Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1264: looking for something

Daoist Buxiao had a strange expression on his face, and he looked back at the old blind man.

The old blind man closed his blind eyes, and the old **** was there, as if he had not spoken at all just now.

"Thank you." Daoist Buxiao was silent for a while, and left without hesitation.

After Daoist Buxiao left, the old blind man flicked his wrist, and the three profound coins in his palm had shattered into dust, and the dust turned into mysterious runes.

The runes quickly drifted away again.

The old blind man lowered his head with a look of surprise on his face, he muttered to himself: "Strange, strange, it's obviously just a red-brained demon, why is the hexagram so unique, wandering back and forth between life and death, and can't always settle. "

The old blind man's forehead became more and more wrinkled, he suddenly woke up, and told himself not to forget that the secret must not be revealed, this would be backlashed.

He dared not think about it any longer.

"I can't say, I can't ask, I can't think." He whispered: "This is not something I can influence. If something happens here in the state capital, I will do my best to help. The Red Brain Demon will see them. The sky is falling and there are tall people. Hold on, what's the matter with me?"



Daoist Buxiao returned to the academy and the small courtyard where he lived, sweat oozing from his forehead.

The old blind man's words were embedded in his heart.

He is from the academy, and he has always known that the saints of the academy are good at deduction techniques. Some people say that deduction techniques are very magical and can know the past and future.

It is said that the sage supported the current sage to sit on the throne back then because he saw the result in advance.

He had always suspected that the old blind fortune-teller was in the line of the academy sage, so it didn't seem like he was talking nonsense.

Coupled with the fact that he always felt inexplicably uneasy, this trip might be extremely dangerous.

Just where is the danger?

Do not laugh, the Taoist still can't figure it out after thinking about it.

"You can remind Xiaolei Temple, the aristocratic family, and Yiluan Si, and let them pay attention, but I can't say anything dangerous, they may not take it to heart." Daoist Buxiao frowned, he paced over To the locust tree with yellow leaves.

He patted the black-ash tree trunk with a complicated face and said, "Old man, please."

The locust tree began to shrink, and soon it shrunk into a palm-sized sapling with dense, needle-like yellow leaves.

This is because it shrinks and the leaves are also compressed.

Daoist Buxiao touched the blood line on his neck, he flicked his sleeves, and the sapling turned into a light green light and penetrated through the sleeves.



Daoist Bu Laugh's reminder was quickly passed on to Xiaolei Temple, Xiaolei Zhoufu family, and Zhou Fan who was still on the road.

After receiving the letter, Zhou Fan's three four envoys were a little surprised.

Because Taoist Bu Laugh just said in a letter that they had learned from a high-level person who was good at deduction, the trip to Grey Monkey County would be very dangerous, so they should remember not to be careless.

"A certain expert who is good at deduction? Who is that?" Chen Yushi asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, maybe it's a friend of the Taoist priest that we don't know." Yuan Ei shook his head and said, "Do you think this news is reliable?"

Chen Yushi hesitated for a moment and said, "I have studied it before, but things like divination and divination are not always accurate."

Obviously Chen Yushi didn't believe it.

"I don't think it's wrong to be careful." Zhou Fan said, "Some things are better to be trusted than not."

Both Yuan E and Chen Yushi nodded, but Zhou Fan had no idea how cautious they would be.

But Zhou Fan believed it, because he knew better than Yuan E and Chen Yushi. There is a deduction technique, not to mention that the Dragon Lord's talent in the language of the dragon can see the past and future of ordinary people, even Zhou Xiaomao is not very good at pushing Derivative techniques will have some deduction techniques.

However, he is a lifeless person, and even the dragon master cannot see his fate, but it does not mean that the deduction technique is useless, and it is impossible to predict good and bad.

He didn't know where Taoist Buxiao got this prophecy, but with such a prophecy, he had to guard against it.

So in the next journey, Zhou Fan looked around from time to time, especially paying attention to his back and feet.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Yushi noticed Zhou Fan's unusualness.

I'm looking to see if the ghost burial coffin is nearby... Zhou Fan thought so in his heart, but instead said, "I'm watching to see if anyone is following us."

"There are other warriors to do these things, why do you need to do them?" Chen Yushi couldn't help but chuckle.

"You have to remember, don't put your life in the hands of others at any time, it's too dangerous!" Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression.

Chen Yushi: "..."

Chen Yushi doesn't know how to interface. He thinks Zhou Fan's words are reasonable, but it's impossible to do everything by himself, right?

However, he didn't persuade him much. Anyway, although Zhou Fan was a little cautious, it didn't affect his journey.

Last time, the ghost burial coffin became extremely small and followed behind him. It was not until the end that he realized that Zhou Fan had learned the lesson from the last time. He opened his eyesight and tried to find the ghost burial coffin. Identify it.

But he didn't find the ghost burial coffin, and finally he gave up this practice, but the caution in his heart did not decrease.

The appearance of the ghost burial coffin will definitely be dangerous.

The absence of ghost burial coffins does not mean that there is no danger.

Daoist Buxiao's reminder made him feel more and more pressure on this trip, so when he was on the road during the day, he began to relentlessly practice the sword while resting.

He must learn the kitten first style as soon as possible!

Anyway, other people can't understand what kind of swordsmanship he is practicing, he can do it like no one else.

Zhou Fan was so diligent that Chen Yushi, Yuan E, and the Yiluan Division warriors were secretly surprised, but no one bothered Zhou Fan.

I just feel in my heart that it is not accidental that Zhou Fan has such strength at such an age.

Originally the leader of the Class A class, a genius among geniuses, who still studied hard and practiced so hard, they really admired them.

"I am afraid that every increase in Master Zhou's strength is made up of blood and Yuan E couldn't help but say.

This statement has won the nod of many warriors.

Zhou Fan didn't know Yuan E's evaluation of him, his mind was on Kitten's first style, and even when he was on his way, his mind was thinking about Kitten's third style.

In the end, he even jumped up and fell like a stone while he was on his way, and it looked weird to jump and fall like this.

The faces of all the people on the road became more and more strange, and they all wondered, what kind of martial arts Zhou Fan was practicing, why did he have to jump up and down, isn't it tiring to jump around like this?

"What kind of swordsmanship are you practicing?" Chen Yushi couldn't help but ask.

Zhou Fan was thinking about the sword technique, and he said casually, "I'm thinking of a sword technique that falls from the sky."

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