Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1486: the law of the heart

The creation of the mind of all dharmas?

"You mean, you did those things just now with your own rules?" Zhou Fan pondered for a while.

Just now, Yingjiu's palm burned, the flame changed color, and her palm recovered. It seemed that she really could do whatever she wanted.

"Of course it is, otherwise what do you think?" Yingjiu smiled and said, "The law of the heart is very complicated, I can only explain it to you like this."

Zhou Fan scratched his head and said, "I seem to understand a little bit. The law of the heart is that as long as you want, you can do anything? It's impossible, right? Is there no limit?"

"For me, it has no limit." Yingjiu laughed again.

"I don't believe it." Zhou Fan doubted: "If this is the case, then if you want to kill the ship, you can directly use the law of the heart, so you can kill the ship? Or does the law of the heart only work on yourself?"

"Of course it doesn't only affect me." Ying Jiu glanced at Zhou Fan, "Your understanding is very wrong, I can urge the law of the heart to kill my opponent, but there is also a confrontation between the law and the law, The ship is very powerful, even if I urge the law of the heart, it will be difficult for me to act on it."

"The strong can't be dealt with. If it can only bully the weak, what's the use of it?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but question again.

"On the contrary, the law of the heart is the most powerful law that the weak overcome the strong." Ying Jiuyin smiled and said, "After listening to it for so long, you must not understand why such a law is classified under the law of illusion, Is it right?"

"I really don't quite understand." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

The law of illusion is like the delusion of the king, which is easy to understand, but the law of the heart does not seem to have any connection with the law of illusion.

"Actually, it is divided into the law of illusion, but it is divided by the monks. It is not necessarily affiliated with the law of illusion." Yingjiu said: "I prefer it to be an independent new system..."

"However, there is a reason for it to be divided like this. Those monks who insist on such a division prefer that it is an illusion, an illusion that can deceive the laws of the heavens, and make the laws of the heavens work as they think. Yingjiu said lightly, "That's why the illusion can be manifested in reality."

Zhou Fan was a little dizzy, Ying Jiu clearly said that the weak overcome the strong, why did he go back to the essence of the law of the heart?

"It's hard for me to deal with a boat like a boat, but a cultivator with the same strength as me, or a cultivator who is stronger than me, has a high probability of winning." Yingjiu said confidently.

Your explanation is really unqualified... Zhou Fan muttered in his heart, and he couldn't help but say, "If a cultivator like the Dragon Lord is proficient in the law of time, would it be you who would win?"

Zhou Fan expressed doubts about this. The Dragon Lord's Dragon God Language is different from his copycat. The Dragon God Language, which the Dragon Lord is proficient in, claims to be able to use all the laws, that is, the final direction chosen by each dragon is different. The Dragon Lord is good at One of the directions of the law is the law of time.

"If she's here, I can have a fight with her, and you'll understand." Ying Jiu said coldly, "What is the law of time?"

As soon as Ying Jiu's words fell, a cloud of gray mist floated up, forming a gray mist figure.

This made Zhou Fan and Yingjiu stunned, but they also received an idea from the ship, saying that this gray fog shadow has the ability of the law of time and can be used to demonstrate.

"This is the best, no matter how much you say, it's better to fight, it's simple and clear." Yingjiu sneered, she waved her hand, Zhou Fan, the Sifang Table and the cradle full of dreams were all pushed to the end of the boat. edge.

Bai Mengmeng's barrier was opened to prevent Zhou Fan and Mengmeng from being affected.

After the barrier opened, the gray fog figure immediately moved, golden ripples filled the air, and everything in the barrier was stopped.

Yingjiu was also stopped by time, but in an instant, her body emitted a dark light, like a black hole, absorbing golden ripples.

The golden ripples of the foggy figure turned into pale gold again.

Ying Jiu's appearance is aging at an accelerated rate, which is the acceleration of time.

But Ying Jiu's appearance quickly returned to youth, but the gray fog figure was constantly aging. Zhou Fan couldn't see it, but the gray fog figure had bent down, exuding the smell of aging.

The aging of the gray fog figure is only short-lived, it quickly becomes young again, it turns back time and restores it.

Yingjiu still stood still, but the gray fog figure could no longer stand, its time could not stop, it was shrinking, until it shrank into a baby, and finally shrank into a fist, and dissipated with a bang.

The victory and defeat were thus decided.

Zhou Fan had no idea what was going on.

Yingjiu stood with her hands crossed, and said with some regret, "It's just a dead thing after all, and it's also a dead thing after mastering the law of time, it's meaningless."

Yingjiu waved her hand again, and the mist rushed in, which transformed the scene of the battle just now, and finally stopped at Yingjiu's body, emitting a dark light and absorbing the golden ripples, she said lightly: "Just now, the gray mist figure used The ability to stop time, you must understand that, but how do I deal with it?"

"I used the law of the heart to create a special light that can absorb time so that I broke free from the control of time stop."

Only then did Zhou Fan understand that the dark light was originally created by the law of the heart.

"After that, it used time to speed up the aging of my life. What I thought at the time was that it was an illusion, and it was the opponent who was aging, so it was aging, and then I recovered." Yingjiu changed the picture and kept explaining: "Finally It uses time travel and allows it to recover on its own."

"I only did one thing, I made it go back in time faster, until it was too late and couldn't stop, and then it couldn't stop, and I was defeated like this."

"In this battle, I always suppressed the law of my heart, and I did not let the power of my law be stronger than its time law, and I did not use any ability."

"Because the law of my heart is weaker than it, I can't force it with the law, but I can push its time law to flow, and the same is true for the aging transformation. As long as I think about it, the law of the heart will be executed directly for me. ."

Zhou Fan felt his scalp go numb. Only then did he truly realize the power of the law of the heart. Compared with the law of time, the law of the heart is a bit weirder. .

"Of course, if this is not a dead thing, but a cultivator who is proficient in the law of time, the response may be faster. If it finds something wrong, it will immediately stop the acceleration or reverse the time." Ying Jiu smiled strangely: "But in the battle In the middle of the front, there are always changes, and he was guided by me to make a mistake, do you think he can still survive?"

Just now, the gray fog figure made a mistake, the law of the heart is unpredictable, this kind of law is simply impossible to guard against.

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