Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1191: murderous

This is a group of Baisha-level monsters. To Zhou Fan, every Baisha-level monster is hundreds or even thousands of big gray worms.

But he is now sealed off, unable to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and the rapid recovery of the Dragon God's blood will not work. He can only encourage Wei Yun and the others to share some of the pressure for him, otherwise he is alone, maybe Will fight until a real essence is exhausted and fall into a very dangerous situation.

Zhou Fan said this, Gong Laogui and the others were also a little moved. It seemed that they should be able to solve tens of thousands of closed eyes.

But they are still a little hesitant. If they can't solve it, they can't escape if they want to.

"Don't hesitate to act like a bitch." Zhou Fan roared: "It's not good for any of us to drag it on, it's better to turn back and fight, my cultivator, why fear a battle, if you even act decisively and advance bravely If you can't do it, how can you go against the sky?"

Gong Laogui and the others all trembled. They felt that what Zhou Fan said was very reasonable.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao is right, don't think about it, turn back and fight, it's just tens of thousands of eyes closed." Gong Laogui laughed wildly.

Li Gaofeng and Wu Kai also agreed.

Everyone reached an agreement, stopped immediately, turned to face the closed-eyed group.

Only the younger sister took Zhou Momo to run farther, then turned around and looked back. Zhou Fan did not allow them to join the battle. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

"Kill!" Zhou Fan pulled out his long sword and shouted loudly.

He swung out a knife, and it was dozens of quick knives. It entered the closed eye group and smashed dozens of closed eyes.

Others also took action one after another, attacking the closed eyes with qi.

The closed eyes flooded the sky, and their pupils gave birth to sharp spikes, stabbing at the crowd, but everyone was either infuriating to protect their bodies or possessed defensive equipment, and closing their eyes for a while would not help everyone.

However, using Gang Qi to continue attacking the monsters caused their infuriating qi to be consumed rapidly. Wei Yun and the others were shocked by the rapid consumption of their infuriating qi, so they did not dare to spend too much, but reserved some qi. for emergencies.

But only Zhou Fan was different. He didn't seem to have any intention of holding back. He swung the knife like crazy, and countless transparent knife gangs shot out continuously, cutting and killing the closed eyes one by one.

When everyone saw Zhou Fan being so crazy, the corners of their eyes jumped sharply, and they thought that Zhao Ba was really a lunatic. Don't you plan to make a way for yourself at all?

They didn't know that Zhou Fan was working so hard for the Great Grey Worm, and secondly, his True Essence was already frighteningly thick, but it was not easy to consume it in a short period of time.

Besides, even if it is consumed, he can still make up for it with the medicine he prepared to restore his infuriating energy. He really doesn't care about this consumption. After all, every time he takes a knife, a large number of big gray worms will be paid. Where can I find such an opportunity?

He hadn't had such a good opportunity for a long time.

Zhou Fan was so crazy, no one in the crowd said anything, and didn't follow blindly. He just followed his own rhythm to kill the swarming closed-eyed group.

With the joint efforts of everyone, this was just a one-sided slaughter, and the eyeballs that were torn apart and killed were all over the place.

In a very short period of time, tens of thousands of closed eye groups were all killed, and many people gasped slightly, not because they were able to breathe after killing the closed eye groups, but the real energy in their bodies was consumed very much. .

But fortunately, they can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth now, and many of them still took out medicinal pills to quickly restore their infuriating energy.

After all, this is in the giant pit of thousands of machines, and there may be unpredictable dangers here at any time, and we have to guard against it.

After being released from the closed state of closed eyes, the true essence in Zhou Fan's body was quickly recovered under the action of the Dragon God's blood, but he still pretended to take out the medicine pill and laughed wildly while taking the medicine.

He was really happy, there were tens of thousands of Baisha-level monsters, and he was sure that he had killed as many as tens of thousands, so how many big gray worms could he get?

Because the ship's method of calculating the big grey worms is very complicated, Zhou Fan can't confirm how many big grey worms he has obtained, but it is definitely not less, and I am afraid it is only a lot more than what he got from Xiaomei last time!

Many people glanced at Zhou Fan with mixed feelings. In their opinion, Zhou Fan is really crazy. This person is probably the kind of madman with a murderous streak. If it wasn't for the murderous streak, why would he be so desperate to kill these monsters?

Du Canyang was calm on the surface, but he secretly regretted why he was greedy for those mysterious coins to provoke Zhou Fan. It was really scary for such a person to go crazy.

They walked out of the closed-eyed corpses everywhere. Many people had unlucky expressions on their faces. Many monsters were killed and useless materials could be collected. It seems that there is no material worth searching for in the closed-eye group.

This kind of slander is just a waste of energy even if they are killed. This is also one of the reasons why they don't want to kill the closed-eye group. If they weren't targeted, they would definitely not be willing to deal with the closed-eye group.

The little girl walked back and wagged her tail at Zhou Fan.

Everyone did not leave in a hurry, but stayed nearby, running the exercises to refine the medicinal pills and absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, trying to restore their strength as much as possible.

When they recovered almost, it was already afternoon, everyone was silent for a while and then began to discuss what to do They just escaped all the way, but it is impossible to say that they lost their way. , they are still within the grassland range, and it is nothing to deviate from the previous route.

Compared with the previous route, their current position is deeper into the Thousand Machines Pit. If they were discussed before, they can scatter to find rare materials.

It's just that they had just experienced the closed-eyed group, and everyone seemed a little hesitant to look for rare materials separately.

"I suggest not to separate, first think about whether you can leave this grassland and then consider this issue." Wei Yun said calmly. starter

"You said it nicely." Li Gaofeng smiled coldly: "The person you brought is a Taoist cultivator. If you come across something good, if the two of you join forces, none of us will be able to compete with you!"

Li Gaofeng's words caused Wu Kai, Gong Laogui, and Du Canyang's faces to become a little more subtle, and Li Gaofeng expressed their worries.

Zhou Fan's face was the same as usual, he was observing half of Liao, but it was really hard to see anything on that half of Liao's face.

"This kind of thing has always been based on one's ability. It seems that before Daoyou Zhao got the Cloud Fruit of Longevity?" Wei Yun shook his head and said.

"That's because you deliberately concealed your friend's strength. He didn't make a move. Otherwise, if you joined forces, how could Longevity Yunguo fall into the hands of others?" Wu Kai retorted.

"Then you mean to separate now?" Wei Yun said with a cold face: "It seems that the opening of the Thousand Machines Giant Pit will indeed show some unimaginable treasures, but you haven't considered them. Dangerous?"

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