Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1478: puppet guess

Reasonable speculation about how strong he is?

"If you're willing to talk, of course I'm willing to listen." Zhou Fan said, there's no harm in listening anyway.

"Whether it is in the past, present or future, to be able to be so strong, in my eyes only a boat can do it." Yingjiu said in a determined tone, "So my guess is based on this."

"You mean that the ship borrowed not my power, but its power in the future?" Zhou Fan speculated from Yingjiu's words.

"Of course it's impossible." Yingjiu denied: "The boat uses your body, your time law, even if I'm not good at time law, but I also understand that borrowing future power from the long river of time must be borrowing from myself. It is easier to succeed, at least for your cultivation realm, even more so."

Yingjiu said this with a gloomy smile: "My suspicion is that in the future, there is a possibility that you were swallowed by the ship and you became the puppet of the ship, so this borrowed power seems to be yours, but in fact it is Ship, it makes sense why the borrowed power is so powerful?"

Zhou Fan's whole body was chilled, and his heart jumped rapidly. He had to admit that Yingjiu's guess was not unreasonable, but he said, "You are scaring me and trying to alienate my relationship with the ship."

"I really want to alienate your relationship with the ship." Yingjiu said, "But I'm not trying to scare you. You should know better than me in your heart. You can refute my words."

"My cultivation level is not as good as you, so I can't refute you from the front, but I still think you're wrong." Zhou Fan said solemnly: "If what you said is true, then the ship won't let you say it, and then return keep you alive."

"Why didn't the ship let me survive?" Ying Jiu smiled and said, "Do you think the ship will care that I tell this matter? After all, this is just my guess. If the ship really did something to me, it would be a cover-up. ."

"Besides, even if you know it, do you think you can get rid of being swallowed up by a ship and become a ship puppet in the future? It's impossible, unless you die now..."

Zhou Fan was really flustered by what he said, but he still calmly said: "Your guess is ridiculous. If the ship wanted to use me as its puppet, it would have already started. Why wait until the future?"

"Because you are too weak now." Yingjiu said disdainfully, "My guess is that a ship cannot appear in the world at will, so it built a ship, collected us guides, and then let the boarding people come in and pass through. Keep cultivating until a puppet cultivator who can truly accommodate it comes out."

"Such a monk's requirements must be very strict, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate its power at all."

Zhou Fan coughed lightly: "I think the more you say it, the more absurd it is. In fact, I'm not very talented, and I'm not handsome. Why doesn't it choose one of your guides?"

"You are strong and talented. Isn't it easier to train you than to train me?"

"You said that your talent is not good?" Yingjiu sneered: "But didn't you boast that you are a genius of cultivation among hundreds of millions of people? Are you afraid now?"

"I just said it casually, I have never seen you so serious." Zhou Fan said angrily.

"It's really a problem not to choose us as guides." Yingjiu nodded and admitted: "But maybe we don't meet its requirements, don't forget, you have a Pluto inverse chakra body, this kind of devious talent , is originally the most suitable talent for seizing puppets."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are not afraid of damaging your body."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped and he said, "It may be rare for a cultivator to have a reversed wheel body, but for a ship, if it wants to get it, it's not that difficult. It won't wait until now to choose me to do it."

"How do you know that it is only now?" Yingjiu smiled: "Maybe it has made all of your ancestors into its puppets? It's just that you don't know it."

They have all become its puppets... Zhou Fan felt a sense of shivering, and he argued: "If so many Zhou family members become boarding people, even if you don't know, there will be a guide who knows, your words are flawed. A hundred."

Zhou Fan's mouth is naturally the boat kitten.

"This is not certain. You also know that the ship can delete our memory. Maybe it deletes the memory of our guides?" Yingjiu said again.

"If you delete it, you won't find it?" Zhou Fan said coldly: "If the gap is so big, I don't think you need to think about challenging the boat, just jump into the river and die."

Yingjiu didn't get angry, but chuckled: "Because of the big gap, it's more interesting to challenge. Anyway, I've guessed and told you, believe it or not."

"What if I believe it, what if I don't?" Zhou Fan said in silence for a while.

"If you don't believe it, then it's useless for me to say more." Yingjiu's smile narrowed, "but if you believe me, I may be able to help you avoid such a miserable future."

"Why do you want to help me?" Zhou Fan said slowly, "I remember you said you wanted to kill me before."

"That was before." Yingjiu said: "But now the situation has changed, the ship will take you as a puppet, of course I don't want it to succeed, didn't I tell you, I want to use you to fight against the ship? I'll help you, what's so strange?"

"Then how do you want to help me?" Zhou Fan didn't believe it at all, but he still decided to ask.

"I don't want the boat to successfully practice you as its puppet. It seems that there is only one way except suicide, but there are actually many good ways." Yingjiu smiled and took a few steps closer, "Why do you think you could be killed by the boat? As your own puppet?"

"Didn't you say it?" Zhou Fan said, "It's for my Pluto inverse Yes, the Pluto inverse chakra." Yingjiu reached out and touched Mengmeng's cheek, Mengmeng giggled, "So I can take out this deceitful talent for you, and your daughters can also take it out, so that the ship will no longer have no reason to attack you."

"You said that because you covet my Pluto inverse wheel body?" Zhou Fan sneered.

"How can you think of me like this?" Yingjiu sighed and made a somewhat aggrieved expression, "In order to prove that I didn't covet your deceitful talent, I can guarantee that even if the deceitful talent is taken out, I will leave it at your disposal"

"And I guarantee that the way to get rid of the talent of deceitful people is safe and will never cause you any harm. I can swear by the heart of Tao, so you always believe me, right?"

It sounds like it's really good for me... Zhou Fan was silent for a while and sneered: "I don't believe it."

"Don't believe this?" Yingjiu's face turned cold. "Aside from being a better ship, what benefits can I gain by doing this? If I don't believe it, then forget it."

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