Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1223: deprivation

"Why?" Zhou Fan's face became cold and he said, "The first guide told me that you took the lifespan of the boarding person, but it was only converted into a big gray worm for fishing."

"Even if the lifespan is no longer as cheap as it was on the original river due to the advancement of the boat, how much is the 30-year lifespan replaced by the Great Grey Worm?

Thirty years of lifespan is not important to the guide, but it is very important to Zhou Fan. He has cultivated so hard to have such a long lifespan, and he no longer has to worry about the end of his lifespan. If there is another way , of course he refused to let Zhou Xiaomao take away his thirty years of life.

If he has less than a year of life left, he is now in the middle stage of Yuan Liquid Realm. Even if he enters the later stage of Yuan Liquid Realm, he can increase his lifespan by eight years, but he will never get back the lost lifespan. In the realm, it takes a lot of time to enter, then his lifespan may not be enough.

And he couldn't understand why Zhou Xiaomao didn't even want two precious possession opportunities. If he wanted his lifespan, he had to ask him to understand.

"I have already given my conditions, and it is up to you to answer." Zhou Xiaomao avoided answering: "But you should understand that the longer you hesitate, the more dangerous they are."

"You don't need to say this, I also understand that you should slow down the flow of time first, I have to think about it." Zhou Fan said solemnly.

As long as the flow of time is slowed down, he doesn't have to worry about the time passing too fast outside when he goes out.

Zhou Xiaomao couldn't refuse this kind of boarding request, and she quickly adjusted the flow of time.

After adjusting the flow of time, Zhou Fan's anxious heart gradually calmed down, and he could slowly think about problems.

He suddenly remembered what the boat said about Zhou Xiaoxiao who didn't want him to die, but wanted him to live for 30 years, did he not want him to die? It just killed him.

This is a bit contradictory. In his opinion, Zhou Xiaoxiao's behavior is getting weirder and weirder.

A faint sneer appeared on Zhou Xiaoxiao's face: "You are hesitating, are you hesitant to use almost all of your lifespan to save your ordinary parents?"

"But it's not your fault. After all, this is your entire lifespan. If you save them, you won't be able to live for long. If you change a lot of people, I'm afraid you will hesitate."

"I told you before that the Dao is ruthless. If you want to go far on this road, you will inevitably have to make a choice. Parents, Taoist companions, and brothers will be the burden of monks when necessary. They can always being abandoned."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said: "I am indeed hesitant, but not whether I should use my lifespan to save them, but whether there are other ways that do not require lifespan, after all, there is still time, I am hesitant not Is it normal?"

"It doesn't matter what you think, but what you will do in the end?" Zhou Xiaoxia shook his head and said, "I want you to live 30 years and the idea will not change, so don't think about changing my mind. "

"Zhou Kitten, I think you are really strange. You said before that the avenues are ruthless, that relatives and friends can abandon or give up. I asked you if you have ever done this. How did you answer me?" Zhou Fan said: "You said that your relatives and friends are already dead, you don't need to make such a choice!"

"What's wrong with saying that?" Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

"I don't think you're lying to me." Zhou Fan scratched his head and said, "If your relatives are not dead, and you love them very much, are you willing to trade your life for theirs?"

"Assuming it doesn't make sense." Zhou Xiaomao said with a stern face: "I said yes, you said I was lying, I said no, you said I was cold-blooded, it's useless to say it nicely, it depends on that person's critical time How to choose."

"But I don't think you are the kind of person who would abandon his relatives and friends and leave at a critical time." Zhou Fan said.

"Do you think these flattery words will be useful to me?" Zhou Xiaomao said dismissively.

"I'm not flattering you, but I want to say that not everyone can do the ruthless way you said. You dare not say that you can do it, and I can't do it." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"It's your business whether you can do it or not. I only need thirty years of life. If you give it, then I'll help you. If you don't have a lifespan, don't think of me helping you." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly.

"Actually, I know some of your intentions." Zhou Fan said suddenly.

"What's your intention?" Zhou Kitten asked with no expression on his face.

"Have you ever betrayed your loved ones before?" Zhou Fan said with a rare chuckle, "So you want to know if I will abandon my parents at a critical time."

Zhou Xiaomao said that she had never betrayed anyone, but has she been betrayed?

Zhou Xiaomao didn't answer, her pupils became deep, her fists were clenched tightly and then loosened, obviously in a very uneasy mood.

Zhou Fan sighed in his heart, and he really guessed it.

"So you think this is just a test?" Zhou Xiaomao said coldly: "It's my business whether I have been betrayed, I think you should still care about your own business, you promise, I will take away the lifespan, Complete the deal, if you don’t agree, the deal will be cancelled.”

"Of course, you can also continue to think about it, but I want to remind you that the flow of time has been modified, but it does not mean that you can stay on the ship forever. When the time is up, you will be separated from the ship."

Zhou Fan is of course aware of this, he glanced at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "Are you really sure that as long as my lifespan is long, I won't accept any other conditions?"

Zhou Kitten didn't speak, she just nodded lightly.

Zhou Fan knew that he couldn't change the boat kitten, so he looked down at the deck and asked the boat.

The ship may have a way, then he doesn't need to send his life out.

It's just that he waited for a while after he finished speaking, but the boat didn't respond.

The boat didn't respond, and it wasn't unencountered before, suggesting the boat wouldn't help.

Zhou Fan raised his head and looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "Thirty years of life expectancy, I promise."

He said it calmly and indifferently, as if what was about to be taken away was not a precious thirty years of life, but a worthless thing.

"Have you ever thought that maybe they are not in as much danger as you imagined, they just disappeared with a little problem, you paid 30 years of life to go back, and finally found that things were not so serious, you just I wasted my life in vain." Zhou Xiaoxiao asked.

"I don't regret it." Zhou Fan said: "And I really hope that in the situation you said, they are safe."

But he knew in his heart that things wouldn't be so simple, or else Yiluan Si wouldn't have delivered urgent reports to him.

He hoped that they were safe and sound, and he was afraid of seeing the last thing he wanted to When he thought of this, his heart couldn't help but tremble, and he urged: "You don't want my thirty Years of life? Take it and send me back to the Burning Valley."

Zhou Xiaomao stared at Zhou Fan, she was silent for a while before snapping her fingers.

Straws of pure white light flew out from Zhou Fan's body, and the pure white light converged into a small ball of light, drifting towards the boat kitten.

Zhou Xiaomao stretched out her right hand, and the ball of light landed in her palm, and it quickly merged into her palm.

Zhou Fan could feel that something in his body was stripped. He opened the front of his shirt and glanced at the lifespan in his heart. The lifespan changed to one or seven.

He was deprived of thirty years of life.

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