Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1494: daring and loyal

Zhou Fan was sure that when he said he was going to rebel, no force in Hanbei Road would obey him.

The academy branch, the Great Buddha Temple branch, the Hanbei Dao family, the Yiluan Division, these forces are not vegetarians, they have their own loyalties.

And why did he rebel?

Once he said rebellion, maybe the official family would send a very powerful cultivator to destroy him.

Even if he became the Golden Core Realm, he knew very well in his heart. At most, he was barely able to enter the level of the Great Wei powerhouse, and there were still many stronger ones than him.

At least Mr. Duanmu Da of the academy is much higher than him, and he is not an opponent at all.

Even if his strength surpasses that of the academy's big man, behind the big man is the unfathomable academy saint... and he has seen the light from Jingdu.

Thinking of that light, if the target was him, Zhou Fan shuddered, this is no joke.

If it wasn't for Li Jiuyue, Zhou Fan would suspect that the person who said this was hurting him.

Trying to turn Hanbei Dao into your own private territory is actually tantamount to rebelling in disguise. Can you do such a thankless thing?

"Brother Zhou, I didn't ask you to do it all at once." Li Jiuyue whispered when Zhou Fan's mind was turning, "I asked you to make these preparations, otherwise when the situation changes, you will be in danger, and no one will Listening to your order, even the first person they want to kill is you, the titular leader of Hanbei Dao."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "What do you mean, there will be problems with the official family of the Wei Dynasty?"

If not, why would no one listen to his orders, the one designated by the Great Wei official family as the Master of the Way?

However, the official family of the Wei Dynasty has always been strong, and with the help of the academy, the Great Buddhist Temple, and the family, what could go wrong?

"I'm not sure, it's just that such a situation may occur." Li Jiuyue's voice became solemn, "Even if it is a temporary chaos, it will be fatal to Brother Zhou."

"Okay, even if what you said makes sense." Zhou Fan said: "But what should I do? It's impossible to make Hanbei Dao my private territory."

"I don't know about this either." Li Jiuyue said: "Brother Zhou, you need to find a way by yourself, but I think that at present you first need to establish a force of your own, and that force must swear allegiance to you, so when the turmoil comes, you will Not to be alone.”

A force that swears allegiance to itself?

Zhou Fan felt a faint headache, this is not easy, he will be impeached for any overstepping action, but the Zhou family's mortal enemy is eyeing him.

He and Li Jiuyue talked for a while before ending the conversation.

He pondered what Li Jiuyue said, his face dignified like the frozen ice outside the house.

If Li Jiuyue's guess is correct, Dawei will be in chaos...

Is it only possible for Da Wei to be in chaos?

It's not impossible, Mr. Da once told him that every time a catastrophe came, less than 10% of the people who were stronger than Da Wei could survive. How much binding did the officials at that time have on Da Wei?

Moreover, the matter of the impending catastrophe, I am afraid that the upper-level Wei has more or less spread. Under the fear, how will those people respond?

Even if the Dawei official family had anticipated this, changes will still exist. Who can guarantee that the Dawei official family can cope with these changes this time?

Maybe there are already signs of chaos.

Li Jiuyue must have noticed something and said this.

The more he thought about it, the colder his heart became. He never thought about these things carefully. He just thought about the impending catastrophe and wanted to improve his personal strength as much as possible. .

His true essence is strong, he has many methods, and he has the dragon blood to quickly restore his true essence. He is not afraid of any wheel battles.

Even let him hide in the dark, he can slaughter a faction.

But if he is afraid of being besieged, no matter how strong a cultivator is, how many cultivators can he deal with?

If he can't break through and escape during the siege, then he is in danger.

Moreover, if he encounters an enemy stronger than him, he will only have to escape. Once there is a stronger army to assist him, the enemy may not be his opponent.

"It seems that it is still necessary to establish a force that is loyal to myself. Even if it can't help me, it can do other things for me." The more Zhou Fan thought about it, the more he felt that it was necessary.

Li Jiuyue reminded him.

But the question is where to find so many loyal subordinates?

There are many subordinates in the hands of the little girl Chufu, but the subordinates in her hands are all weird, and it is not suitable for the cold weather.

Zhou Fan shook his head. He felt that his head was getting bigger. Du Ni, Yelaitianxiang, Xiong Feixiu were all hired by him, and they all had their own forces or families. If there was any conflict, they would not fight against his employer. That's not bad, thinking that they betray their own power or family is simply wishful thinking.

The only one that is more reliable now is the thin monkey.

If you want people to be loyal to him, unless you ask the other party to make a ghost oath, but it is easier said than done to make a good warrior or cultivator make a ghost oath or a oath of allegiance?

The strength is too poor, and it is not qualified to be used as cannon fodder.

It takes a lot of time and money to build a force that is loyal to yourself. How can it be so easy?

He may not be short of money, but what he wants is to establish such a force as soon as possible, because who knows when Da Wei will be in chaos?

"Where do you think I can find a large number of loyal and reliable subordinates?" Zhou Fan asked Xiao Su with a wry smile.

In fact, he didn't expect Xiao Qian to answer, he was asking himself.

"Master, what's so difficult about this?" Xiao Qian looked at Zhou Fan with an idiot-like look, "You still need to worry about such a simple question, it's not a problem at all, okay?"

"Is it simple?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled and sneered: "Then tell me, how to solve this problem?"

Xiao Ling snorted Her three hairs fell off and turned into three little buns. The three little buns kept splitting, and there were hundreds of little buns in the house instantly.

"Master, look, isn't this your subordinate?" Xiao Ling looked at her children proudly, "They are loyal, reliable and cute, yet you still ask such a stupid question."

Zhou Fan: "..."

"You don't have any duck legs for tomorrow." Zhou Fan said angrily, Xiaoxiao can help a lot, and can be divided into groups during battle, but it's too small to dare to split more than 10,000 Xiaoxiao. Any conflict with the army.

"I'm brave and loyal, since the master wants to buckle my duck legs again." Xiao Su said tearfully.

Zhou Fan knew Xiao Ling's temperament, and after he scolded Xiao Ling with a stern face, he turned his attention to the little sister again.

Little sister: "Wang?"

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