Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1209: black and white chi

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If it is said that the appearance of Du Canyang and Gong Laogui was deliberately delayed, but the occurrence of the Vortex Curse seems to be unnecessary so quickly.

Which of them the curse was caused by dangerous environmental influences? Or is it weird?

If it was the geek, did the geek do it unconsciously or intentionally hunt them?

Zhou Fan thought quickly in his heart and ran towards everyone. He was the first to rule out what Fat Tuo did, because Zhou Xiaomao accepted his big gray worm to answer the question, and Zhou Xiaomao said that fat Tuo would not affect it. them, it won't affect them.

Are there really other monsters spying on them in the dark?

Zhou Fan took everyone to run for so long, but now everyone saw Zhou Fan coming back, no one was angry with Zhou Fan, they were still in that state of panic and couldn't take care of themselves.

"Does anyone know what the curse is now?" Zhou Fan asked.

Even though the pupils see the black and white world, the voice can still be transmitted without hindrance. Zhou Fan asked this question because with the onset of the curse, its characteristics are further revealed, and some people may be able to see what kind of curse it is.

It's a pity that no one can answer Zhou Fan's question, and no one knows what the curse is.

Even in panic, some people took out elixir, utensils, talismans and other items again to try to lift the curse.

Zhou Fan's face was also slightly gloomy. When he was thinking about what to do, Li Gaofeng's concubine Yun'er exclaimed, and she pointed to the northwest.

Zhou Fan and the others hurriedly looked over, only to find that black and white light was rapidly merging at a distance of only three feet from them.

Everyone was watching the black and white light with vigilance.

The black and white light kept squirming, turning into an eight-foot-tall light man.

It has a teardrop-shaped head of white light, the tip of the head is slowly swaying with silk threads, and below the head is a body that is as black as ink.

"Hello everyone." Black and white light people approached from afar, and it spoke to Zhou Fan and the others.

Its voice is a majestic male voice.

No one dared to rashly attack the light man who suddenly appeared, and the vigilance in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

The Black and White Light Man stopped at a suitable distance and said, "Welcome to my domain."

Its sound conveys a sense of pleasure.

My domain?

Zhou Fan and the others didn't speak. They had never seen or heard such a strange thing.

"In order to express my welcome to you, and because there is still a lot of time left, I can answer some of your doubts." Black and White Light Man continued: "Oh, I forgot to introduce, most of you humans call me Black and White Chi, but I I don't like this name, and I prefer you to call me the God of Black and White."

Black and white chi? Black and white god?

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They understood that what they encountered was likely to be bizarre, and it was still a smart one that they could communicate with.

It's just that no one has heard of its existence, and it seems to have just appeared out of nowhere.

"It's not surprising that you don't recognize me." Heihe Chi snapped his fingers, the white light transformed into a chair, and it sat on the chair and smiled: "I'm from a far away place, and you should also come from a far away place. If it weren't for this giant pit that has shifted time and space, we might not be able to meet."

It said that the giant pit of thousands of machines had moved the time and space, and everyone was horrified.

"What's the matter with the vortex of black lines on our bodies and the fact that we can only see black and white now?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at Black and White Chi.

Heihechi said that he could answer their questions, so it's best to ask him first to see what the idea was.

"The black line vortex you mentioned is indeed because of me." Black and white Chi stretched out his hand, and a mass of black light appeared on its hand. It swallowed the black light, and then said slowly: "I sent it to me. An invitation from you to enter my realm."

"As for the black and white you see, it's not because of a problem with your eyes. You were invited here by me. This is my space, and my space is only black and white. Of course, you can only see black and white."

"You can see the outside world, but you are in different dimensions. From the outside world's eyes, you are just shadows of mixed colors of black and white."

Being in a different space... Everyone is stunned.

"We're not dead, are we?" Wei Yun asked with fear on his face.

"Of course not." Black and white said with a smile: "Don't you understand what I said? You just entered my domain and were isolated from the original world. You are not dead."

"What happened to our two dead companions being resurrected in front of us?" Zhou Fan asked with some concern.

"I'm really sorry, I hope I didn't scare you." Heihechi grabbed another white light and ate it, "The reason why those two dead people were resurrected in front of you was because of the power of my invitation, whoever died It won't take long for the soul to be too close to you and it will be affected."

"My power contains part of the law of life and death, and I will slightly modify their memory to make them think they are still alive, and then die at a similar time. This is something that is difficult for me to control."

Zhou Fan's mood became heavier. If this is the case, then this monster has mastered some of the laws of life and death. How terrifying should his strength be?

It's not just Zhou Fan who thinks this way, everyone has a similar This strange, unheard of rumor is probably very strong.

After all, they couldn't even get rid of its black thread vortex invitation, and were pulled into this space by it.

"Why did you invite us into your domain?" Feng Guijun couldn't help asking.

Everyone is looking at Black and White Chi, this is what they want to know the most.

Weirdness is incompatible with all living beings, and even the wise and wise are rarely able to get along with people, and they more often regard people as their own enemies or food.

"Don't worry, I have passed the stage of evolution by eating people." Heihe Chi seemed to know what Zhou Fan and the others were thinking, he chuckled: "I'm not very interested in eating people, at most I only want to change my taste occasionally. Eat people, but it's not yet time to change the taste."

"You guys have eaten... it's not enough to fill your teeth, so I won't eat you."

Everyone listened with complicated expressions. They all understood that if Black and White Chi hadn't lied, at least they wouldn't have to worry about being used as food.

"My state is different from your human beings. Only by letting you enter my world can I communicate with you." Black and white continued: "Of course I will not be bored to ask you to come in and talk to me, I want to communicate with you. I want your help."

"Help me win a war."

Win a war?

Zhou Fan and the others all had blank expressions on their faces, what kind of war?

With the strength that Heihe Chi has shown so far, how could they possibly use them?

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