Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1255: Zhou family deceit

Zhou Fan certainly understands that if the boat helps, a monk who has lived for three thousand years is nothing, but its attitude towards him is ups and downs. .


Now that Zhou Xiaomao said this, he was speechless.


"Why don't you want to tell me how old you are?" Zhou Fan was a little angry and deliberately brought up this topic.


"Are you trying to make fun of me as an old woman?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "For monks, age is never a problem, I don't say it's because of memory loss, and often in a state of sleep, I don't even think about me I don't know how many years I have been on the ship, how can I accurately estimate how old I am?"


Zhou Fan was silent for a while, he vaguely knew that the era and world that every boarding person lived in may not be the same, so there is no standard era that can be provided to these guides to calculate how long they have been on the ship.


Thinking about it this way, the leaders seem to be a little pitiful.


"The mortal enemy who wants to kill our Zhou family, the origin of hatred should be an ancestor of our Zhou family for three thousand years, but the hatred lasted for three thousand years, which is too long, so I made two speculations, the first is that the enemy is alive. For three thousand years, he has been unwilling to let go of our Zhou family."


"The second guess is that the Zhou family's mortal enemy has been clinging to it. It may be because there is something in the Zhou family that they are afraid of or want to get. In fact, this guess is more likely." Zhou Fan said slowly.


"What's the use of you telling me this?" Zhou Xiaomao said indifferently: "I can't know why your Zhou family has been hunted and killed, have you ever thought about what the ancestor of your Zhou family did? An outrageous thing."


"If you kill the entire family of the other party, you can't say that he is your ancestor, and you think he is a good person. If someone else hunts down your Zhou family, it will be a heinous crime."


"I never thought about whether the ancestor of the Zhou family was a good person or a bad person." Zhou Fan said helplessly: "Even if he is a bad person who does all kinds of evil, what does this have to do with me and my parents? It can't be because he has been around for three thousand years. If he did evil, let us three thousand years of juniors pay for his life?"


"The mortal enemy of the Zhou family has the ability to find the ancestor of the Zhou family. I will not carry such a debt. If he wants to kill me, I can only think of killing him."


"Who gave you the surname Zhou?" Zhou Xiaoxiao said sarcastically: "Maybe others couldn't find your ancestors back then, maybe it was because of the resentment in their hearts that they didn't look for you, who the younger Zhou family would look for?"


"This kind of thing can't be explained for ten thousand years." Zhou Fan said angrily: "I don't want to talk to you about these things. I tell you the second guess is that we know that there is nothing too valuable in our Zhou family. If there is really anything worth caring about, it is only the talent of self-healing deceitful people."


"I want to ask you, is there something special about my talent?"


Zhou Fan never asked about this before because he never realized the problem of his talent for deceiving people, but it was unreasonable for him to hunt down for three thousand years. There must be something in him that he didn't know.


And there may be a problem with the talent of the deceitful person.


Zhou Xiaomao was silent for a moment. She suddenly turned and walked towards the square table. She said as she walked, "The talent of deceitful people is talent of deceitful people. What do you think is special? In my eyes, it is not too special."


"Isn't there anything special? Then have you heard or seen this kind of deceitful talent? Or know anything about this deceitful talent?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.


It's like this again... It's like this again... Zhou Fan felt that Zhou Xiaomao's mood was really unusual. This kind of abnormal mood had appeared several times before, and the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became.


"I don't know." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly.


"I want to pay for answering this question." Zhou Fan said slowly, "You can take 500 gray worms and then answer if I know."


It was a small talk just now. Zhou Xiaomao could lie, but now he has raised the issue to the scope of the deal that the two had agreed to before, and then things have become completely different.


"Are you threatening me?" Zhou Kitten turned around and said angrily.


"Why are you so angry?" Zhou Fan asked, "If you didn't lie, take away 500 gray worms, and answer that you don't know, what's the loss to you?"


"That's right, I lied to you." Kitten Zhou sneered: "But I refuse to answer your question. No matter how many gray worms you pay, I will not answer you."


"I'm afraid this is not in line with the rules, right?" Zhou Fan said solemnly: "The transaction agreement you made with me, this question is within the scope of cultivation knowledge. If you don't answer, it will be a breach of the promise."


The gray fog rushed towards Zhou Kitten, wisps by wisps, wrapping around her body.


"Look, the boat judged that you violated the rules." Zhou Fan frowned slightly: "What's so difficult about answering this question?"


Zhou Xiaomao was trembling with anger, she took a few deep breaths, and after she remained calm, she looked at the gray fog surrounding her and said: "Get out of the way, I'll answer it, but this question involves information that is of great value, and I want to pay for it. Ten thousand Great Grey Worms."


The gray fog quickly dissipated.


Want 10,000 giant gray worms?


Zhou Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth. He didn't dare to force Kitty Zhou any more. After all, if he wanted to haggle again, Kitty Zhou might just fry. He said, "Okay, I promise."


Zhou Xiaomao raised her hand, the gray fog rolled in the air, and a transparent glass ball emerged. A ray of gray light flew out from the glass ball and landed in her palm. Ten thousand big gray worms were taken by her like this. gone.


"You guessed it right, your talent for deceiving people is not a nameless name. It is called the Pluto inverse wheel body, and it comes from a strange delusion called the mother of the Pluto." Zhou Kitten said coldly.


Pluto inverse chakra body?


"Which ghost? Which loquat?" Zhou Fan asked.


Zhou Xiaomao waved his hand gently, the gray fog changed, and the words of the inverse chakra body and the mysterious mother of the scorpion appeared.


Only then did Zhou Fan know about, but he still felt that this kind of delusional talent looked very cold, and he had never heard of that kind of delusion.


"Can you tell me more about it?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking when Zhou Xiaomao didn't speak for a while.


"It's all said, what else do you want to know?" Zhou Xiaomao snorted coldly.


"..." Zhou Fan didn't care about Zhou Kitten's attitude, he smiled and said, "Tell me about this strange mother of the worm."


"That's not possible." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said, "Our problem is limited to your talent for deceiving people. If you want to know the information about the mother of the ghostly Pluto, you have to add the Great Grey Worm."


"How much do you want to add?" Zhou Fan asked.


"On this river, if you want to inquire about such a quirk as the mother of the worms, you will need at least 100,000 large gray worms." Zhou Kitten slowly quoted the price.


"I remember we had an agreement that we were not allowed to drive up the price?" Zhou Fan's face sank immediately, "Do you think that a bizarre piece of information is worth 100,000 gray worms, even if it is an unknowable bizarre, you The charges are outrageous.”

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