Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1242: God of Creation

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"I said that theoretically no one has any problem, even ordinary people can successfully complete the reincarnation, what's wrong with this sentence?" Zhou Xiaoxia said calmly: "As long as there is a very powerful monk to help solve the problem of longevity ghosts, I also want to make ordinary people's human souls meet the reincarnation requirements, and ordinary people can of course be reincarnated."

"..." Zhou Fan showed helplessness. If he said that, then there was no problem. He didn't bother about this issue any more, but said with concern: "Then how to judge a person is reincarnated?"

To be more precise, the situation he passed through seems to be a body capture, not a reincarnation. There is still a big difference between a body capture and a reincarnation.

But because of that deep memory, Zhou Fan had to suspect that he might have been reincarnated. Even he couldn't figure out how he might have been reincarnated. Anyway, let's see if there is any way to prove it.

"If it is complete, I am outside, you should be able to use magic to see if you really have reincarnation memories, but now there is no way." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said: "But if you can find a trusted top cultivator, can do it."

"But you have to remember that doing this is equivalent to releasing your human soul to that cultivator's control, and that cultivator can drive you crazy with a single thought."

Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly. If so, he wouldn't dare to take the risk of showing his memories to others, not even Zhou Xiaomao, not to mention that he might go crazy. Even if he didn't go crazy, he had a lot of secrets. Might let people look at his memories at will.

The boat looked at it, and he couldn't stop it.

"Is there no other way but this?" Zhou Fan asked reluctantly.

"Yes, if you are really reincarnated, then when your cultivation reaches a certain level, the seal of memory should be lifted." Zhou Xiaoxiao said: "Unless you were a lunatic in your previous life, and you don't want to release your memory any more, put your memory away. Abandoned, but if so, why reincarnate? So this situation basically does not exist."

"Then we have to wait." Zhou Fan sighed.

"I suspect you can't wait." Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered again.

"Don't you believe that I can reach the level where I can unseal my memory?" Zhou Fan asked in displease.

"No." Zhou Xiaomao denied it. She walked to the square table and said, "Have you ever thought about why the boat said that he didn't dare to look at your deep memory?"

Zhou Xiaomao sat at the table and continued: "This shows that if you are really a reincarnated person, your reincarnation memory has a big secret, and such memory may be related to the boat. Do you think you can see it so easily?"

Zhou Fan was stunned. He only thought about how to release his reincarnation memory. He was indeed negligent about this issue. Does he really have such a terrifying memory?

Zhou Kitten reached out and knocked on the square table. A cup appeared on the table, and the cup was filled with white liquid. She picked it up and took a sip: "Even if you are a reincarnated person, it is not that there is no reincarnation in the world. Do you think a reincarnated person deserves so much attention? So if the above statement is correct, you may not be an ordinary reincarnated person."

Zhou Fan looked down at his hands and said silently, "Could it be that I was the **** who created everything in this world in my previous life?"

Zhou Xiaomao gave Zhou Fan a contemptuous glance, this person is really not ashamed!

After Zhou Xiaoxiao's eyes, Zhou Fan coughed dryly and said, "Do you think this is impossible? Have you ever seen anything more powerful than a boat? If the boat doesn't dare to look at my memories before reincarnation, then it is very likely It's the creator god."

"Without gods, there will be no creation gods." Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face: "Some guys who call themselves gods are just monks with high cultivation. Of course, if you are not ashamed, you want to name yourself. If you change to God of Creation, then no one can stop you."

"But what's so special about my past life?" Zhou Fan said helplessly after being denied by Zhou Xiaomao. In fact, he also felt that his idea was absurd.

"How do I know this?" Zhou Xiaomao said lightly, and she took another sip of the liquid from the cup, which made her mouth stained with a white goo.

"Then do you know where I met the boat?" Zhou Fan decided to put aside the question of the reincarnated person, which could not be resolved for the time being, and instead described the colored river and the gray boat in detail.

Zhou Xiaomao has been listening attentively. After Zhou Fan finished speaking, she shook her head and said, "I have never seen such a place in my memory. It sounds a bit like Jianyu, but there is no river in Jianyu."

"I have some doubts that what you see is not the real place. Those are just illusions that the ship lets you see."

Is it an illusion... Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "If it's not an illusion, but such a place actually exists, where do you think it would be? If there is a way to find such a place, maybe we can find clues about the ship. "

Zhou Xiaomao thought about it again and said: "This may be a small space, but it is still difficult to judge, because even if it is real, the boat can try to cover some things and prevent you from seeing what it doesn't want you to see. "

"But this may indeed be a clue. After you go out, you can look up the classics and the You can't have too much hope... Zhou Fan left this question and asked again: "The boat What do you want from me? Why don't you just say it? What's the point of being sloppy like that? "

"Because its brain is sick!" Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face, which was also an issue that made her feel very annoyed, "I don't think there is anything that can threaten the old guy, it doesn't want to say anything, only It could be that it has a sick mind."

Zhou Fan felt Zhou Xiaomao's resentment, but he didn't dare to scold the boat like Zhou Xiaomao under the watchful eyes of the boat, he said: "The boat also said that leaving a time buoy on me would be a great risk? You Do you think this has something to do with its refusal to speak out?"

"I don't think there is any risk in setting a time buoy with the ability of the boat." Zhou Xiaoxiao drank the contents of the cup completely, "This also makes no sense, or it does not dare to for some unknown reason. Randomly affects the outside world."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiaomao's face became a little subtle, she quickly recalled it before looking up and said: "I have been on the boat for so long, I have only seen this old ship affect the outside world once, how many times have you seen it? Second-rate?"

What Zhou Xiaomao said did not include Zhou Fan this time.

"Twice." Zhou Fan thought for a moment and replied: "In addition to this time buoy, there was another time when the Dragon Lord possessed me and drew a talisman in order to escape. Later that talisman collapsed for no reason, I dare not The boat must be interfering with it."

"That can't be wrong." Zhou Xiaoxia whispered to himself, "The boat does not dare to interfere too much with the outside world."

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