Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1228: strong lineup

Zhou Fan was like a petrified statue. He didn't move. He asked Xiao Ling to look away. He was afraid of being discovered by the more sensitive among the five. He just listened carefully, and his thoughts floated.

A monk who can own a storage bag cannot be said to be strong, but it will not be weak.

All of a sudden, he was willing to send five monks over. Among his former enemies, the Thousand Delusions Alliance, the Eclipse Sun Sect, the Faces of the Head Society, and the Living Dead had such strength, but he soon felt that it was impossible, because this The four forces defined by officials as evil organizations either didn't know of his existence, or they knew very little about him.

Definitely not even knowing where his parents lived.

Could that be the deadly feud of the Zhou family that Dad kept talking about?

Another thought came to Zhou Fan's mind, but he felt that the idea was equally ridiculous. He had been carrying the jade pendant. As for Qifu, Momo, and even Xiaoliu who had his blood, they were still a long way from Taoist realm. How could the so-called Zhou family's death feud find their parents?

Zhou Fan couldn't figure it out. When his thoughts were turning, the white-haired old man headed by the five people spoke.

"The four of you are golden cultivators. In Dawei, you are considered a giant. Even a little girl in the warrior rank can let them run away with an ordinary couple? You are really amazing!" The white-haired old man His face was gloomy, and his voice was even more frighteningly cold.

Zhou Fan was shocked, he couldn't imagine, he resisted the urge to let Xiao Wan look at the five people for him again, and out of those five monks, four of them were golden monks!

Golden body cultivator, not even among the state-level four expedition envoys can reach such a state, he immediately understood that this is definitely not an evil organization looking for trouble for him, even the strongest living corpse is now here It is impossible for the state to send four golden monks to trouble him at once.

Even if he knew that his parents were ordinary people and sent four golden cultivators, who would have such a powerful strength against him?

Could it really be the death feud of the Zhou family? His heart trembled sharply, because only the death feud of the Zhou family who could even be perceived by the younger generation of the Zhou family when he stepped into the Dao realm seems to have such a powerful strength.

What he was more afraid of was the white-haired old man. Those four who were reprimanded by him were too afraid to say a word, but the golden body cultivator, what about the white-haired old man?

Could it have already surpassed the golden body realm and stepped into the rune realm?

Thinking that the white-haired old man might be in the Rune Realm... Zhou Fan's heart sank. If it was just one or even two Golden Body Realm cultivators, he was confident that he could win.

But with three or more golden body cultivators, it would be very difficult for him to win.

Not to mention that the other party has four golden cultivators and a master who is suspected to be in the rune realm. In this case, it is almost impossible for him to win!

"My lord, we sent men who are good at hiding their whereabouts to go in and try to take the ordinary couple away quietly. This was a foolproof thing. As soon as they entered the house, they found that there was no one there, so they quickly dispersed to look for them."

"Who knew it was a child who discovered our people and lurked to catch people. She also had an invisible device and hid invisibly with the couple. As soon as our people left, she took the couple out of the house. After fleeing in the other direction, our people realized that they were fooled and followed the traces to get here." One of the four golden monks explained with a slight change in expression.

"Although that girl is only a martial artist, her movement is ridiculously fast, and it is not easy for us to catch up with her." Another person said with a bitter face: "We didn't expect such a thing to happen, and we didn't prepare a tracking device. ."

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Sure enough, Xiaoliu took his parents away. As for Xiaoliu's invisible equipment, he was not surprised at all. Xiaoliu had the inheritance of rouge. As far as he knew, every time Xiaoliu completed the In the first stage of cultivation, Rouge will prepare some medicines and talismans suitable for her for her.

The white-haired old man sneered and interrupted the four people's defense: "Qiu Qifu, Qi Xiuyong, Hao Yu, Chang Gaoping, what's the use of the four of you telling me this?"

"If people really run away, you should know better than me what is waiting for you when you go back!"

The four golden cultivators looked at each other, their faces stagnant, and their eyes showed fear. Of course, they knew what would await them if the foolproof mission failed.

"Whether you are careless or unlucky, I only want the couple." The white-haired old man continued coldly: "Remember, if you want to live, if they die, you will also die."

"Don't worry, my lord, they will never be able to escape." One of the four hurriedly responded: "They should be hiding somewhere nearby. We will search this area and we will be able to find them soon."

The white-haired old man didn't speak anymore, his face was gloomy, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Two of the four left silently, urging their subordinates to speed up their search.

Zhou Fan also stepped back, his blood seemed to congeal, he guessed that Xiaoliu's parents were nearby and did not run away, apparently reaching the limit.

But the opponent's strength is too strong, even if he makes a shot, he has no chance to win, but if this goes on, there is a high probability that Xiaoliu and his parents will be found.

The best way is for him to find his parents and them, and then take the three of them to escape quietly.

But the problem was that Zhou Fan didn't know where his parents were hiding. It was too difficult for him to find them faster than those people.

It can't be delayed any longer. Every breath, parents and the others may be found. Once found, it will become more difficult for him to do anything.

He quickly made up his mind, he decided to lead these people away, so Xiaoliu saw that no one was searching for them, and there would definitely be a way to escape.

Zhou Fan quickly thought about it again, considering the various problems he might encounter, and slowly came up with a countermeasure in his heart.

He walked towards the search, and soon saw the search crowd. He expected that there were dozens of people, but it was definitely less than a hundred.

He moved towards the right side of the mountain, then deliberately left some traces and made a small sound.

"They're there." Someone soon noticed Zhou Fan's movement and shouted loudly.

The crowd rushed towards here quickly.

Zhou Fan guided them with a louder and louder voice, like people fleeing in panic, he didn't dare to run too fast, lest these people couldn't keep up.

The people behind kept shouting, calling for their companions, and others sent out various signals.

The chasers seemed to be chasing after them and began to encircle.

Zhou Fan quickened his speed and ran away with these people in the mountains and forests.

He suddenly heard a cold hum, and then his body stiffened.

It's a spell, someone used a spell on him.

But the stiffness was quickly dissipated by the movement of his body's true essence. He ran forward without stagnation. He knew that the other side's golden cultivator was also chasing after him. The technique just now was used by the golden cultivator.

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