Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1268: golden cerebellum

Zhou Fan put away the knife, and among the corpses on the ground, their heads were almost intact.

This is Zhou Fan deliberately avoiding their heads.

"Little 绻!" Zhou Fan called out to Xiao 绻.

"Here comes Xiao Ling." Xiao Ling hurried out from Zhou Fan's bald head.

As soon as she landed, she immediately separated dozens of little scorpions, ran towards the little brain demon's head, and stretched out her little hand along the incision cut by the knife gang to search.

In the end, two little ones quickly found two crimson **** as big as thumbs among the dozen or so heads, and handed them over to Zhou Fan as if they were offering treasures.

Zhou Fan just wanted to take a serious look at this thing called a brain pill, when Mo Mo flew over, stuck out his tongue and swallowed it.

Momo swallowed her brain pill, her eyes brightened slightly, she wagged the dragon's tail towards Zhou Fan, and made two barks, looking very satisfied.

Zhou Fan: "..."

Obviously, this brain pill is also something Mo Mo likes to swallow, but Zhou Fan didn't allow it before, and she didn't feel very hungry, so she didn't bother to do it herself.

Zhou Fan was helpless and could only say, "Little sister!"

The little sister let out a snort, and then ran in one direction.

Zhou Fan searched in the opposite direction. Before he could find the little brain demon, the little girl ran back, followed by a group of little brain demons.

There are about thirty of these little brain demons.

Zhou Fan drew his sword, and the swift sword gang was flying all over the sky, killing this group of small-brained demons whose highest level was not bronze.

Xiaoxiaoxiao, which was differentiated from Xiaoxuan, ran over to clean up the battlefield again, and the three brain pills found went into Momo's stomach again.

The little sister had already turned around and searched for the little brain demon for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan and Xiaomei divided the work and cooperated, and the efficiency was terrifyingly high. After killing nearly thousands of small brain demons, Mo Mo ate the brain pills and didn't want to eat any more, and went into a state of concealment on her own. She got into Zhou Fan. Inside the talisman bag, he went to sleep.

Zhou Fan only had the remaining brain pills in his hands. He took advantage of the little sister's spare time to search for the little brain demon, and he looked at a dark red brain pill.

The brain pill is very strange. It doesn't look like metal or stone. Zhou Fan didn't think much about it. He knew how to use the brain pill very well. There was infuriating qi in his left hand. The crimson brain pill quickly melted and turned into a drop of red. liquid.

Zhou Fan opened his mouth and swallowed the red liquid, but after feeling dizzy for a while, he felt a little hot in his head, but this feeling quickly dissipated, as if a gentle wind was blowing from the sea of ​​human souls, and the sea of ​​human souls began to rise. With a circle of ripples, the human soul absorbs the gentle wind and becomes warm.

Zhou Fan's eyes lit up slightly, this thing does have a magical effect on the soul of human beings.

But he didn't have time to think about it, and the little sister brought back a group of small brain demons, and he drew his knife to meet him.

While eliminating the cerebellum demon, he swallowed the brain pill until after eating twelve pieces, the human soul seemed to be full, and the thirteenth brain pill had no effect at all.

Zhou Fan didn't take the brain pill anymore. He knew that there was a limit to taking the brain pill every day, and he could only start taking it tomorrow after the human soul was digested.

He began to focus on eliminating the small brain demon. Xiaoxiao ran too slowly to attract the small brain demon for him, so he went to search for the small brain demon himself.

With the help of the little sister, he killed the little brain demon faster and faster.

Zhou Fan didn't go too deep, but killed the little brain demon at a suitable distance, because he also had to take care of the three warrior squads in the back.

Once they send a golden signal to rescue, Zhou Fan will rush to help.

There are two types of signal rescues in Wuying: red and gold. Red rescues can only be solved by warriors at the third stage of Qi Refining. Each of the three, four, and five Wuying has a strong rescue team, which was established to deal with the red signal rescue.

As for the golden rescue, the Taoist cultivator needs to personally take action.

So far, Zhou Fan has seen three red signals for rescue in the area in charge of the military camp.

Even in the periphery, it doesn't mean that you won't encounter powerful little brain demons, otherwise, the previous promotion plan of Yiluan Division will not be so hindered.

Of course, in the peripheral area, the probability of issuing a golden rescue signal is still very low.

Zhou Fan was busy clearing the cerebellum while observing the entire area.

Until the afternoon, the area in charge of the third military battalion raised a signal bomb with a bang, and the signal bomb exploded, turning into a golden bird pattern.

Everyone in the three-battalion area saw the flare.

Golden rescue signal!

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, and he shouted a little.

Xiao Xiao quickly gathered Xiao Xiao, and then flew back to Zhou Fan's body.

As for the little girl who has gone to attract the little brain demon, Zhou Fan didn't wait for the little girl any longer. He had told the little girl before that if he wasn't there, he would get rid of those little brain demons. He was very relieved about the little girl.

He used the teleportation-level movement technique and ran wildly in the direction of the signal bomb.

Those folk warriors in the three-battalion area are fleeing in the opposite direction. They have already learned from the official family that the golden flares represent the appearance of extremely dangerous strange things. They are not here desperately, and of course they have to flee.

Zhou Fan ran at such a high speed, and it only took dozens of breaths to reach the grass where the golden signal flare appeared.

There was a fight on the grass, and hundreds of Yiluan warriors were fighting with dozens of cerebellar demons on the iron or bronze rank.

There are still many martial artists from Yiluan coming to join them.

But the most dangerous is another open space, where twelve high-level warriors are besieging a beast-like cerebellum.

The beast-like cerebellar demon was obviously a tiger when he was alive. Except for the dark green brain ball, its body was golden yellow, and it spewed golden beams of light from its mouth. Countless golden tentacles grew on the tiger's back, attacking the warriors who besieged it. go.

Twelve high-level warriors turned pale from time to time, quickly backed away, shook their heads, and then stepped forward to help. Five people had been slightly injured, and they were obviously just trying their best to support.

Golden rank cerebellum!

This is the golden-level cerebellar demon that only Taoist monks can deal with.

"Get out of the way!" Zhou Fan shouted coldly.

When the twelve warriors saw that Zhou Fan was coming, they all flew back.

Zhou Fan slashed out with one knife, and dozens of looming transparent knife gangs shot towards the golden-ranked cerebellum.

A golden beam of light erupted from the golden-ranked cerebellum There was a rumbling sound from the collision, and the energy storm swept away, setting off gusts of wind.

However, there were still several quick swords that crossed the golden beam of light and shot at the golden-ranked cerebellum.

It's just that the golden tentacles on the golden-ranked cerebellar demon are like frantic whips, smashing and smashing the several quick knives.

Under its weird big head, its golden eyes stared at Zhou Fan indifferently, its body suddenly radiated a dazzling golden light, the golden light spread rapidly, and the grass under its feet turned golden yellow.

The warriors who were still close to it quickly fled away. This is an extremely powerful ability of the golden-ranked cerebellum. It can goldenize everything around it. Once a person is accidentally goldenized, it can never be recovered. , will melt into blood in the moment the golden disappearance.

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