Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1211: only way

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"What do you want to say?" Heihe Chi looked at Zhou Fan and asked with a smile.

"I want to know what dangers we will encounter when we attack Fat Tuo?" Zhou Fan said, "I know that senior doesn't care about our life and death, but we do. I hope senior can tell us that this is very important to us."

"Anyway, the purpose of the senior is that fat man. We will try our best to complete the task that the senior gave us, but we also want to survive."

Heihechi smiled silently and said, "You're right, I don't care about your life or death, as long as you can accomplish my work, whether you live or die is a trivial matter to me."

"But it's not wrong to want to survive, so I'm willing to tell you. First of all, I think that even if I don't say it, you will understand that attacking a fat man is a very dangerous thing."

"I don't know how many of you can survive, it depends on your ability."

"Once you attack the chubby, the rain of blood spilled by the chubby will turn into blood slaves, and the blood slaves will attack you crazily. The blood slaves have strange shapes and average strength, but their blood is very strong for you humans. corrosive."

Heihechi glanced at everyone, and his eyes fell on Zhang Benben: "This kind of corrosive real energy is difficult to resist, unless the physical strength reaches a level like hers... You call this the golden body state, right?"

"Well, it is the golden body that can resist the corrosiveness of blood slave blood."

The faces of many people immediately became ugly. If only the golden body cultivator could resist, the blood of this blood slave would be too terrifying.

"The blood slave is just a small problem. You should be more worried about the fat tau. Once it is attacked by you, its power will immediately wake up, and its body will emit a strange power, which will imprison anyone who dares to attack it. Creatures or monsters, and then you know that its power will start to become stronger according to the attacker... The key is to be imprisoned. Once imprisoned, the blood slaves next to you will kill you."

Black and white Chi said, "Probably these two points."

Black and white said very frankly, because it was not afraid that Zhou Fan and the others would not attack Fat Tu.

After listening to this, some people were horrified, blood slaves and the power that imprisoned everything, who can escape back?

"Senior, then I don't know how to avoid the blood slave's blood and the imprisoning power of the fat man?" Wu Kai asked quickly.

Everyone pricked up their ears.

"It's your own business." Heihechi shook his head and said, "I can't help you. It's a great mercy to tell you."

Zhou Fan and the others all sank, but no one dared to speak out against Heihe Chi.

"Senior, I have a way to attack it without getting too close to it, but I just don't know if it's feasible? So I want to ask the senior for advice first, so that I don't use this method when I get it. If it doesn't work, it will ruin the senior's major event." Zhou Fan said again.

In an instant, everyone looked at Zhou Fan. Even though Zhou Fan's face was a little blurry in this world, they still wanted to hear what good solution Zhou Fan had.

"Come and listen, if it is feasible, I will allow you to use this method." Black and white said lightly.

"Someone in our team has a corpse puppet, which is a walking corpse that can walk automatically. Can we watch from a distance and use the corpse puppet to attack the fat man for the predecessors. The corpse puppet is weaker than our strength. Fatty has become weaker." Zhou Fan said his own way.

Wei Yun and the others were all overjoyed. This method is a good one. Even if these corpse puppets are Zhang Benben's, if they can save their lives, it's a big deal to give Zhang Benben something. If you want to come, Zhang Benben will not object.

Even if Zhang Benben is foolish to object, but there is a wind ghost, and the wind ghost will definitely be able to convince Zhang Benben.

"No." When everyone's mind was turning, Heihe Chi directly objected.

"Why not?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

"I think those corpse puppets are definitely not as strong as you guys. If they go up, I'm afraid they can't even tickle the fat tick." Heihe Chi explained: "And they are dead, and the dead are close to the fat tick. , it is easy to be assimilated by the rain of blood spilled on it, and I am afraid that even basic attacks cannot be done."

Although Zhang Benben is stupid, she controlled the corpse puppets to keep them from getting close to all abnormal things, so her corpse puppet didn't enter the blood grass last night, or it would have been assimilated long ago.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. He originally planned that if the corpse puppet was not good, he could try it out with his angry ghost, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

"Don't talk about dead things, ordinary monsters can't do it, they are difficult to persevere under its blood rain." Black and white Chi added: "Only living beings can, the blood rain spilled by a fat twig that has not awakened has no effect on living beings. Look at those blood grasses, don't they grow very well?"

"The junior doesn't understand. Why does the senior have to let the fat man wake up first. Wouldn't it be better to kill the fat man when he was sleeping?" Zhou Fan asked with twinkling eyes.

This is the doubt that he has been hiding in his heart. He didn't want to be so direct, but he faintly felt that a powerful and powerful monster like Heihe Chi would not even have the desire to play tricks on them, so it would be better to be direct.

"I thought you wouldn't dare to ask." Heihechi smiled again: "You are direct, the reason is that once I go out of my own world and want to attack it, it will immediately sense that I have found it, It won't be easy for me to kill it then."

"That's why I need you humans to confuse it for me first, so that it will be relatively easy for me to deal with it."

Black and white Chi is still reluctant to tell us that this is Fat Tu's projection. The reason why Fat Tu can't react has a lot to do with it being just a projection... Zhou Fan thought silently.

"The vortex on our body has been around for a while, why did senior only drag us into your domain now?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

The others also pricked up their ears because it involved the swirls of black lines on their bodies.

"It's a bit complicated to say." Heihe Chi pondered for a while before slowly saying: "If I want to enter this space, I first need to do a good job of positioning, and the black line vortex left on you is my positioning, so you have appeared on your body. Black Line Vortex at this I'm coming from far away."

Having said this, it paused again and said in a pleasant voice: "In order not to make you feel bored, I used my power to add some memories to those two dead people, so that they can spend a happy time with you."

The expressions of Zhou Fan and the others changed slightly, and they knew in their hearts that the so-called increase in memory must be the so-called method of unlocking the curse.

Zhou Fan asked a few more questions, and Black and White Chi answered them patiently.

After Zhou Fan asked, Wei Yun and Feng Guijiang didn't dare to be careless when it came to life safety issues. They all asked Heihe Chi first, and they also came up with some ways to ask whether it was feasible.

Unfortunately, they were all refuted by Black and White Chi. Everyone understood that the only way was for them to approach and risk attacking Fat Tu.

After everyone could figure out the problem, Heihe Chi waved his hand.

The black and white colors in Zhou Fan's eyes gradually faded, and they returned to their original world.

Seeing that Zhou Fan was back to normal, Xiaomei and Mo Mo hummed at Zhou Fan.

But Zhou Fan was not in the mood to pay attention to the two of them. He saw that the black vortex on his body was still there, and so were the others.

The only difference was that there was a blurry figure with a black body and a white head beside everyone. They all understood that this figure belonged to a black and white chi.

Everyone's hearts are heavy and their faces are solemn, and there are black swirls on their bodies that represent invitations. It seems that they have no more choices?

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