerged. It was shaped like a human, with black scales all over its body, scattered hair, two white eyeballs protruding, and in the center of the white eyeballs were black thin dots, it had a pair of cyan arms.

"Is it wise?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

It just didn't respond, it opened its mouth and roared, the sound spread out of the hall, and its body rushed towards Zhou Fan as fast as incomparable.

Zhou Fan went up to him with a knife and fought against the monster. With the light of the knife shaking, countless sparks were splashed on the monster's body.

"Sir." Han Su and his cronies pulled out the long swords around their waists, wanting to come over to help.

"Don't come here." Zhou Fan said solemnly.

Han Su and the two could only stop.

The monster roared again and again, and it used a fighting style that was not afraid of death.

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, he wanted to capture the monster alive, otherwise the monster would have been slashed to death by him.

Infuriating energy in his body turned, and two rounds of fast knife gangs split out from the tip of the knife.

Chi Chi!

The pair of cyan arms of the monster were torn apart by the incomparably fast knife gang.

Just waiting for Zhou Fan to move, the monster's cyan arms quickly grew out again, and the cyan arms that fell on the ground turned into cyan smoke and merged into its body. It didn't seem to be affected much.

Zhou Fan's face was a little surprised. He didn't expect this monster to have such abilities.

But the monster's legs quickly grew Its body didn't even shake.

What a strong regeneration ability!

Zhou Fan became more and more suspicious, but the movement in his hand was not slow.

The monster's body was still quickly synthesizing, and Zhou Fan took the opportunity to throw a silver talisman.

The light of the talisman spread out, forming a silver mask that completely enveloped the monster.

The monster kept colliding with the mask, but could not get the silver mask.

Its regenerative ability surprised Zhou Fan, but its attack power was not even as good as blood-severe-level monsters.

The monster was completely trapped inside the mask.

Footsteps sounded outside the hall, and a dozen warriors rushed in.

When they saw the monster trapped in the hall, their expressions changed slightly.

The dozen or so warriors were all from the Department of Yiluan, and they rushed over when they heard the monster's roar from the mansion.

They looked at Zhou Fan, who had put the knife back in its sheath, and bowed their heads and bowed their hands, "Sir."

Obviously everyone knows that Zhou Fan is one of the four candidates for the Northern Envoy.

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