Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1143: your name, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the strange world of immortality!


Why don't you go directly to the Yiluan Sifu?


The mysterious woman said: "The Illusory Society is only responsible for bringing me into the city. After they did it, they left. I forgot, forgot."


"What did you forget?" Zhou Fan asked slightly startled.


"Forgot to ask, where is the Yiluan Sifu?" the mysterious woman said.


"..." At such a tense moment, Zhou Fan almost laughed out loud. If this woman hadn't had a problem with her head, she might not have been so easy to deal with.


"I think it's better to kill people and let them come to me, so I will make some preparations by the way. After all, scholars and bald donkeys are not weak." The mysterious woman continued.


"What are you doing to prepare?" Zhou Fan asked, his face changed slightly, this may have something to do with the dead person in the city.


When he left, he remembered that the number of dead had reached forty-nine.


"The corpse master said that I was stupid, stupid, and told me that I couldn't tell anyone about the preparations for battle, but I could only know it myself." The mysterious woman was unwilling to say.


The corpse owner... Zhou Fan almost heard that he was a donor, but he had read the information on the living corpse and knew that the leader of the living corpse was called the corpse owner.


This mysterious woman really came from a living corpse.


Zhou Fan didn't plan to ask any more. If he kept asking, the support from the Yiluan Division was coming. If the mysterious woman was as strong as she said, then the support might not work.


Zhou Fan's body instantly disappeared in place, and appeared at a distance of three feet away from the mysterious woman. At such a distance, even if the mysterious woman did something to him, he would be able to react as soon as possible.


"Soon." The mysterious woman let out a light yawn, and at the same time looked at Zhou Fan in confusion, wondering what Zhou Fan was doing?


"The people from Yiluan Division won't come, I lied to you." Zhou Fan laughed.


The reason why he didn't flee immediately was because he wasn't sure that the mysterious woman would definitely follow.


"Liar to me?" The pale face of the mysterious woman was stunned for a moment, and immediately became hideous: "Liar, die!"


The five fingers of her left hand were pinched together to make a strange mark. Her movements were smooth and fluid, a little astonishingly fast.


When the mysterious woman changed her face, Zhou Fan quickly flew back.


But he soon found that something was wrong, because his feet seemed to be filled with lead and became very heavy.


Zhou Fan looked down, only to realize that his boots had somehow turned into a pair of delicate blood-red embroidered shoes.


A big man wearing such brightly embroidered shoes looked weird, but Zhou Fan was more worried, he knew that this must be a magic technique performed by the mysterious woman.


It's not surprising that his absolute magic ring didn't work, because Zhou Xiaomao said before that his absolute magic ring can resist at most Huayuan level spells. This mysterious woman's realm is beyond Zhou Fan's imagination. The technique has obviously already exceeded the Yuanhuan realm.


The immeasurable potential is invalid for some spells, but Zhou Fan still tried to use the immeasurable potential, and at the same time took out several talismans and stuck them on his body, but the blood-red embroidered shoes became heavier and heavier, and neither the immeasurable potential nor the talisman played their due role. .


He felt that the blood-red embroidered shoes were eating something in his body, and his body was getting colder and colder.


He could see that his arms had turned blue-black, and he guessed that the rest of his body was probably the same.


That's how those people in the city died.


Zhou Fan hurriedly used his true essence to defend against the blood-red embroidered shoes, and at the same time, the blood of the dragon **** in his body boiled.


As soon as the blood of the dragon **** boiled, it merged with the real essence, dispelling the cold air, and the blood-red embroidered shoes on his feet burned and turned into black flames.


Zhou Fan's whole body was scorching hot, as if he was in a furnace, but he sighed lightly, realizing that he had escaped from the mysterious woman's magic, and he did not dare to stay any longer, and kept teleporting away from the mysterious woman.


The mysterious woman had a look of astonishment on her face. After she cast the spell just now, she was waiting to see Zhou Fan die.


She didn't expect Zhou Fan to be able to get rid of her magic.


The mysterious woman chased after Zhou Fan like a wisp of smoke. Her body was also moving moment by moment, like a ghostly shadow floating in the sky and the earth, and her speed was similar to Zhou Fan's.


"You, how did you get rid of my spell?" The mysterious woman's voice echoed in Zhou Fan's ears.


Zhou Fan confirmed that the speed of the mysterious woman was at most comparable to him. He relaxed a little and laughed, "If you want to know, I'll let you know if you catch up."


When he was running, the mysterious woman hadn't chased after him. Now the two of them have a long distance. The casting of spells is usually at a distance. At such a long distance, the mysterious woman should not be able to cast spells on him.


As long as this mysterious woman can't catch up with him, after a long time, he might be able to drain her to death with the ability of the Dragon God's blood to restore his true essence!


"Hello, it's so weird. The corpse is here, and I will definitely be interested in you." The mysterious woman said happily: "What's your name? I'll go back and tell the corpse."


That is the leader of the number one evil organization. If Zhou Fan is interested in him, Zhou Fan will feel his blood become cold.


Zhou Fan hesitated and said, "My name is Lin Wuya."


I don't believe that you still dare to go to the trouble of the academy sage?


"You, you lied, Lin Wuya is a saint of the academy." The mysterious woman didn't believe Zhou Fan anymore.


"But my name is really Lin Wuya. I can't call the saint of the academy Lin Wuya, so I can't be called Lin Wuya, right?" Zhou Fan laughed.


"That's right." The mysterious woman said seriously, "Forget it, I can't catch up with you."


The mysterious woman stopped.


Zhou Fan heard the mysterious woman say this, he turned his head and glanced, and found that the mysterious woman really stopped in the distance.


With the mysterious woman's mind, she can't lie at all, so Zhou Fan also stopped.


"You dare to lie to me, if you let me, I catch you, I will kill you." The mysterious woman said angrily, she turned and walked towards the state capital.


"Hey, where are you going?" Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly.


"Go back, go back to the city and continue to kill." The mysterious woman used a similar teleportation technique to leave.


Zhou Fan hurriedly used his body technique to follow him, but even though the mysterious woman was a little stupid, he didn't dare to be careless.


"It's useless for you to go back to the city to kill people. The people from the Yiluan Division have already left the city." Zhou Fan tried to keep the mysterious woman.


In a hurry, he only had time to write six words: Be careful, the enemy is very strong.


But he doesn't know whether Yiluansi understands it.


He still had to follow the mysterious woman, so he didn't have time to post again.


"Liar, liar, I, I won't believe you." The mysterious woman said calmly, "If they don't come out, I'll kill them until they come out!"


Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, he knew that no matter what mysterious woman he said, he probably wouldn't believe it.


At this moment, the mysterious woman stopped, and Zhou Fan was also slightly startled, and had to stop.


Soon Zhou Fan showed a look of astonishment, and his eyesight that he had been opening all the time saw Yuan Ezheng coming with a group of warriors from the government office.

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